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Everything posted by byteresistor

  1. Why shouldn't they? Aslong as the target is in range then what exactly prevents their use?
  2. They don't need to, the answer to your question is obvious.
  3. There's a talent that reduces the active cd on smash and obliterate. Besides, I'll take an auto critting aoe attack that also happens to be the biggest hitting attack in the game anyday. Plus getting big hits and crits with annihilate is situational because there's no armor penetration tied to it.
  4. Windu didn't beat him, he got himself "beaten" on purpose to lure Anakin to the dark side.
  5. This is what they should do. Lethality sucks at melee range and you can't give them full ranged without becoming too much like a sniper.
  6. Not trying out something different when plan A isn't working isn't good tactics. That's what pugs do, they fail to adapt to new situations.
  7. I recently leveled a mara alt to 50 and I'm wondering is there any point in taking the jugg set bonuses over the marauder ones if I don't plan on playing rage?
  8. This is ranked? The quality of the PvP playerbase really sucks in this game, and I'm not talking about the backpedalling, although it deserves a special mention. Many of these players would get completely humiliated in a more brutally competitive game such as WoW.
  9. I've seen plenty of bads in pure pug vs. pug. And this myth of people wearing PvE gear isn't as big of an issue as some make it out to be. You see maybe 1 person doing it every once in a while, it's not like they've infected every single WZ en masse. The arguments for clicking just keep getting worse and worse.
  10. Actually you can't. Some specs have abilities that are off the global cooldown. GL trying to click on two abilities at once. But nontheless while this may not be a huge issue in PvE, PvP is a different matter altogether, play a melee and the problem is twofold.
  11. They're about to release an expansion soon so I doubt there will be any major balance changes before that.
  12. In other words you have never tried keybinding to any great degree if you can't even picture the snenario. I'm sorry to say but you cannot compaire two things if you have only ever tried only one of them. And no, don't even dare to turn this argument back against keybinders because most (if not all) of them have been a clicker at one point so they have experience from both sides to make a valid comparision. This goes for many clickers to be perfectly blunt, they're talking about something they don't have a clue about. I was there once myself, I made the same arguments even though I was in no position to judge something I was inexrerienced with. It's a tradition coming from older RPG's to please oldschool RP people. Some modern MMO's still have click to move but that doesn't mean it's on par with keybinding, or keyboard turning even.
  13. That comparision doesn't work at all. Finger and wrist muscle memory aren't the same thing. For one you have an actual physical feel of your keys as a binder and not just a mental one. With the wrist you have a more vague physical feel of what you're doing. This is why most clickers bind most of their abilitis in a way that requires the least amount of wrist movement. I made no such claim.
  14. Binders don't have to do it as often (which is all the time for a clicker) because there are abilities which do not have a cd. You can't turn with the mouse to your preferred direction while you're moving the cursor between abilities. If you clicked an ability and your next desired ability to use is to the left of it you are also forced to turn left if you apply your tactic, you can't go right and at the same time move the cursor to the left, so your free movement is limited to strafing. Binding does not have such a limit however insignificant you may think this limit is. No limits is still better than almost no limits.
  15. You can spot them a mile away if you're a seasoned MMO player, esp. if they're playing a melee class.
  16. That's not a limit, that's an excuse. Here's an actual pro tip: bind similar abilities to the same button across all classes. If your juggernaut has interrupt bound to mouse wheel down then why would you bind it to something else on your sniper? This frustration is not the result of keybinds but your failure to organize them sensibly.
  17. You're only limiting yourself if you can't memorize or reach more than a handful of keybinds. If you can then there is no downside.
  18. No you are hilarious. In every MMO I've played a healing spec has never had more CC than a dps spec. Healing is the first and foremost source of defense for a healer, if they also had more CC than dps specs then they would be OP.
  19. Swords don't have a 4m range.
  20. As much as it takes because clearly that one new ability didn't fix the problem at hand.
  21. It's usefull if you happen to be a jugg tank in huttball....
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