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Everything posted by ZiggyTank

  1. There's dark blue, light blue, green and red/purple
  2. Video of Veractyl Mount Looks like it's coming in 4 different colors, went to the SWTOR Cantina tour. Don't know if it's going to be a straight purchase off the Market or from packs.
  3. 45APM | 2961 - 36/5/3 Watchman No pre-stacking anything, cold parse.
  4. Looking for Guild to do Dread Tooth 10 Stack and then Entity on Wednesdays. Time is negotiable. Above recruitment is still active. Looking for DPS and Tanks. Since we've been getting Torparse cheesers, we evaluate performance in a raid setting. Let us know. Loot rules are friendly to newcomers (not guild council, also trial memberships are for chumps).
  5. Updated our recruitment needs and progression status. Guilds interested in 16 HM Progression Farming let me know, otherwise, we are gearing up and setting out towards NiM Content. Willing to teach and gear those interested starting out or wanting to get into HM Content.
  6. Still looking for some solid end game tanks for those interested. Gear isn't a problem, drop us a line and we'll run you through some ops to see if you're a good fit. -Stay Classy
  7. I would say they're rare, but in general buyers are willing the play the waiting game. Our guild ends up getting the easier to craft stuff for our dps and healers so that the people with harder to find mainhands get the token drop from Ops. In general, I think the people who end up making the most credits are crafters who establish themselves as crafters who don't take tips. They end up getting more customers and more chances to crit. Those who charge or suggest tip, though nothing is wrong with that, get a couple good hits, but if I was hurting for a resolve hilt, I'd just wait for it, the mats are expensive enough to get as it is. There are also free resolve 31 crafters on this server.
  8. Does the rotation change priorities once the target hits 30%? Or just try to time Quickdraw to Reset Trick Shot asap?
  9. I saw that post, but it looks like the gearing is the same across all builds for each tree. Is that right? What specs would you recommend for each fight in TfB and S&V to eek out the most dps? For HM TfB I was thinking of going... 1) Hybrid 2) Hybrid 3) Sharpshooter 4) Hybrid 5) Sharpshooter S&V I was thinking of 1) Saboteur 2) Sharpshooter 3) Sharpshooter (add duty) / Hybrid (if I get to stay on the boss) 4) Sharpshooter 5) Sharpshooter 6) Sharpshooter 7) Sharpshooter
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand you want 0 crit rating. Is that right? Not even a little bit? Further, what relics do you commend using as I currently don't think there's a proper dmg proc relic for us so I'm thinking a BA + SA combo?
  11. Guide helped me out a lot to fine tune my SS/MM and cannot thank you enough : ) Keep em coming, and I'll keep the melee crying We had a bunch of new Gunslingers in the guild and I wasn't up to date on the readings for what was currently trending but this is very helpful and easy to read as well. Thanks for helping us all out.
  12. Along with the above recruitment needs we are looking to fill in 4 spots 2 Tanks, healer and dps for casual raiding on Tuesday and Wednesday. Feel free to hit us up in game as casual spots are are less stringent. Whether it's to gear up a neglected alt or if you want to get back into raiding but at a more casual pace, feel free to either reply or apply.
  13. Updated S&V Progression. Looking for Tank, DPS Offspec a plus (any class) Looking for a dedicated Healer (any class) We shoot for all raids to be 16 HM, 8 HM with fair rotations are guaranteed per week.
  14. With the current transfers we need 1 Tank w/ a dps offspec (preferably Vanguard or Guardian) and doesn't mind switching between both and a Healer of any class. Get in on the action today!
  15. I only find it a bit weird when guys have female toons with female names and demand I call them by said name. Sorry dude, I'm not calling you Rebecca...
  16. Welcome to everyone who transferred from other servers! Just want to give everyone an update that we are looking to fill up the last remaining spots on our 16 HM raid team! Our info is up at the top. If there are any fragmented guilds that came over as well, let us know, we are consistently looking for some great HM raiders. If you're worried about room for all your friends, don't worry, we can talk it over and see if we're the right fit for you.
  17. Please let me know if this is a known issue (read the thread but have not seen it under known issues) but I am hearing from several people with different high end to low end PC specs where enemies are either not rendering or taking upwards of 40~60 seconds to render in encounters (mainly in the first phase of TfB where people either do not see the first phase of adds or irregularities which lead to dying and wipes). I don't know if there's a workaround or if I need to up my graphics, chance aspect ratios, etc. I've trade fiddling with graphics but still run into the same problem. Anyone have any advice or can point me in the right direction?
  18. Is anyone still experiencing this or have a workaround? Some people are beginning to feel like liabilities in raids b/c of this.
  19. Sent you a PM about the topic. Let me know if you need any more information. Welcome to the Shadowlands
  20. Hey Goiter, Just replying again. I sent you a PM with mumble information to contact us as people are switching back and forth from IMP to REP side with double xp weekends. Take Care. (I tried to whisper you but I forgot what alt codes to use in your name)
  21. Are you Republic or Empire? If Republic please send me an in game mail or contact me @ this link or an in-game whisper to any NSeven members.
  22. Looking to recruit: 2~3 DPS (any class) and 1 Healer for HM Ops 16 for immediate gearing. If interested please click the links above for an application or contact anyone from the guild by doing a /who and then typing in NSeven to connect you to an officer. Update: Guild and Reputation Bonus @ 10% each and maxed out.
  23. These are good people if they're anything like their GM : )
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