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Posts posted by Boissi

  1. I have a 6core amd processor, GF 460gtx and 4gb of ddr3 ram, and the performance for me is appalling. I play with most of the sliders on their lowest possible setting to get bearable fps in warzones, but still the load times are huge, and there are still the occasional fps drops, and honestly the avarage fps is still like 15-30. Opening the inventory etc does cause a hickup, as does getting a kill in ilum. Also, the game starts running slower and slower the longer it is on due to memory leaking. After some hours it will start being almost unplayable, which means it's time to restart the game. Just quitting the game takes like 2-3 minutes at that point.


    I honestly don't know how people can defend the engine. If a rig that can run every other new game with great fps on very high settings can't properly run this game, then there is something seriously wrong here. It's hardly the fault of the user, is it? The especially weird thing is that people with worse rigs get much better performance.


    This is really my only problem with the game itself, and because Bioware doesn't even seem aware of the problem, I'm pretty worried that I'll never be able to run this game as well as I should be able to run it.

  2. They're definitely worth it, and not just to replace gear with the columi drops, but just because you can better mod your existing columi/rakata gear with better enhancements. As an example for a dps class: replacing accuracy or alacrity enhancements (all the rakata gear offers for certain sets) with surge. As a pvp-player over rank 60 I can do it quite easily with champ gear, but if you're not over valor 60 or a strict pve player, then columi gear is the only way to go, because getting good enhancements to drop in operations is really rare. So just use commendations to buy helmets / gloves or run the instances that drop those, and get crit/surge enhancements (or you can get power/surge enhancements off agent gear) and put them in place of the alacrity/accuracy ones for a dps boost.


    Same goes for tank gear, and even healer gear. Tank gear has SURGE in it, which is pointless, and also too much accuracy. Healer gear is the same as for dps sorcs: tons and tons of alacrity. Columi gear has a much better balance of stats than Rakata, so even if you lose a few stat points, you'll increase the stats that are actually good for you.


    Now sure, you can do this on operations too, but it takes a damn long time. Even if you just run a daily BP every day that'll help plenty. 30-40 minute flashpoint and drops the gloves, and you don't even have to settle for your own drops. If there's no agent in the group, for example (happens often), you can ask if you can need for them.

  3. Yes, true. Helping good guys vs helping good guys, but one is bad. Go figure. I wouldn't mind, but there are still the restrictions on relics that are really bothersome pre-50. My 29 BH is still neutral, and so can't use any relics. Gotta run some BT one of these days, but it's just a time waste.


    Luckily after 50 there is no need for ds/ls points. But then again, nor are there any ls/ds decisions to speak of either.

  4. Nobody knows how much pvp you need to do for the war hero gear, so it's a bit premature to be whining about it. I highly doubt it will be a quick and easy way to get the best gear.


    If you are referring to the blue set they'll be selling for creds, well, as a pve player you can get equal pve gear by running dailies/using the GTN, and modding orange gear. Not to mention that you get columi gear, which is champ-level gear, by running hardmodes, which are really not hard at all, and most (all?) of them can very easily be done as a fresh 50.


    There is no great injustice here. Gearing for end-game pve is faster than for end-game pvp (in a manner of speaking..) at the moment, but the gap is being shortened in the next patch.

  5. If you are a pve'er also, and you want a crystal of different color to everyone else in a warzone, you can take the crystal off a pve weapon, like rakata, buy a crystal off the vendor, and have a bm-level saber right there. Expertise has a fairly low soft-cap anyway, so you don't really need to have more on your weapon.


    Now, of course, it's not like the +41 is going to make a massive difference either, but it's still cool that they give you the option of having expertise on a weapon other than the pvp-version.

  6. I checked wookiepedia, and this is the list that it presents, with the dead people removed.


    Darth Arctis

    Darth Decimus (edit: apparently reps get to beat him, so remove)

    Darth Howl

    Darth Marr

    Darth Mortis

    Darth Ravage

    Darth Vowrawn

    Darth Zhorrid (edit: or Jadus or neither depending on IA storyline)

    Kallig (Sith Inquisitor)

    Skeletal female Dark Lord (I guess she never talks)

    Unidentified Dark Lord (featureless iron mask) [same deal as above?]

    Hooded Dark Lord (and again)


    Baras will either die, be imprisoned, or be banished.


    Malgus was never in the council. (and is dead anyway..)


    I think that could be a fairly complete list of the people in the council. 3 people whose names we don't know, and always the possibility there are some in the council we've never seen. You'd think they'd give the seats of the dead men to others.

  7. Just beware, wookiepedia is full of incorrect information as well depending on the topic.


    There are TONS of star wars books, comics, etc. The SW universe has expanded damn far. Most of the EU-stuff is crap, naturally. Even the gaming EU sucks, except for Bioware's creations of course. There are a handful of worthwhile reads on the novel front though. But yes, reading wookiepedia is probably the best way to see all the stuff that's happened in the EU. Doesn't waste as much of your time as reading the crap books and comics.

  8. Incorrect, Malgus is an apprentice to another Dark Council member, probably Marr? Maybe Ravage. Anwyays


    Malgus is dead


    I'm pretty sure that's not true. We actually see him killing his master in one of the CGI vids. I doubt he got another one.

  9. I think it's right after corellia, so you will have to do a planet without Kaliyo. I personally had to spend close to 0 credits to gear the new droid up: she was so high level when I got her that her gear was already decent. I just made her some implants and bought an earpiece or something, and then I was good to go. Take her quest rewards as well. Should be fine.
  10. Imo there is surprisingly little RNG in this fight. The one thing I have a problem with is getting trapped when you're targeted by a ball. Sometimes that can turn ugly, but not all that often. Other than that it just takes coordination. If you have a healer cycloned and trapped, then just call it out and dont eat balls until at least one of them is out again. The balls can be kited for as long as is needed. There is barely any raid damage other than balls, and even tank can survive for a very long time without a single heal. The fight comes down to pretty much nothing but coordination. The bugs people keep reporting barely ever happen to my raids these days.


    And the power core thing is always (I hope) because you didn't kill them in order. Not killing them in order does screw it up at least.

  11. If you only pvp, then legacy levels don't do crap for you anyway. Another surprising fact: there are better ways of getting money than warzones! Also, getting pve gear is easier by doing pve than pvp!


    But try getting pvp gear by doing something other than pvp.


    Sheesh, stop with the whining. Everyone is getting "screwed out of" something by your logic.

  12. 30 or 35? That's 2-3 bm bags. Way too much. You'd get bm gear far quicker than you get champ gear.


    Also the problem with these commendation trades even if the trade ratio was somewhat more realistic is that some people would just not buy any champ items at all, and save up their commendations to get like full bm gear as soon as they hit valor 60. They can't really implement any sort of trading of commendations for this reason.

  13. For me, post-RotJ EU doesn't exist. Everything I've ever heard about it is just incredibly stupid, and if I took it seriously, would ruin the movies for me. Hence I will say that while Palpatine may have been the greatest sith lord ever due to his accomplishments, he was far from the strongest of all time, whatever Lucas may have once said. I can either take the word of a guy who made his last great Star Wars contribution in 83, and who obviously loves his own work beyond all other (naturally), or trust my own sense, and I guess the choice is pretty easy.


    But while I don't acknowledge post-RotJ EU, I'm fine with everything that happened before the movies. That's like history, after all. In raw, destructive power I would give my vote of confidence to Darth Nihilus from Kotor2. Given time, he would've killed the whole galaxy, and without the need for a war doing half the work for him. Unfortunately he bumped into the only person in the galaxy who could counter him: the Exile. He was just too dumb to win in the end. Lots of powers, yet nothing else.


    The Emperor is pretty much the perfect package. The scheming, the immortality, the insane power. Seems to be in total control all the time, and even the great masters of the jedi order fall victim to his mind control. The JK story line does make him seem weaker than he really should be, though, or maybe we're just supposed to believe that the JK is the greatest force user the galaxy has ever seen, or most likely we'll one day get a better explanation once the class stories continue. Whatever. I think the Emperor is the greatest.

  14. For leveling I'd go for either full lightning or high madness personally. I leveled as lightning until 45, and it works wonderfully for leveling thanks to lightning storm procs. Your spec seems a bit lacking. Your lightning storm procs depend on you spamming either force storm or lightning strike, yet your wrath procs depend on you spamming force lightning. Pick one, imo, meaning either go full on lightning or full on madness. Lightning barrage is an amazingly good skill as well. Affliction isn't worth applying on normal mobs, but it's well worth it on strongs and elites for the proc. You don't necessarily have to increase its duration for leveling, but in the endgame that skill is great.


    My suggestion would be to start with full lightning, and if you wish to, in the later levels (late 30s) respec and put 13 into lightning for lightning barrage and chain lightning, and the rest into madness to get death field and wrath etc. Both builds offer very strong aoe as well as single target dps.

  15. Against a boss, no, I'd never interrupt the force lightning.


    In pvp, hell yes I'll interrupt it for a chain lightning. Against trash, hell yes. No point interrupting against single targets in high health, but if there's quick aoe to be done, or if the mobs are going to die very soon anyway, that extra tick just isn't necessary imo. This is of course assuming a situation where you don't need to conserve force. So I wouldn't waste free damage against boss adds unless I seriously had no issue with force. (never happens to me with 13/28)

  16. Bolster works far better than some of you give it credit for. At level 11 I did 280k damage in a single huttball match on my powertech. At freaking 11. My overall damage hasn't really gone up in the 15 levels since then, but I do have some nifty tools that I didn't have then, of course. Sure, if you twink a 49 in full epics, he's going to rule the field. I've done it twice, and it's fun, but since he will hit 50 at some point, it doesn't matter that much. Twinked out 49s are a very very rare sight. The playing field is incredibly balanced at 10-49. A good lowbie player will win out against a good high level player. I've never been in a situation with my powertech where I've thought "crap, I can't beat that guy 1on1". I always know it's possible.


    But oh well, I do enjoy 50 bracket as well. The downside to those is that the differences between the teams can be quite huge, especially if it's premade vs pug. Especially huttball with a well geared BM+ tank and somewhat decent healers is a lost cause if you're in a pug. You never ever have that pre 50, and they actually rely a lot more on teamwork and passing, which is weird. The problem pre 50 is that there are a LOT of seriously bad players, most likely newbies, who don't really know their class yet. It rarely bothers me though, but can make some huttballs fairly painful.


    TLDR: Bolster works, and makes pre 50 incredibly balanced, but it's still no more fun than at 50.

  17. The sith rule, and the rest follow. The rulers aren't always popular, especially rulers like the Sith who believe they can do whatever they want. The empire was created by a Sith, who also happens to be the emperor. So while there are patriots who really believe in what the empire is doing, they can still hate the sith themselves, and believe the empire would be better without them.
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