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Posts posted by daddymoofle

  1. There were 30 servers that were heavy last night, one with a queue. At 10:00PM EST. I think maybe you think "peak" is at 3:00 when you get home from middle school... my server is standard and we had 190 people on the fleet at 10, and I jumped on my JK to make sure I wasn't crazy, and there were 145 people on that fleet. It's hardly dead.


    Without actually working at the company, can you say for sure that "the other game's" servers don't have more than say 1000 people online at any given time? I mean, do you really know what the cap is and what "full" means? I sure don't...

  2. Fair enough. However I'd hope bioware isn't planning on everyone unsubbing after only a month. I certainly don't think this game has enough immersion to keep anyone interested while they take another 4 years to make a fully VO expansion.


    I will give you 100% "props" for this quote, because I definitely agree with you.

  3. And where do you think EA gets its funds, tooth fairy again?


    I don't think EA gets it's funds from Venture Capital firms; but I also don't think they have the in-house equity to finance it completely by themselves. I don't know though, they're steady at $20.53 a share and looks like they peaked right before this game launched at $26.13. They may have it.



  4. Attributes are irrelevant. Have you noticed that in WoW players are affected by more than one attribute? That's why the attribute system exists. There's no reason to create "cunning" "strength" and "willpower" if they don't do anything across classes. Why not just give every player two attributes: Hit Points and "Smuggler power" or "Sith Warrior power". The attribute system in this game is playskool.



    • Agility (WoW) = Aim & Cunning (TOR)
    • Intellect (WoW) & Spirit (WoW) = Willpower (TOR)
    • Stamina (WoW) = Endurance (TOR)
    • Strength (WoW) = Strength (TOR)


    • Armor (WoW) = Armor (TOR)
    • Attack Power (WoW) = Power (TOR)
    • Block (WoW) = Defense (TOR)
    • Critical Strike Rating (WoW) = Critical (TOR)
    • Defense Rating (WoW) = Defense (TOR)
    • Dodge (WoW) = Defense (TOR)
    • Expertise (WoW) = Accuracy (TOR)
    • Haste Rating (WoW) = Alacrity (TOR)
    • Hit Rating (WoW) = Accuracy (TOR)
    • Parry (WoW) = Defense (TOR)
    • Resilience (WoW) = Expertise (TOR)
    • Resistance(s) (WoW) = Absorption (TOR)


    • Armor Penetration (WoW) [this is given through selected talents in specializations in TOR, not via stats on gear]


    • Presence (TOR)


    Looks to me like your argument is invalid, as there are actually the same amount if not more; they just molded some to do multiple things! Sorry.

  5. yes my grammar is not the best, I am not spell checking as I go.


    If you feel the need to point this out .. you need to stop reading forums and go teach a class or farm your Valor rank in game :-)


    No, to be taken seriously as a professional you need to be able to communicate professionally. You failed to do that by either using Internet Explorer or not noticing a squiggly little red line. I just hope you know how to use it in Word when you type up actual analytic reports (if you actually are an analyst).


    You don't go anywhere and present yourself as a professional, and then not take the time to communicate like one. Using the already abject name of Goldman Sachs as your employer didn't help, either.

  6. So because the majority isnt 50, it makes sense for Bioware to ignore the players AT 50? The players at 50 are the ones dealing with the most problems and bugs, they are the people most likely to get bored/fed up and leave first, dont you think thats an issue?


    I have 40+ people on my friends list that are level 50. The game has been out since Dec. 13th.


    Its almost been a month. The "most people are not 50 yet" days are long gone.


    Obviously they'll fix the bugs; when? Who cares? There's tons of stuff to do. If it's not what you want to do, quit - take away that $14.99 before your first month starts - that's how you do it and get them to notice that they aren't developing quickly enough to your taste, not like this.


    Developers don't even read this forum I'm sure, it's mainly Customer Service representatives - and if you honestly think they pass messages on like this to Engineers (and the Engineers don't just say "whatever, I'm busy doing what my boss told me to do and could give a damn about whiny players") you're crazy.


    This was a waste of time to post, and even worse, you wasted my time by making me respond. :mad:

  7. Where have I seen this before? oh.. must be a RIFT in my imagination. You don't learn to play it just by regearing and flipping a switch.

    MANY times repeated: cant find a tank..oh..wait.. I can regear and switch over and tank.

    (zero learning curve with THAT skill set) wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe.... quit and go home.

    nothing teaches you your skills like leveling with them. I don't miss it.


    Quoted for truth right here.


    OP (and all who agree with him): **** and level, stop whining, we don't want you to fail tank because you got bored of your damn DPS only class (that you knew, when picking it, that you couldn't change ... EVER). :mad:

  8. Oh, I was under the impression the game would be patched :confused: That's disappointing...


    Load up your launcher, even if the servers are under horrific queues and the login server is being a bi***, you'd still get a patch if there was one to get. :)

  9. If that's the case, honestly, good. Cap the servers so that people roll on the light servers - and then slowly UP THE CAPS FROM THE PREVIOUS WEEK so we have less of a wait. I'll give it a few days, but screw it, I've waited two hours, I'm going the hell to bed.
  10. #2...


    MMOs start at the level cap. The "grind" is just there to **** your wallet and teach you how to play.


    Raiding, PVP, reputation, and gear sets - all the things that keep the game going after the initial "OK, I did the quests, now what?" has worn off. If it takes too long to level, you lose a large chunk of your base.


    If you're here to level, that's awesome - there's 7 more classes when you're done with that one. :)

  11. How exactly do you do it? I have been told to go back to the advanced class trainer on imperial fleet but there is no option, others have said there is a reset option but i don't see that either.


    Go to where the Advance Class Trainers are, then go all the way to the end of the line - you'll see a guy there called a Skill Mentor. He'll respec your talents for you, Sir. :)

  12. Seriously, this isn't EA/Bioware's fault. There's a TON of 'light' servers out there right now.


    Actually, ***, it was LIGHT when I rolled there - I didn't start having to wait until Friday; and it's been 45+ ever since. Thanks for assuming though, that was quite nice of you. :rolleyes:

  13. Or add in the code to drop it to your taskbar with a counter automatically. Or like, minimize the bulls*** server list and counter and open a movie so we can at least have something to do instead of blankly staring at a screen for an hour. Add in digital copies of all 6 movies for Christ's sake, the download is already 18GB, what's another 6?
  14. Once this has been out awhile and people either drop it for something else or get bored with it, will we see this problem reduce dramatically.


    So, "keep paying for it without getting to play because you have to wait an hour to log in, and eventually you'll get your money's worth a month or two from now when people with tons of free time are bored with it" is your valid option?



  15. I don't care if the queue moves 10 people every minute. 500 people in the queue, that's almost an hour of wasted time that I should be in the game. Time is limited, and if I'm going to pay a subscription, then I'd like to be able to actually use it.


    You almost never see queues in WoW, only on patch days, on high-pop servers at peak hours. Even then, waiting 10 minutes is not waiting a damn hour + just to log in. There is a difference.


    This game is awesome, and I want to play it, not look at the server screen with a countdown.



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