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Posts posted by Boissi

  1. It is sort of hard to be called "story mode", but then the loot in there is really good as well. I think if they ever decide to nerf it, it'll have to be after nightmare comes out. I'm not sure it needs any nerfing though. I cleared the place tonight, and every fight was just all about learning the tactics. There wasn't any insanely intense healing needed, or difficult enrage timers, or anything like that. You just need the raid to understand the mechanics. We made mistakes and wiped several times, and we were fairly well geared, but it all came down to just knowing the tactics, as it should. Once we had them sorted out, and people made less mistakes, the bosses were really easy. If even guilds are having trouble with the first boss on your server, well.. you have pretty poor guilds. It was an incredibly easy fight. So easy and boring that I actually had to think real hard to remember what that fight was.


    I will admit that the last boss might be a bit overtuned for pugs. There's a pretty big dps-check in there, though it can be helped with some well-timed stuns. But I don't want the place to be nerfed yet. I want pugs to experience the instance as it is, and know the feeling of downing a hard boss. Casual guilds should definitely be able to beat every boss in there, no question. I think the name "story mode" is quite dumb, because it's not like you go in there to just watch some cinematics. If one likes story and doesn't like raiding.. I suggest youtube. Arguing that even people that don't like raiding and don't want to learn encounters should be able to beat it seems really stupid, but I guess that's bioware's fault for coming up with "story mode." If it was still just normal mode people wouldn't make this argument.. or at least it'd be easier to dismiss it.

  2. I've always thought snipers should have some sort of a stealth as well, though like the above posters said, only useable in cover, so you can't move in it. It would still fit in really well with the concept of a sniper: shooting first from a good vantage point. Would make snipers better at defending objectives in alderaan and novare coast.


    It might be a bit imbalanced at the moment though, but maybe one day.

  3. Agent > Warrior=Knight >> Bounty Hunter >>>>> Inquisitor


    My 2 cents; haven't played the other 3 far enough to judge. Warrior and agent are both great choices as far as the story goes, but warrior gameplay, even if you don't pick your mirror AC, will be very similiar to your knight, so agent is my recommendation.

  4. Maybe someone has brought this up already, but let me just say that dailies and weeklies also give commendations, and if they haven't changed the values, then it's 99 warzone comms and 99 ranked warzone comms (iirc). Don't really know if there are two dailies anymore, but that's still 8x99+(8x99/3) = 1056 ranked warzone commendations a week for completing quests, double that if there are still two dailies and weeklies.
  5. Imo there's no point in adding ranked warzones until we have cross-server queues or server merges. Far too few players on most servers for ranked atm. You'd just see 8 man groups against pugs all day, and likely pretty huge queues for them. I for one am glad ranked warzones aren't out yet, and it has nothing to do with class balance, which is imo fine (except huttball obviously).
  6. So I was just wondering if anyone has any input on the best low level pvp spec. Patch 1.2 rolling out today and I'll start leveling up my Sniper with all that new legacy stuff (level 11, just waiting for the legacy armor to mod the **** out of that gear). Mostly going to pvp, with some questing thrown in between for variety. I believe I'll end up going for a cull spec at the higher levels (hybrid or full, we'll see), but the lethality tree doesn't seem all that good to me until level 30 for that cull, and maybe not even then..? I really don't know. I don't mind respeccing at times, so does anyone have any thoughts on how the skill trees work out at the lower pvp bracket?
  7. Let me tell you why this theory makes no sense:


    Melee with a lightsaber is energy damage, just the same as your lightnings. The bosses reduce the incoming damage by the same amount, whether you use powers or melee, but your melee can miss, while your powers can not. Your positioning doesn't matter, because no boss has an attack they can't do even if you're close. And more to the point: even if they did have such an attack that you could avoid at melee range, you still wouldn't use melee attacks, because you could just run into melee range and use your force powers. You do a LOT more damage with your force powers than with you melee if you're playing a sorc, and I doubt anyone can possibly think otherwise.


    Also, this theory seems to indicate that an Assassin would be better suited to take down his class boss than a sorc, who faces the same exact boss, because he mostly uses melee attacks.


    And since I'm still going: I've never ever wiped on a class boss even after leveling 4 characters through their class questline, and I've never done anything as stupid as going melee on my sorc or trying to ranged dps on my juggernaut (however that would even work...).


    So yes, a weird tip, and I cannot for the life of me understand how you came to this conclusion unless you're trolling.

  8. Atm a hybrid sorc has pretty huge reliable burst potential actually. Double LB FL followed by instant CL and deathfield with recklessness. That's at least 12k damage, potentially much higher with relic/adrenal, in 4 gcds. This of course takes a bit of setting up, like an affliction proc and recklessness up, but I do this combo often, and it usually results in a very dead person unless someone manages to interrupt me. Can follow with a shock crit too if you go for the stalker set bonus, which I have.


    Well, this is now, but won't be happening in the next patch anymore. Full madness doesn't even get LB. I just can't see myself playing a dps sorc in pvp in 1.2. I don't like dots. Lightning burst doesn't really even compare, but I suppose I'll have to try it one of these days.

  9. For pve:


    Powertech Tank

    Marauder dps

    Merc dps

    Sorc healer


    After the patch though, maybe I'd go something like:

    Assassin tank

    Marauder dps

    Merc dps

    Operative healer


    For pvp, maybe something like:

    Assa tank (dps gear, aka hybrid)

    Juggernaut dps (possibly replace with a marauder, but I like a jugg's utility more atm)

    Operative healer

    Sorc healer (or even dps)


    Very much with huttball in mind, since I'm thinking of imperials and huttball on most servers is what they get, but without gimping the team in other warzones as well (like if I went all sorcs + juggs, which would work even better for huttball). 1.2 might drop sorc and jugg off my dream team though, because less huttball and quite a pesky sorc nerf, possibly replace with a marauder and a sniper/pyro powertech. Op healer + assa tank are there to stay though.

  10. I've got 1-6, a d f g z x c v b t y h and shift modifiers for the more reachable keys. I use Q and E for strafing. I only have 2 buttons on my mouse, but it's fine. All my characters have enough keybinds, although my Juggernaut did have to invent some extra ones that others don't need. That class just has so many abilities.
  11. Some thoughts:


    Both agent voices are great. The male one just fits an agent so well. It's like he never has to raise his voice, even when intimidating others. Great flirts too. Female is great as well. Planning on leveling up a female sniper just to enjoy the voice acting more. Overall I think the agent has my two favorite voice actors in the game. What also makes them great is that they sometimes drop the accent when going undercover. It's a nice little touch.


    SW male I also like. I don't quite like him when going lightside, but that may just be because I'm playing a mostly DS character and can't quite picture him as good. He does the crazy DS stuff well, though I prefer the more subtle approach to evil, and ended up not picking most of the "stupidly evil" choices. His last class quest moments are the most fantastic moments in any story I've played so far, and it mostly comes down to how awesome he sounds when given great lines.


    Both Inquisitor voices I'm kind of indifferent about. Female is alright, but leaves no impact, and the male I actually dislike quite a bit. Maybe it's just the heavy accent, I dunno, but I don't like it at all. His voice is what kept me from rolling a sorc as my first character, so I should actually be thankful, because my Jugg ended up being the perfect choice.


    All the Jedi male voices are too bland and boring to me. Same goes for Consular female. I like the JK female voice, though I couldn't imagine her going darkside. As the great hero of the game she is good. Actually has some emotion behind her speech.


    Commander Shepard is good. Haven't played her past coruscant though, so maybe the complaints in this thread are valid, but I would still pick the female voice any day.


    Female Smuggler hasn't gotten so much as a mention is this thread I think, but I really like her. She's just so very funny, and the voice doesn't sound forced at all, unlike the male smuggler voice. Great lines and great delivery. Check out some comedy compilations in youtube or something, and you're bound to love her.


    BH male is like I'd imagine a BH to sound. It's not really "good", but it is entertaining, and fits my BH well.


    The only two classes I can't find a voice I really like are the Inquisitor and Consular classes, which are actually mirrors of each other. Weird. Inq female is decent though, but the other 3 voices I just can't get into at all.

  12. Atm it's definitely a pyro powertech and its vanguard mirror spec. Operatives with all cooldowns up can come close, as can snipers and mercs in an open area where you can't los them, but a pyrotechs can't really be kited, and have the biggest potential burst in the game, although it's very RNGish. The nerf next patch won't really make that big of a difference. You don't need to spam railshots to get a big burst. Detonator+flame burst+railshot is easy 12k damage if everything crits, and that's just the beginning of their rotation.


    Inf assassins also burst high (8k shocks, yay), and more reliably if the crit cooldown is up. They're just easier to get rid of than a powertech pyro. The healers I pvp with hate nothing more than a pyro powertech.

  13. Over 9000. That was a 50 juggernaut against lowbies back in the days of shared warzones, before surge nerfs and everything. Also, buffs stacked more.


    In the past weeks, after surge nerf and everything, the highest I've personally done is around 6300, smash. just around 5000 is more common though.


    On my sorc the highest I've gone is around 4.5k deathfield. Mostly champ, some BM gear, and that with adrenal or expertise buff + relic. 4k crits are very common, 4.5 not so much.

  14. Less than 300k damage (just 8 kills) and 50k healing sounds like a sorc tbh. Most likely an inaccurate scoreboard. I wish you'd checked the medals to see if he even got a 5k medal.
  15. My thinking is that all of my alts are bastard children of my Warrior main (pureblood male), even my Jedi Knight. You know, he went from port to port, leaving surprises. My operative and my incoming sniper (just waiting for legacy to level her) are twins, but they don't know that, since the Empire snatched them when they were still too little after their mom tried to bomb Korriban, but both eventually ended up in intelligence. JK is a miraluka, mother died giving birth, got taken in by the jedi, hopefully will have an epic reunion for the fate of the world one day. BH is Kaliyo's brother (yeah, I just want to have a small world), but mom abandoned him at birth so they don't know each other, and they do have different dads. He was raised by the StarWars equivalent of wolves (whatever habit Rattatak) until at age 6 he found a blaster and learned to raise himself. Also, that makes my SW almost like Kaliyo's step-dad. She just is my favorite companion. My Inquisitor's family got taken in as slaves, and ironically she's now almost as high up as daddy. No one knows about each other though, and that's the way I like it.
  16. I'm pretty sure I've topped damage in almost every game since level 11 on my powertech. Now at level 34, and my overall damage hasn't really even gone up. I did 290k damage in my first huttball at level 11 (granted, I was just focusing on getting kills since my level didn't really help in the actual scoring), and I still haven't broken 300k.


    More abilities, sure, which means more utility, but it's a handicap that's actually smaller than having a freshly dinged 50 in a level 50 warzone.

  17. Your guildies are kind of dumb, or some of them are. I often come against friends and guildies, and we have a laugh about it, often them joining us in vent as we vow to do nothing but focus the lone guildie for the entire game. It's just a game. If your guildies are being a dick about it, then it's their fault, but if some people are really taking getting beaten so seriously, well, you probably don't want a guy like that in your guild.


    Also, just thinking about the queues without same-faction warzones.... makes me shudder.

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