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    Washington, US
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    Making and doing stuff.
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    Making things for stuff.
  1. BioWare intends on adding more functional chairs in the future.
  2. BioWare has another couple patches of triage mode left before they can start pumping out non-bug fixes (nice things) steadily. Many of these things are on their radar, they'll be a bit though.
  3. Mouse over your stats in the lower half of the character/companion window for a detailed breakdown of how your damage is calculated.
  4. https://twitter.com/#!/JamesOhlen/status/144894368254410752
  5. I don't think escaping a train of mobs is an intended function of the speeder.
  6. Have you tried playing around with your camera settings? Also, try unbinding your 'Camera - Zoom In' key, or bind a key to 'Camera - Max Zoom Out'
  7. I leveled a Sorcerer as healing until just recently, my advice is don't unless you seldom do anything other than group/PvP. It's painfully slow to quest with in respect to the other two damage trees, and quests are the quickest way to level. Your companion won't have dying problems if it has adequate gear for the zone you're in, and you can still toss heals. If you're still worried, carry around some medpacks that heal yourself and your companion in case.
  8. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=90318
  9. Not staggering their maintenance cycles is a bit disappointing. Although Europeans posting on this forum are going to have a difficult time getting sympathy from the majority of people not affected by this, especially on the general forums where there's oh so much more important stuff to complain about.
  10. Census websites usually come as the results of mods. I doubt BioWare would be developing one any time soon, and due to server stability I doubt they'd at the idea of letting mods spam their servers with /who also. If you were curious enough, you could do it yourself. Just make a character on each side and /who occasionally and jot down numbers. It would help if we had server forums, too.
  11. Mods seldom unbalance a game. The modding community can only do as much as the game would allow them to do. They can be anything from a simple dance macro to complete UI overhauls.
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