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Everything posted by ageNtreachery

  1. I have 5 mins CD on quick travel and there is no way i'm running all that way back
  2. Dude, that crack is designed to keep idiots occupied for months. Wake up.
  3. Yes, you are are right. I absolutely miss tripping over people while questing. It is so much fun in other games getting you nodes and quest items ripped off while you were clearing a mob. And people 20 deep at mailbox and Auctioneer so that you cant click them, who could have possibly forgotten how much fun that was. Do us all a favour and take a hike, you starwow people are absolute poison for this game.
  4. You made a start but still have things to do. [x] Make thread about how you are 50 and have nothing to do. [ ] Make BW you fail because of ______ thread [ ] Make angry thread about slicing [ ] Ask what BW have been doing for 5 years thread [ ] Make thread about why 'mmo of choice' does something better. etc,
  5. Warrior/Knights are probably the worst as they have skills with CDs and weak copies with no CD. I have a BH which is better as they have a bunch of skills with either damage so low they are not worth a gcd or heat so high its not worth using which I can leave off my bars.
  6. It has to be the dumbest message ever invented to tell you your quest log is full.
  7. Enjoy it while it lasts, the Starwowers are here and trying hard to **** it up.
  8. I am 41 on my BH with a 60/40 light/dark and there hasn't been anything drop that I couldn't have put on if I wanted to. There is so little locked gear your alignment is pretty much irrelevant unless you are looking for a specific appearance.
  9. haha, I always wondered what sort of person got sucked into that crap you do that ,and please take everyone with you that want to turn this game into starwow
  10. appearance system that fails completely at level 50, no appearance tab
  11. Because we enjoy setting up our characters look and don't give a **** about wearing a scorecard.
  12. Haha classic, so if cut away all the crap, you are going to do exactly what you want (which is great and what mmo's are all about) and you want a prize for it (which is about the most amazing level of entitlement I have seen in these forums and that saying something)
  13. So where does Grey 5 come from? is that when you have a perfect balance between dark and light? People on this bandwagon keep talking about being able to choose randomly instead of going mostly light of dark but the reality is that they are going to regiment their choices just as much as anyone to maintain a false balance.
  14. Tell me, how many 'grey options' did you choose and how many grey points do you have?
  15. By, and don't forget to take the people who wants to turn this into starwow with you.
  16. lol, If you unsub you wont be able to whine in the forums so I doubt you will do that.
  17. Its entitlement if they are in the forum pretending to be hard done by because the badly tuned mechanic they were exploiting got fixed.
  18. haha, someone set their pet on OP and it killed him.
  19. I would rather they focused on content for everyone rather than digital viagra for a few.
  20. BS, considering the amount of threads you are creating on the subject i'd say you are totally cut, but don't stop, its pretty funny watching you waterboard yourself with you own tears.
  21. haha, You found an unbalanced system and exploited it, grats, now it is fixed. Go find another exploit and make the most of it before its fixed because nobody is buying your fake hard done by act.
  22. I cant believe people are getting bunched panties over this. They missed an unbalanced system in game and we abused as hard as we could. They now have the data on the literally millions of transactions that we did and they plugged the hole. It was a scam and we made the most of it while it lasted so at least have the grace to take it on the chin now its over instead of this fake hard done by act.
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