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Everything posted by Swingkittie

  1. Yes they did! I was very happy to get my no-longer--headless Corso back!!!
  2. Some decisions are based on the story ending for chapter 3 and others based on your choices on Iokath.
  3. Well on my Jedi Knight Quinn said he is loyal to the Empire, even though he isn't even her companion because she sided with the Republic in Iokath. And she can now summon him. It's strange. This also makes no sense for the Warrior who sides with Republic. I don't know if Quinn says the same thing or not, but on Iokath he professes that he's done with the Empire and only loyal to the Sith Warrior now. However, I have heard of people losing him anyway even though he made that statement to them on Iokath. Qyzen says something about hunting worthy prey and he will be ready to fight along side your character. Not necessarily leaving you but I think just saying he doesn't feel like Jedi are worthy prey. Theron will send a different message depending on how you handled Gnost Dural too.
  4. An update to my post. I decided on this character, because I was concerned her marriage would end, was to side with the Republic. However, judging from the comments, it sounds exactly like my Imperial toons that went saboteur and there is no change at all to the story anyway. The only exception is not talking to Jonas. I have to say, I was a bit disappointed with the conversation with Jonas. Yes, the dialog was a little different, but my female trooper flirted with him every chance she got in the past and I was hoping he would recall that with her. Or at least be more reminiscent of their prior working relationship. I wonder if that's the last we will see of him. I hope not. It would be nice to have him be a part of the continued story line, maybe even get him as a companion down the line.
  5. I found another one and not sure if it was reported yet. When sending companions to do crew skill missions, Theron Shan no longer speaks when going out on the mission. You can see his words in the chat box but you don't hear him speaking like the other companions. He is silent now. He also does not speak when he returns from the mission to report his success or failure. Also, in Chapter 10 Disavowed when you are with Aric Jorgan and you are heading to the comm. relay station, you and Aric call out to your support for a status update. Theron is supposed to say that he is under fire and can't help but you hear nothing at all. Just silence, then your character tells Aric we are on our own.
  6. This is priceless: https://i.imgur.com/XpIQHr7.jpg Not the best picture. I took it with my cell phone but you get the idea.
  7. Your love for Quinn is about equal to my love for Theron. Although I don't think Lana should be killed, I don't think I can forgive the writers for what they have done to the other LI's and Theron. Story and interacting with my companions and the romance options we got to pick our favorite companion has been narrowed down. They have silenced everyone now and the game is just a grind for gear and do the same content/ops over and over again. I don't know about you, but I have kind of had it. (going back to decorating my stronghold now until subscription runs out)
  8. My husband already beat you to it. Accept he called his character Mr. Cellophane.
  9. No wonder why people are dumping these so cheap on the GTN.
  10. Hi! I just wanted to chime in and say that I have received contact by CSR in game as well as via email that wasn't automated. Now whether they do that regularly or not I do not know. I only reported someone one time and that was years ago. Maybe they were more on top of things then. I know the person got busted because their friends were complaining in gen chat about "the person" who got their buddy in trouble. Maybe they have switched to a more automated system. Maybe it's just random depending on the CSR who is taking care of the issue. As to the OP thread, I have been waiting over a month on one ticket and two weeks on another. They are probably receiving more tickets than they can handle at this point. I just hope mine doesn't get closed without an update to me, cause that's happened before as well.
  11. Exactly that! I have characters I can't play because they have no freakin' face. I am not going to spend cartel coins just to change their face either, especially when it's a face I liked. And poor Corso! I can't even finish my reunion with him because he has no face! Like you said, not every bug is associated with Ossus dailies! On the Ossus bit, how frustrating it is to try and do the World Bosses when you don't get credit! No one wants to waste their time doing the fight over again multiple times, switching instances, tactics, etc. to try and get credit. It's just not worth it at all.
  12. I was about to buy this too. I hope they fix it quick. It's a nice gun. I have heard of a similar bug with the mischief/anarchy of holsters disappearing. I guess they never fixed that either...
  13. I agree about the whole Jaesa thing. She always avoided love because of the Jedi code and now she has changed her mind. That's all good but whether you are a female who is married to Quinn or a male who is married to Vette, she doesn't even ask the question if you are okay with her reveal. She would know that you were married because she arrives at the base prior to you getting there. I would imagine she would have met up with your companions too. Vette and her got along in the past too so I felt that the whole Jaesa romance reveal was not done right. If you leveled up a character pining for her the whole time and never romanced anyone, then it makes a lot more sense to me. Now dark side Jaesa is a different story. She wouldn't necessarily care about the feelings of Quinn or Vette (or anyone else) if she wanted the warrior in that way. I have a light side warrior that married Quinn but I haven't completed the Iokath story. I am reluctant because I originally wanted to side with the Republic to get both Quinn and Elara but now I am not sure I want to do that.
  14. My Nar Shaddah one is the only SH that I put the droid npc's, Felusa vendor, mod station, appearance designer, mail, bank, and GTN in. The others just have mailbox and bank. My DK one also has a GTN. I figured I just need one place if I wanted to do that stuff anyway so why have it in all of them. I got the train and was really disappointed in that one. I actually feel like deactivating it. I got the Yavin one and love it for the beauty of the SH. I made it a museum, destination getaway type of feel. It's where all my statues are at. I don't have the other large ones because of how massive they are and the fact I probably won't decorate them. I don't have enough decorations anyway. I did buy the Rishi one but in the end not impressed. I like the beach and that's about it. Maybe if I saw one fully decorated and set up like a beach home not a PVP zone then that could change my mind. Although I was thinking of turning it into a mandalorian themed/bounty hunter one.
  15. There are major bugs with Khem Val if you kept Zash. My SI got the Khem Val reunion and he's supposed to be dead for her. Theron is dead on my male Sith Assassin. I don't want to talk about how that happened:(....curiosity killed the cat I guess you can say - or killed him anyway.... but regardless I can summon a naked dead Theron now and all the gear I had on him has completely disappeared, along with his guns. I am very apprehensive to skip story content until the bugs associated with 5.10 are sorted out. At least the major bugs anyway. I am really glad this was tested. It's great information for all of us.
  16. I like it. I didn't think a lot of Imperial flags could work, but you made it look amazing. I love all the red colors. Your balcony is nice!
  17. I did have to go down a bit to find some good ones on the listing. I had better luck with Nar Shaddah than the other two city ones. This is what I was able to do so far. Now once Bioware fixes their decoration bugs it should be better. I plan on removing and replacing some of the redundant pictures. I just don't like blank walls. Dromund Kaas: https://imgur.com/a/MuDiPRG I think this is still better than some of those high end listings and like I said, I only have 169k prestige.
  18. Thank you. I will definitely look at it. I mainly play on Satele Shan but I have a couple of characters on SF. I am almost done with my DK one. I will post some pics. I am always open to feedback. And I know it takes a while to decorate too. I've spent the last two weeks re-decorating three of them! Luna's are just too amazing for words. I like looking at her pics. It gives me ideas but I also have a budget - much like real life. I just wish you could sort the listings by ratings. That would be cool if they put that in the game. We could rate top strongholds and maybe even get a prize like a decoration or something for the top 5. Then this way all the chair stuffers will get pushed to the bottom of the list.
  19. I haven't done this yet and was thinking about it. I always felt that my strongholds didn't live up to the wonderful creations I have seen on TOR Decorating. However, I have tried visiting some public ones in game to try and get ideas and I am just surprised some of these are even listed. I guess I don't understand the whole prestige thing, but I have really nice decorations and my prestige is about 169K. Then I go and look at someone who has a 400 to 600k prestige and what do I find? Rooms filled with legacy storage, mail boxes, metal couches, metal beds - you name it - just the really low quality stuff you get when you first get a stronghold. I am talking multiples too like an entire room with legacy storage containers. Items placed where ever with no rhyme or reason, much less any thought put into it. Granted, I do have strongholds that are a dumpster for things like that, but I still try and make it look somewhat uniform. I guess I don't get why people list them publicly? I have only found a handful that would receive the awesome sticker! So do some of you who actually know decorating post publicly? If not, is there a reason you don't show off your creativity?
  20. The only way I would be bothered by gear grind is if I was really into end-game ops. I don't PVP unless I have to do it to get M14X or Pierce. I stopped grinding for gear years ago after WoW / Burning Crusades came out. That was literally the last time I fought to get end-game content in any MMO. Life changes and growing up now just has me a very casual story-driven player.
  21. It makes no sense what they told you and probably a bug. I don't put much faith in the CSR system they have in place for this game. Well reading all this has made it clear to me. Just run all the content if I don't want my characters to get screwed over. Since I've done KOTFE/KOTET and beyond it wouldn't be a big deal to just space bar through the cut scenes. Just that alone can get you through Chapter 1 in like 5 minutes!
  22. Those are nice. My favorite is your SI in the Nihilus mask.
  23. Your Imperius sounds like my SI. Except she was Darth Nox and started to change after sitting on the Dark Council and seeing what they were and had become. The only person she respected in the end was Darth Marr. I started making light side choices during Shadow of Revan and into KOFTE. She still made dark choices when necessary, but it was more of a mix between light and dark. With that being said, I agree that playing the saboteur role was not what I expected. I really didn't feel like a saboteur when I am killing jedi and colonists and burning their farms.
  24. Before meeting them she was freely killing and embracing the dark side to its full potential. Along the way, she saw how it affects those around her. The energy you draw on the dark side and she didn't want to end up like her former master. Also doing Ilum and seeing how Malgus was showed her how corrupt Sith can become. Then she meets Lana, then Theron. Lana being more pragmatic allowed her to see a different way of getting things done. To make decisions not always based on hate for example. Then Theron comes along and she fell in love with him. Although, he isn't 100% light sided (you get a taste of that when doing SoR), he showed her there are sometimes a better way to handle things than just killing. Take Aric Jorgan for example: punish him for his brash recklessness or kill him for not listening. Theron had a lot of influence in that decision so Jorgan lived to fight another day. Being surrounded by more good people than evil can influence a person's behavior. She also greatly respected Darth Marr (and may have had a little crush on him ). His death and seeing just how dark and evil Valkorian and his offspring were motivated her to not be like that anymore. Satele also had a hand in this change. Even though she being a Jedi, my SI had a certain respect for her that other Jedi didn't receive. She still makes dark choices. Arcann wasn't spared for example. But being a part of the Alliance showed her something could be achieved by working together without a bunch of in-fighting that the Sith Empire had to deal with. LOL you can tell I like playing her.
  25. At the very least they should have cross faction for dailies. This way I don't have to wait for the things to respawn to fight it and get credit. Let anyone there hit the target, helping not only ourselves but the other player and we all get the quest completed. Mount up and merrily leave the scene. I am also all for grouping across servers. We can get ops and world bosses done a lot faster that way.
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