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Everything posted by MaDwurschT

  1. Joa, wir haben auch nicht gelistet - aber es halt auch nicht groß angekündigt. Und wenn Thari und Du uns neulich unter die Nase reibt, dass wir ja bis 2.4 nicht listen, weil uns grad ne Woche lang jemand gefehlt hat, dann müsst Ihr Euch das jetzt wohl oder übel auch gefallen lassen
  2. Joa, is scheinbar unglücklich gelaufen. Aber die Häme kann man den Leuten dann ja wohl nicht verdenken, bei der dicken Lippe, die hier immer riskiert wird
  3. Na komm Spera, die Ironie rettets nach den Ankündigungen nu auch nich mehr, gerade bei "Taten > Worte" D:
  4. Auf welcher Baumschule bekommt man eigentlich beigebracht, dass "wo" ein verdammtes Relativpronomen ist?
  5. Trotzdem war er bei euch in der Gilde?! Naja, bei der Memberfluktuation kann man sich sicher nicht mehr an alle erinnern. :X
  6. Haha, der war gut xD Naja, muss da Achijon schon ein bisschen in Schutz nehmen. Er ist bei ca. 10% der RBG-Spiele auf ToFN dabei, da kann das Ego schonmal ein bisschen leiden. Deswegen muss er wahrscheinlich verbal die Leute niedermachen, in der Warzone kommt er scheinbar nicht oft genug dazu. Aber zumindest schafft Achi es konsequent, nicht ein einziges Komma zu setzen. Das macht es direkt viel entspannter, seine ohnehin dümmlich daher kommenden Posts viel besser zu lesen. Was dem ein oder anderen an spielerischer Leistung fehlt, fehlt ihm offensichtlich an kognitiver. Da liegt wahrscheinlich auch das Problem. ... Lasset die Spiele beginnen Edit@Dome: Unser Sent zieht grad um und is erst Mittwoch wieder am Start. Hätten natürlich auch den Galactics-Staubsauger anwerfen und 234575 Ersatzleute aufnehmen können, nur um sie dann später wieder zu kicken
  7. Das ist ein Rekrutierungsthread einer ToFN-Gilde. Die Frage ist eher, was DU hier machst. Intelligenzbestie. Unglaublich.
  8. Jo, deswegen sindwa auch nach ToFN. Da gibt's endlich mehr Opfer, die wir abfarmen können. Dass du dich für deine dümmlichen Posts hier im Forum nicht langsam schämst.
  9. Kein Wunder, dass du im PvP nix auf die Kette kriegst, wenn du dafür 2 Tage brauchst. Für mehr Noobfilter in Swtor.
  10. Bin immernoch für nen "Tatütata" Rename
  11. Hm yea, dunno what I was thinking. Like your idea alot. It would definitely improve the balance!
  12. Well, entrench is strong but has obvious disadvantages (it's no dmg reduction, you can't move and if you do it just ends, also it can be prevented from other snipers). No other defensive CD makes you completly immune to any kind of damage while you still can do 100% damage yourself. That's the problem here. Take SaberWard from Guardians. Similar CD, similar duration, they can still attack anything but they also can be killed by alot of damage types (i.e. aoe, melee). 4s duration is waaay enough for your healers to get you up again. And if nothing helps, you can still vanish which prevents you from almost all damage aswell. Of course, it's not like noone killed a sentinel in the history of SWTOR so far. In theory you easily can stun them at ~30%HP so that you might nuke them down before they got the chance to activate their CDs. But that, however, is only nice in theory. First of all, good players recognize when they get switched to focus-wise, so they can antizipate this and activate it early enough. You, as focusing team, have now two decisions. Stay on the target doing 4s basicly nothing and wait for the CD to run out. What happens? He just vanishes. Again, in theory, easy to beat. With the increased movement speed it grants he comes away most of the times. Choice two: Swith targets and "later" switch back to the sent, cause guarded by the force is on CD. It's getting ridiculous as soon as the opposing team has more than one sent and your next target is as hard to kill as the previous one. So two possibilites I could imagine: 1. I can see that a 4s def-CD shouldn't have 3mins CD. That'd be crap. I wanna have all classes evenly viable in competitive warzones. Nothing more, nothing less. So, while increasing the CD to for instance 2 mins (and taking out the setbonus so that it stays at 2mins) BW should of course increase the duration it lasts as well. 8s should be fine imo. 2. Don't make it a 99% damage reduction. Do 85%. If I remember correcly you have to sacrifice 50% life (25% if you specc into that talent, right?). Replace it and make it 15% sacrifice generally (of current life of course, not max life).
  13. für unseren thread-close hats gereicht
  14. While the suggestions might be a little, lets say, arguable, this thread has a point. Sentinels do have on of the if not the highest damage output among all classes and ridiculous survivability while providing mandatory utility (transcendence) for the team. You need a Sentinel at the beginning of almost every Warzone (especially HB / CW / NC), you can rely on his huge damage and if you ever faced a team of sents, you'll know how hard it is to kill any of those. Many classes got nice cooldowns, but 45s on the unquestionable strongest CD ingame paired with the ability to vanish is just not balanced. I also like comments like "L2P, just avoid those smashes!". Those are mostly coming from sentinels themselves who obviously wouldn't like to see their class being balanced and the biggest part of those has never competed in any serious ranked Warzone. Alot of good teams don't roll them for no reason. Just increase the cooldown of "guarded by the force" to 2-3 mins like every other strong def-cooldown and decrease the surge gotten from singularity by ~15% However, thanks for your appreciation
  15. Hm joa, fassts ganz gut zusammen. Haben z.B. Hypergate ggn Nostrum gestern auch mit 3 Heilern gespielt. Gegen sonen Smasher-Pain-Train machste mit deinen interruptbaren Range DDs halt original gar nix. Also wird Feuer mit Feuer bekämpft
  16. Es macht den Witz kaputt, wenn man ihn erklären muss, Naid.
  17. Glaube nicht, dass es nach "Gesichtspunkten" geht. Sonst wäre Galactics sicher nicht T1. TROLOLOLOLOLOL
  18. Get a sentinel. Many teams are trying to integrate a lot of different classes to their setup which works perfectly fine to a certain degree. But then again, if your only purpose is to win, roll a setinel.
  19. Habt ihr nich gestern mit 3 Smashern gespielt und seid dann plötzlich nicht mehr sang- und klanglos untergegangen? Naja, über Nacht wahrscheinlich einfach besser geworden
  20. Seriously Bioware, why do you hate the Sentinels so much? I mean they got almost nothing! Their damage sucks balls, they got the least survivability among all classes and their utility is just a bad joke. Damage: You destroyed Watchman and Combat in prior patches, so all that's left is focus. Focus has been one of the worst speccs since launch, I wouldn't say it's as useless as commando healer at this point (in other words: completly.) but you're doomed to be at the bottom in the scoreboard. If you compare threads like this it's becoming obvious that all the sents/marauders were just lucky grinding DPS. Survivability/Utility: Come on, what do we have? - Vanish for 4s with 45s CD with increased movement speed and damage reduction. Sounds bad already, but it comes worse. You're not even getting out off fight like other stealth classes. Can't imagine a greater disadvantage. - 99% damage reduction for 4s for 25% life sacrifice. Probably the worst cooldown ingame. So it's perfectly reasonable that it got the least CD with 45s (u even gotta waste a setbonus on this). - Saber Ward. Heavily increases range/melee defense as well as reduces force/tech damage recieved. Strongest Jugger-Tank CD. But come on, 3mins CD? It's practically never ready. Ever. - 20% damage reduction and reflects damage for 6s while being refreshed for a maximum of 30s. 1 min CD. Seriously. What if you're not being attacked? It's just not getting refreshed! So useless. - 90% accuracy debuff for white damage. I mean, who the heck plays with white damage anyways? So it's not even a CD because you never come to use it with all those sage/mando DDs around. - Transcedence. Simple quesion: What for? Who the heck needs a 50% (80% combat specc lololol) speed buff for all group members with a HUGE CD of 1,5s while providing +10% range/melee defense. But wait, u gotta built centering stacks which you can't get in any reasonable time-frame. Excpet that one CD. And that special combat-talent. But then again, it's all about damage, not about speed. So who cares?! - Inspiration. Seriously, 5mins CD? For a small 15% damage/healing buff on your group members only for 15s. I think I've never seen a sentinel use that before. This is not PvE, Bioware. Geezuz. - Aoe mezz 6s. Mezz?? For christs sake, why would you ever use mezz's? After the next smash dealing approx. 0 damage they're not CC'ed anymore. LOL?? Soooooooooooo in order to make this class finally viable especially for RWZs the following changes are mandatory: 1) Since you nerfed Watchman we got no selfheal anymore. We're probably the only class without a selfheal. I suggest a 1-point talent in focus tier1 which heals your ops-group for the amount of your next smash. It's obviously bound to shii-sho form and can only procc once in 10s. Unless your smash is ready quicker. Then it's simply this freaking cooldown. 2) So many classes got a knockback. However, I feel like a knockback would be a little over the tops. So we should rather be able to pull all enemies in 30m range to us, automaticly resetting smash CD as well as granting singularity stacks and autocrit. You get the idea. 3) "Readiness": Tier 6 focus-tree talent. Resets all cooldowns. 2 force activation costs. 90s CD. I know, pretty long. So every smash should reduce the CD by 10s for a maximum reduction of 60s, of course. Noone wants it to be ridiculous. 4) We got 2 lightsabers. So why does my smash not double the damage a jugger smash does? Doesn't make any sense. Adjust that. Being consistent here, the crits shouldn't nearly double the damage but rather quadruple it. 5) Since we've seen that transcendence is pretty useless we should be able to mount in warzones. Obviously not the whole team. That'd be weird. 6) Having reached 20 killing blows in a single warzone we transform into a majestic unicorn. Why? Unicorns rule. That's why. As I said, those changes are necessary to make this class finally viable for RZWs. I know my suggestions probably won't achieve that, but it's a start. I'm convinced you got some pretty nice ideas as well.
  21. Falsches Forum. Is schon spät. LAWL guckst du hier: http://www.swtor.com/de/community/showthread.php?t=656727
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