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Posts posted by Legendari

  1. Have fun sitting in a queue when everyone else quits because they are tired of losing due to garbage randoms on their team, and then getting shafted on rewards despite however well they did.


    New PvP is crap... Before 1.2, it was actually fun and skill DID put you at the top of the list. Now, it's just whichever team is stacked with the most expertise, even if it's the absolute junk recruit gear.

  2. I don't know exactly what they did to PvP, but I know they screwed it up MAJORLY. I was having a lot of fun in PvP over the last week or so and post 1.2 the amount of DPS flying around is absurd. There is also WAY too much dependence on expertise now as well. It's all out of whack.


    I don't like it at all, and it seems I'm not the only one. On my tank spec assassin, I'm getting ripped to shreds like I'm wearing paper armor in 1.2. Ranged DPS is dropping me so fast, it feels like they are bypassing my armor and defensive stats completely. I can't even put guard on anyone because it's basically insta-death (not that I survive much longer by not using it). Before 1.2, I could go into a Warzone wearing freaking PvE gear and have better survivability than I have now with a full set of PvP gear. It is absolutely absurd. What's the point of being a tank if you can't tank ANYTHING?


    I can only assume that there are some things that are not working as intended, and hopefully they will patch those things in tonight's update. I know one thing for sure, though, they took a feature I was having a great time with and completely trashed it to the point where I don't even want to play this game anymore. Take that for what it's worth, but I plan on speaking with my wallet and cancelling this garbage if something doesn't change. I have better ways to spend my time than this.

  3. When they launched this game, they should have had WAY LESS servers than they did. They overcompensated for the huge initial rush of players and now everyone is paying the price for it. I don't know why they couldn't have just made it so a server was actually an entire cluster of servers and the load was balanced via instances. It would have allowed them to have a lot more players available per server and the populations would still be sufficient now that the initial hype has died down a bit.


    Now, they just have a mess to deal with and will have to consolidate players or implement some kind of cross-server grouping. There's really no practical way to just simply merge servers, as you would have tons of duplicate names, legacies, guilds, etc. to deal with. Just seems like this wasn't very well thought out.

  4. I haven't tried any PvP with my Sentinel yet (currently 41), but I do agree that the class needs some serious improvements.


    I, too, find that there are WAY too many redundant abilities and resources to manage. I recently re-specced from the Focus tree to the Watchman tree because I felt I wasn't contributing enough damage and utility during Heroics and Flashpoints. I still feel quite underpowered. I can't imagine what it would be like in PvP with the lack of damage mitigation and CC the Sentinel has.


    I'm 400 Cybertech and keep my Sentinel upgraded with the best blue armoring and mods I can make every leve there is an upgrade available. Also using the best ear pieces and implants (from my alt) each level. I usually upgrade my hilts every other level as well with either a blue or purple of equal level.


    Currently, I'm on Hoth at level 41 and it's absurd just how much damage I'll take jumping into a group of 3-4 weak trash mobs that are 4-5 levels below me. Saber Ward is about the only skill I have in my entire arsenal that can do anything useful in terms of damage mitigation, and the cooldown on it is way too long (it should be a 1 minute cooldown IMO).


    If I had a bunch of trash gear and wasn't keeping up on my upgrades, I could understand this, but I don't think I should feel underpowered at all fighting stuff five levels lower than me when I have both myself and my companion decked out in orange gear full of high end armoring and mods.


    My alt Shadow, which gets the same attention to upgrades and gear, can solo at-level 2+ Heroics with his healing companion out. I don't really feel like my Sentinel out-damages my Shadow by very much. I'm sure he does, but you can't do much damage if you're dead from lack of decent mitigation.


    So, in short, merge some of the useless skills into worthwhile skills that can be used more often and give the Sentinel some better utility or mitigation for crying out loud :D

  5. I wouldn't mind having some kind of tool to gauge if the choices I'm making with my skill points and gear and making me better or worse. At the moment, I just have to blindly assume that everything just "works". Perhaps that's how Bioware wants to keep it right now because such a tool would quickly reveal balance issues and broken mechanics that might exist in the game, who knows.


    I don't like the idea of people using such features to discriminate against other players, but that type of discrimination is going to happen with our without it. Somebody who sucks at the game could easily sit around crafting themselves top notch gear and still not know how to play their class, while somebody with mediocre gear might be a really good player and out-perform them. Without this type of feature, it will just force people to make the same decisions with less information.

  6. I think there's little incentive to do a lot of the challenging content in the game, or more people would be doing these missions and repeating them daily. When you spend an hour clearing out hordes of elite trash, it would be nice to kill a boss or two at the end and getting something more than a crappy green item and a few hundred credits.


    I really feel the rewards for these missions would be more worthwhile if they did a couple of things:


    1. Improve drop rates in these areas so that you are better rewarded for taking the time to do the missions. Perhaps even raise the item levels a bit so you might even get something worth hanging on to and using in a level or two. Can't tell you how many times a Heroic has been utterly disappointing because the boss drops nothing (or doesn't exist at all). At the very least, give these missions a higher chance of consistently dropping purple item modifications, schematics, etc.


    2. Re-implement the ability to trade commendations toward higher level commendations at reasonable ratio and make commendation drops more common in these areas. This would allow people to get upgrades and gear for their level without skipping large portions of content due to out-leveling it. As it currently stands, you can skip every single Heroic and Flashpoint and still out-level the content just by taking your time and completing all of the missions for each planet. There's no point in me doing a Heroic 4 that's five levels below me and guaranteed to drop nothing remotely useful, let alone repeat it daily...


    With that said, I do think the Heroics and Flashpoints provide some of the most challenging and fun experiences in this game, especially if you are already playing with another person. The rest of the content is so mind-numbingly easy that it's worth doing these simply for the challenge sometimes. They really should be more rewarding for the time investment, though.

  7. The targeting could definitely use a little work. Issues with tab targeting, specifically, have been brought up many times. I do agree that auto-targeting could work a LOT better, as well. One of the biggest issues I seem to have is losing my target during a battle, even if they are still alive. It's especially annoying when fighting large enemies who take up your entire screen, because you often don't notice the target has switched or been lost.


    As for companion talk, I don't really care that much. It's way better than it was in beta and I don't have to listen to every other player's companion shouting in my ear as if I'm standing right next to them (which was REALLY annoying in beta). I think there are plenty more things they could be tweaking of fixing before they waste any more time on this.


    The crew skills mission completion thing is extremely frustrating and also partly caused by the limitations of the UI. Since you can apparently only have two windows open on screen at once, this interferes with item modding, auction house browsing, and many other things that would normally involve two windows already being open.


    In addition, the crew skills completion window should NEVER pop up while you are in combat and should instead go straight to the 'pending' notification in the top right of the screen (and appear the next time you open the crew skills window, if you haven't already viewed the mission results). Judging by a comment in the OP, it is apparently supposed to be working this way already (at least with them going straight to "pending")? I know the stupid windows have popped up for me in the middle of boss fights and other combat, so unless they changed it recently, I'm assuming the above comment is not accurate.

  8. As it stands now. BioChem. Always. Until it's either nerfed or other professions are brought up to its level of usefulness at endgame.


    Hopefully it's not nerfed, because it's a pain to level up (especially compared to Cybertech, which I have at almost 400 on my main).


    It is a pretty good choice, though. I like the re-usable stims, medpacs, etc. I went with the Kinetic tree on my Shadow and when I combine the tanking with a healing companion and Biochem perks, I can solo just about everything (did the lvl 25 Heroic 2+ on Tatooine solo, at level 25, including the boss at the end).

  9. I have a Jedi Sentinel and agree that the armor for Jedi Knights leaves a lot to be desired. I wore the Tython commendation armor (chest piece with no hood) into my 20s, even though I found hooded cloaks with better stats along the way.


    To make matters worse, the JK looks ridiculous in these cloaks because their butt sticks out in a very unnatural way. In addition, having a hood up apparently makes them bald, so any hair style you chose when creating your character is totally negated. Really poor way to handle this.


    The ONE thing every player is going to be looking at for 100% of the time they play this game is their character. I'm hoping they realize this sometime before I'm level 50 and still wearing some ridiculous outfit that looks worse than the gear I had at level 10.

  10. How many respecs does it take to get to a cost of 36k anyway? I've been so cautious about choosing a skill tree that I haven't even spent any points yet (I think I have 11 or 12 unspent at the moment and doing just fine).


    I'm glad they have respec, because I know I'll likely need to take advantage of it once or twice, even with as cautious as I'm being. I don't think it should be used to continually flip back and forth to create whatever character you feel like playing as, but I do think the option needs to be there.


    There are just so many things in each tree that affect skills most players don't even have yet, that there's no possible way to know what to choose if you haven't already leveled a character to 50.

  11. I'm glad to finally be playing the game, but I wouldn't call this EGA a success by any means. I think it was a major communications failure between Bioware and the players, at the very least. The whole thing had such a negative impact on a very large number of people. I'd bet there is a significantly large portion of the player-base who were in some way negatively affected or inconvenienced by how this was handled.


    People sat around waiting, some for days, for invite emails to show up, with almost no information at all as to when they could expect to actually receive them. Groups of friends and guilds became severely fragmented as people received access on different days and different servers. Many people on day two and three were stuck making characters on servers that were already full of people who had been playing for 1-2 days straight, as no new servers were brought online until last night. The list goes on.


    Sure, they could have just opened the flood gates on day one and we'd all be complaining about sitting in 2 hour queues. However, I think people getting in today or yesterday would have gladly taken a two hour queue on day one over a 2-3 DAY mystery queue. I think even people who made it in on day one would have preferred that, if it meant they could play with the people they wanted to play with.

  12. I'm more bothered by the poofy-butt syndrome experienced by male jedi knights, with body type 2, when wearing the robe style that has a belt around it. It makes you look like you're smuggling a jawa behind you.


    People have been asking, for months, for BioWare to add a hood toggle command to raise or lower the hood at will.


    Perhaps that's already on the Wall of Crazy.


    Yeah, the butt thing is awful looking. Really makes the character look ridiculous. It has been this way since beta, but I wish they'd fix it. Not being able to hide the hood is annoying as well, as it seems to totally negate whatever hairstyle you chose. You basically end up with a character that looks completely different than what you created.

  13. Hoping they make these available eventually as well. With the player-base so fragmented due to the staggered launch, it kinda seems like the right thing to do. I just started today and we basically just hopped on the first new server that became available, even though it wasn't the one we wanted to play on.


    Guild-deployments aside, Bioware is kind of attempting to evenly disperse players as if everyone is playing by themselves. I think it has made a bit of a mess so far.

  14. They need to put some new servers up already... been waiting since 1:15 this afternoon for a new server to be added. Really don't want to make a character on a server that is already full of people who have been playing for three days straight.


    I know Bioware wants to spread everybody out and everything, but I'll wait until launch if I have to. They may as well put some more online, they'll need them on the 20th anyway, so this is just silly.

  15. These threads are so stupid... It's not a "free gift", so stop acting like Bioware is just doing everyone some big huge favor by having early game access. Seriously, how naive are people?


    To them, this IS launch and they are using EGA as a method of throttling the masses of players that are trying to play the game at the same time. These days, it's almost necessary to have some kind of early game access. It allows many people to get the client installed (and patched) ahead of launch day, and also clears out the starter areas so there aren't 3 million people trying to do the same quest five minutes after game goes live. It's not bad for marketing as well, just look at how many people pre-ordered this for the "early access". There's far more benefit to Bioware and EA for doing this than for the players.


    Everything about EGA is geared towards smoothing out the game's launch and getting more people to pre-order and ultimately purchase the game.


    Is it nice for the players, too? Sure, that's how most people will perceive it. Just don't be so naive as to think that they are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. I can assure you they aren't.

  16. Should have just waited for new servers to come online, which will undoubtedly happen tonight during US primetime. I was invited today as well and I'm not even going to waste my time on a server that has been up for 3 days with people power-leveling on it. I'll wait for a new server and it will be like playing on day one. Smartest thing to do IMO.


    I do feel bad for people who are stuck joining launch servers because their friends / guildmates have been playing on them for days. I think Bioware really screwed up that aspect of the launch. Luckily, all the people I intend to play with will be hopping on a new server around the same time I do.

  17. Can't seem to win with this pre-order situation. Cancelled Amazon orders a while back to get Collector's Editions with in-store pickup at BestBuy. Got screwed out of early access so far because I never entered my August pre-order codes and instead waited to enter the codes for the CE (Amazon mentions nothing about early access order being determined by the order you redeem your code). Did this November 29th, so not even sure I'll get in tomorrow.


    When they went back on the grace period and said there would be none, I thought the in-store pickup would be the best bet of getting back in game after they locked us all out on the 19th. Now, it looks like everyone ordering from Amazon is going to have their copy in hand well before the 20th and I'll probably still be locked out on the 19th and stuck having to pick up the game on the 20th...lol.


    Not sure why it would kill them to at least have a 24 hour grace period. Seems kind of stupid to lock people out at 10pm on the 19th if some of them can't pick the game up until the next day. After seeing some posts about the mediocre collector's edition store, it has me pretty tempted to just cancel those as well and order from Amazon again. Especially since the security key and digital items can be bought separately anyway.

  18. I'm not associated with BW, but I'd think this is exactly what they plan on doing. If they were going to open servers for todays invites they would probably have done it much earlier.


    Well, these could also be to catch the overflow of people hopping on at US prime time tonight (people from today's waves who are getting home from work, etc.), if they think the existing servers won't be able to handle it.


    I do hope these are for tomorrow's waves, though, as it will mean there's a silver lining to getting access tomorrow instead of earlier today.

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