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  1. Muss jedes Mal lachen wenn ich mir solche Whinethreads im Forum anschaue und habe echt Mitleid mit den Leuten die hier konstruktive Kritik erwarten oder anbringen wollen. bestätigt mein Vorurteil das 90% aller Forenuser leider wenig Erfahrung mit PvP-Systemen haben und dennoch das Gegenteil behaupten
  2. Came across this issue and repspecced Hybrid Vengeance/immortal ( obv. without 31points in Immortal ). For playing in a pvp-group this is really good though it lacks a little dmg ( since im playing with 2 good dpsers we haven't come across 1 healer we couldn't melt ) , you are nearly unkillable with decent gear. You convinced me to try out Veng tho ^^
  3. how do you compensate the lack off Hard-CC on your side ? I quite enjoy having backhand and Force Choke ( without channel-time ) to assist a mdps or just melt healers ( rupt, cc , rupt , cc ^^ ). Is Impale dmg worth it trying this spec instead of a 23/16/2 ?
  4. i don't think u can use Pommel Strike at Darth Baras ^^ The Fight is pretty easy if you use Quinn and maneuver Baras away from your compagnion. I didn't even use all defensive CDs i had up.
  5. The only Stuns working are "Backhand" ( 21 points in Immortal spec ) , "Force Choke" ( 21 points in Immortal you can get it to work without channel-time ! ) and "Crash" ( 2s stun on Force Charge ) which is also located in the Immortal tree. You get a 6s AoE Mez called "intimidating roar" in later levels ( regardless of your spec ). I personally feel that if your grouping with a good MDPS, Immortal Spec would be the way to go since you can use CC on targets and protect them really well. Vengeance/Rage is good for having big Crits with full Gear ( i personally dont think an endgame-geared Juggernaut on DPS-Spec not in Soresu-form will survive any sort of serious DPS ). I just recently hit 50, so i dont have the best gear and have still not decided which PvP-Set to buy. Maybe combining two 2piece-bonusss will be a good way to go ( since you can switch out Mods maybe you can gear offensive with defensive setpieces !? ).
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