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Posts posted by ClaytonL


    Mind you, I don't disagree that a person should be allowed to sell something for any price under the sun. I have a lot more respect for the person who has the highest price than the total ******** who sells it for one credit less like anyone's that stupid not to notice. I would sooner pay the extra credit for the item than give that jerk off the satisfaction of getting a sale because they sold it for one credit less.


    that's what i do all the time. i skip the ones that sell an item for 1 credit less.

  2. don't see any issues here. you want it? do something for it... if you don't want to do something for it, then you don't want it.


    whenever i play any MMO and there is something i like and can't afford.. i go and do missions/quests or whatever until i can afford it.


    and an item is worth wat someone is willing to pay. period. just look at the unstable saber... hell , i am still pissed that i did not get one out of 90 packs... people where paying abnormal prices and as a seller you have to profit from it. i would have never bought that saber for 59 million, but i can tell you that i would have sold it for that price. low drop rate... many people on an kylo ren trip, high demand, hell... as a seller you see only credit signs above your head. couldn't get any better. that's just how it works...

  3. nope, not holding off. i played through kotfe with all my chars. sure, i miss my old companions, and i am sure they will come around one day, we'll see.


    i am also not afraid of making decisions. I will say, whatever my character would say, if that means i will loose a companion, because he/she got mad.. well, then that's the way it is. not gonna read any guides to know, what to say or not.. choices that matter !!

  4. All things that are really difficult to bot unlike slicing nodes.


    I've not seen raw material gathering from nodes earn more than slicing node gathering though? Got an example?


    nevermind.. i thought about it.. farming raw materials wouldn't nearly get me to what you could farm doing slicing...


    like i said.. 30 minutes slicing and i didn't have the feeling its worth it.. but it actually is.. those small credit numbers quickly add up.

  5. I'm not sure how people are getting so many credits from these nodes, because even on the highest level planets, the blue credit boxes aren't giving me much more than I would get from lower level planets (about 4k credits). In the old days, they used to give about 11k which was great, but nowadays not as much. I don't think I've received more than 4k from any box.


    yeah same here.. after the patch i maxed my slicing and farmed yavin for 30 minutes... i had a full invent with boxes but i really didn't feel it was worth the time. i make more flipping on the GTN or running weekly H2s with my characters. and even more by collecting raw materials. slicing isn't worth my time, and i have never gotten more then 4.5k out of an box...

  6. I wasn't saying its dying the game sucks Im not one of those people personally I love this game i play it everyday I just wanted to know how others feel.


    i know you didn't...


    it was just meant as an example..


    since 4 years people are saying this game is going to die, and it is still here....


    i just don't see the game die any time soon because is think they still generate money over subscriptions and CC market. Warhammer online , worked on an Free to play and shop system and never released it... subscriptions only couldn't make up for it and the game was shut down.


    this game is still alive and will be for years to come (i guess) because it has the brand "Star Wars" written over its head.

  7. 4 years ago - this game is dead... no one is going to play this ***** anymore, it sucks

    3 years ago - this game is dead... no one is going to play this ***** anymore, it sucks

    2 years ago - this game is dead... no one is going to play this ***** anymore, it sucks

    1 year ago - this game is dead... no one is going to play this ***** anymore, it sucks


    so ... yeah.. it's going to die any minute... :)


    it's true, many people have left this game, but it is also true that many new players arrived.


    i wish we had numbers to see : how many are subscribed, how many of those where active the last 30 days..

    how many people left (unsubscribed and inactive for longer then 30 days) , how many new people arrived or old ones came back... would be interesting to know.


    i just don't think it is coming to an end soon.

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