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Posts posted by ClaytonL

  1. well, choices that matter.. right?


    i don't have a problem with it if my high maxed companions get killed or run away or i kill em... as long as it is part of the story. that's actually why i maxed treek and hk 51 on all my charakters.. as they are not part of the story i don't think i'll have to be afraid losing em...


    every other companion on max is just a bonus.. whatever happens, happens ..


    well, that's the way i see it.

  2. i tested a bit, to be honest... i do not think that the cubes in general are a bad idea.


    the DROP RATE is the problem. like i said somewhere else.. when i buy a new pack , i mainly do it because of the new items...if they would cut down the drops for cubes by lets say 75% , so that you end up with maybe 10-15 , personally i would be fine with it. so you get a chance for older items and things i actually never cared about , like toys or pets..


    having less items of the new pack is what sucks...

  3. Don't be silly. Just because the stack size has changed doesn't mean any increase in the amount of mats available. It simply means that instead of having, or selling, 5 stacks of 99, you now have one stack of 495, and instead of using up 5 cargo bay slots, or 5 GTN seller slots, you only use up 1.


    ^ this is pretty much it. the amount of items does not change, just the stack size.


    i don't think it will have any huge impact on the GTN.

  4. yea, i actually enjoyed the chapter. looks good, well just a bit short unfortunately ...


    really interesting:



    Vaylin seems not to agree with Arcann at the end (having the knights fight to the death), and from chapter 1 on , its actually her, that kills the knights for little or no reason.


  5. Wow, 3.5 empty bays? Nice!

    I think I should be able to get at least 2, but I hope more. I plan to move companion gifts into some of the empty space to I can more easily distribute them. Tired of logging into multiple characters looking for Tech gifts in order to send them to the one that needs them.


    yes, 3 1/2 empty legacy bays :D


    for each charakter another 1 to 2 empty personal bays... man i was such a horder.... now it looks nice.. ... :D

  6. i agree. droprates on the cubes is toooo high. people buy new packs for the new stuff. i wouldn't mind getting cubes, because i just found some nice things in it i didn't have before..but still they should have a lower % of dropping. i just bought another hypercrate to see how many cubes i get this time. in the first i had 32, in my second 47..


    5 times in a row i had 2 cubes in a pack...

  7. Is it bad that I'm sitting here at work, counting down the hours and minutes till I can get home and hopefully have time to log in and organize my storage?

    I mean, organizing storage shouldn't be that fantastic and yet somehow it is! :D


    true :D


    i couldn't believe how much space i had left after i organized everything. didn't even touch X10 yet, still organizing. 3 1/2 bays are empty now :D


    " A Happy Jedi I Am "

  8. i had 32 cubes.. but i was lucky with my other drops.. 6 gold items...


    revolution mount and the luxury spa for your stronghold, the other 4 are armor...


    i usually sell the gold mounts for high credits.. this time i think ill keep it, i like the revolution , don't know yet, have to see the prices tomorrow

  9. You really dont think of your subscribers when u keep us waiting like this with no real information and we already lost 1 day of the so called "early acess"


    what kind of information do you actually want ?


    i am just curious. i have all the information i need. there is a problem, problem was stated.. and now they are trying to fix it. every now and then we are informed that it will take longer then expected.


    so what kind of information do you need ?

  10. Its not as if very many if any of you got a sub just so that you could get early access. so that being said be glad that they were even trying to give it to you. they could have just as easily made it game wide from word go. for those of you crying about the "value of the time that you have lost due to this." stop and imagine the amount that the game is losing because of it.


    get some perspective and chill


    it doesn't matter why someone subscribed. they linked the 2 days early access WITH the subscription. that's the point. i can wait, sure. i am used to it. a lot of games played, a lot of patch days, so i know something can go wrong, but if somebody rants about it... well, i can understand that in a way.

  11. i went on to take my dog for a walk, then i got in the car, drove through town to get some groceries, took my time..got home.. unpacked my goodies, went to the little boys room to do some serious business (tacos baby, yeahhh).. got me a ice cold coke , looked in the forum and i am upset :(


    never play on a patch day.... that's the truth... since 9 this morning i am all excited (.. WAS) ..glad i live on the west coast.. whenever the servers go online, i will (hopefully) have some time to play.

  12. i don't even know why they changed it this way.


    if i buy a new pack, i want stuff from the NEW pack.


    i liked how stuffed the old packs have been with items. and now we get less for the same price.

    remember the first alliance pack ? 2 items per container. they should be ashamed of themselves.


    on the other hand it should be a simple calculation: put more items in a pack and people are willing to spend money on it.... give them less, and they want ...



    over the last couple weeks i have this feeling, they are pissing us off on purpose, so they can pull the plug.

  13. Those who were able to log in, saw the truth. There was no new content at all. And the chapter X: Coming Soon quest was gone. Also, we had no access to our Odessen base. I also noticed that companions were not sorted by influence. I couldn't check more as we got kicked out of the server a few minutes afterwards.


    to start chapter X you will have to visit your ship... did anybody look into that while they where online for a short time ?

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