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10 Good
  1. Wait wait wait!!!! Liver servers are Beta? No wonder Bioware is giving people a free month!!!
  2. Don't even bother Bioware. Whatever you choose to do, we all know it is going to fail.
  3. Star Wars: The Old Republic. Worst Designed AAA MMORPG in the history of the genre. Period.
  4. Lets face it...Bioware will do nothing about the pvp rewards changes, regardless of how much people may dislike it. Star Wars: The Old republic is in fact a World of Warcraft clone. How much gold do you win in a single losing or winning battleground even? How much honor would you make in a losing battelground? Bioware is going to keep ignoring everyones complaints in this matter beacause they know people will forget that there was even decent rewards for losing warzones in the first place. I had high hopes for something new and exciting for the MMORPG genre in this game, but after this 1.2 patch it is clear the direction Bioware is heading with this game. The only difference here is that WoW has a had a 7 year head start.
  5. Ashuraman

    Lets face it...

    Bioware will do nothing about the pvp rewards changes, regardless of how much people may dislike it. Star Wars: The Old republic is a World of Warcraft clone. How much gold do you win in a single losing or winning battleground? How much honor would you make in a losing battelground? Bioware is going to keep ignoring everyones complaints in this matter beacause they know people will forget that there was even good rewards for losing in the first place. I had high hopes for something new and exciting for the MMORPG genre in this game, but after this 1.2 patch it is clear the direction Bioware is heading with this game.
  6. Are there any plans to implement visual cues for ability procs (i.e. abilities lighting up on the action bar, icons around the player's avatar) in the near future? Possibly by game update 1.3?
  7. All advanced classes should have their own individual look with armor sets. Not just different colors. All armor sets should be designed around the species. (i.e. Tauren, Forsaken, Worgen, etc. like blizzad does in WoW) some pictures: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs19/f/2007/244/9/4/Sith_Empress_by_namesjames.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100615163921/starwars/images/5/5d/Sith_Legacy.jpg http://monsterscifishow.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/starwars_sith.jpg http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/b/be/SithStalkerArmor-TFUUSE.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081202053633/starwars/images/e/e3/Sith_trooper_concept_art.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XdP6Lp2ceqY/SwTSznfyTyI/AAAAAAAADgs/eeScgGc-qt4/s1600/altair.jpg http://reignguild.net/gallery/plog-content/images/star-wars-the-old-republic/concept-art/timeline08_malak_revan.jpg
  8. For the love of God Bioware! If you are not going to let people respec advanced classes then atleast make different looking armor sets for each instead of being lazy!
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