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Posts posted by Xadd

  1. LOL you've been waiting for like 2 weeks most of us have been waiting months if not years


    Wrong. I pre-ordered last week and I've been waiting for this game since before it was even announced. I didn't have the money at the time pre-orders went up and with the large amount of games coming out between then and now, it's kinda hard to save up enough cash, plus college and gas which take a good chunk out of my wallet.



    Sorry, most people who pre-ordered have most likely been waiting for this game for a long time and are extremely anxious to play finally.



    As for OP: I think it's incredibly silly if they save December for Friday. What's the point? If you take care of October and November, why not just throw the smallest amount of pre-orders in with it at the end? BioWare took care of what, 2 months and a few days today, and that was before the addition of new servers. Going to be pretty silly if they don't end up inviting December tomorrow.

  2. I think your hopes are good. They only said 4th wave has been sent. They would of said like yesterday and said final wave sent if the waves were over. Just my OPINION VIRTUAL PUNCHES EXCEPTED HERE!


    I've been thinking this since they tweeted/posted on FB that the 4th wave went out. Yesterday when they sent out the 5th wave, they said the final wave. Today, while Stephen did say Four waves, why not just say 4th and Final wave on Twitter/Facebook? I mean, they could just be thinking, "Oh well 4th wave and people just know that's all for today." But wouldn't you say like yesterday, "check back tomorrow morning at whatever time CST for the next wave of invites!"



    I sense something wrong in the Force here.

  3. if you don't have $0 then you probably shouldn't be playing...


    unless you bought it from Origin in which case you needed $5, but if you don't even have $5 to spend then you also shouldn't be playing, you should get a job, or a second job.



    Your right, I should get a job, but unfortunately I've been holding it off until after Christmas vacation, which probably isn't a smart idea considering a large amount of people are going to be doing the same thing too. I did have $60 on me when pre-orders came out, but I knew I wasn't going to preserve it until now. I'm a gamer and since the fall season is notorious for the release of new games....well you do the math.

  4. One small problem with the op.


    Just because July is already done along with August and say most of September, doesn't mean even one more bonus wave will make October.


    Let me explain why.


    Pre orders grew depending on publicity, ofc when the game was first announced with a pre order date there was a surge of orders, then it might have slowed down a bit, ut the one huge problem people are forgetting, the majority of people would have only pre ordered after trying beta, which wasn't until much later.


    So if you hoping November December will be slower than July/August, I would have to say you are sadly mistaken.



    I was thinking about that considering the large amount of beta invites for general and weekend testing that occurred in October/November. Not to mention the release date was out like you said, so that does make it more than September. But as someone mentioned in a different thread, the spike in amount of pre-orders following the release date announcement was less than the amount of pre-orders following the day pre-ordering was available.



    Then again, they could of been wrong too, and the spike was a lot more! Who knows, I'm just a geek sitting here hoping to get in before Saturday :p

  5. November in?????


    No, if you look carefully, he pre-ordered on September 24th. The November 2nd date everyone has if they pre-ordered before Nov. 2nd.



    EDIT: Actually, looking at his post, it does say code redeemed November 2nd. I have a feeling though he typed that wrong and meant to say he put in the pre-order code on the 24th.

  6. I didn't have any money on me personally (well I did at around my birthday but it was in cash, couldn't rely on myself to keep it in check until Dec. 20 what with Batman: Arkham City coming out and then a $100 Gift Card that was used for new furniture), so got it pre-ordered for me as a gift. I just feel like there should be a bonus wave today to at least clean up October so BioWare can fit in November and December tomorrow.
  7. First, I'm gonna say I didn't pre-order until last Friday, so I'm on the back end of the EGA list, which sucks, but hey, didn't have the money and was waiting until I did, which just happened to be then.



    So, of course I won't get in today (unless by some random stroke of luck), but I feel there needs to be a bonus wave to give people in November and especially December hope. If the bonus wave takes care of at least most or all of October, well then November and December can be taken care of tomorrow easily. That will give AT LEAST everyone 5 days of EGA, making everyone hopeful. I know I'll be happy considering Thursday and Friday are the only days I can actually play this week before going on vacation.



    So please BioWare, do a bonus wave today. Don't end it at the 4th wave prematurely. I know you're wanting to help the servers be stable (although with that many servers and the amount of people in...), but I'm sure the servers can handle the rest of October as well.

  8. Meh, parents pre-ordered it for me as an early Christmas present last week, so while I'm happy they at least got the game for me, kinda disappointed it had to wait this long. But hey, if tomorrow's waves are huge, we may get in tomorrow...or Friday! I'm hoping for tomorrow as I'm gonna be gone all day Saturday hanging out with a friend and then Sunday I'm going to be traveling all day for vacation. Not to mention, without the lack of that grace period, I have no idea if I'll be playing on the 20th or not. If not....well I'll be back on the 25th/26th :/
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