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Posts posted by Phyreblade

  1. I do treat voice chat a bit differently from guild chat. I'm 50 IRL, and we've a woman in our guild easily 60+ IRL and straight, but she and I get into some catty conversations that make everyone else in the voice channel curl their toes. I'm thinking I should probably create an over-50+ (years in real life) sub-channel on our voice chat server called "The Lounge" just for us, lol.


    We call our own channel "the cantina" and I'm pretty sure my own rank should be "Queen of Innuendo" in there. Or always, I dunno.

  2. Do you folks have room for a Sniper? I am somewhat casual looking to raid but not nightmare, maybe storymode. I retired from warcraft raiding and have fallen in love with SWTOR. Regards


    We do have a presence on the Empire side of the game, yes. Best way to find us in Operations is to join us in our Mumble channels and simply ask which one we're running that night, actually. We are typically willing to jump around to maximize our chances of getting an Operation going, anyway.


    And welcome to Covenant of the Phoenix! We're glad to have you playing with us!

  3. Thanks, Star Forge!


    We only wanted to thank everyone on Fleet, who put up with our endless spam in general chat as we organized and managed the motions through to the +10 Datacron last night. You were all amazing, and the chat enlivened the event so much! We had an absolute blast!


    I put a shout-out to Twitter: HERE

    But we did great last night -- we managed to get 62 characters through to the Datacron and also welcomed 21 new members to the Guild! We had so much fun!


    Our Guild Night events are scheduled for each Monday night at 8pm EST, and we do put shout-outs into general chat when we're playing at our little games. Feel free to join us whenever we're enjoying some interesting game or puzzle ... we hunt world bosses, play hide-and-seek, race to datacrons, jump over ledges to our deaths over and over again, play 'musical chairs', do sage-relay races around the fleet, race 'nekked' through flashpoints, and so much more! We try to make the game as hilariously fun as we can, and we love taking along new friends!


    To everyone we met last night -- thanks for making it great, guys! And sorry for everyone who fell through the girders at least once (or twice lol).

  4. If you think SS is an imp solo ranked haven think again, there is a group of players who sync pub side there and the average player on SS is just as bad as the average player on SF... solos on SS this past saturday were some of the worst solos I have ever experienced and they were all imp vs imp (and if you don't believe me feel free to ask Doc).


    My adventures this weekend:

  5. Everyone is invited!


    We really have Fun with these Datacron events on the Fleet!


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> will be hosting a run-through of the +10 Datacron on the Republic Fleet this Monday night, as part of our weekly Guild Night schedule. We typically gather together and get all of our Sage pullers into position before we announce the group open to ALL.


    Anyone who's interested should try to stick around the Fleet starting at 8pm EST. We have a pretty good routine down-pat, so that once we have toons moving through it's a literal line that's pulled up to the Datacron in quick and amusing succession. Like I said, we have FUN with this event!


    WHO: Anyone on the Fleet is welcome to attend, there's no minimum level to get the datacron.

    WHAT: You do NOT need a red crystal from Corellia but you DO need a blue crystal from inside the museum. We can guide you to the thing, no worries.

    WHEN: We start placing our Sages at 8pm EST on Monday Nov 13. It takes us about 15-20 minutes to get the line set up. We will open invites at that time.

    WHERE: The Datacron is located in the museum section of the Bridge deck on the Gav Daragon.

    is a video guide for those who are interested in how to obtain the Datacron, normally.

    WHY: Yes, we know it's possible to do it solo but we think this is totally FUN. We might even joke around in Gen Chat as we're going, shrug.


    We will be in Mumble if you'd like to join us, btw.


    Thanks much and hope to see you this coming Monday!

  6. Hello from all of us at Covenant of the Phoenix!!!


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> has maintained a presence in Star Wars: The Old Republic since the game's launch (and some of us even during the Beta, too) because we are ALWAYS recruiting. This latest Merge isn't our first, and we're excited to welcome new and returning players as well as Founders players of SWTOR to the new Satele Shan server, now!


    Who are we?


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> is an international gaming community that maintains high standards of game play while still maintaining a close-knit family atmosphere. The guild was established in 1997 on the Great Lakes server of Ultima Online and was founded on the principles of loyalty, honor, and brotherhood and thrives because on-line adventure games are more fun in the company of kindred spirits. Since it's inception, CotP has branched out into a wide variety of MMOs and other games. We are involved in alpha and beta testing of nearly all upcoming major mmo releases.


    We are much more than just a guild, we are a family. The community is very active in the management of the guild and the website. All members are viewed as equals and are not considered just another number. Our membership ranges in age from teens to the late sixties and geographically spans the globe (although most are adults residing in the North American continent). Our members maintain real-life commitments; jobs; school, family and friendship away from the games we play -- and CotP supports those priorities. While our determination to be the top guild in every game we play is real and true, we still refrain from establishing absurd requirements for our members to abide by. Gaming should be fun, not work!


    In a Nutshell


    We provide opportunities for every gaming style, from casual to hard core, with a focus both on leveling and a quality end-game experience that every one of our members can enjoy. From in-game events, raids and battles galore, to both PVE and PVP, CotP will be involved in every facet of game-play to provide support to our members no matter what sort of play they're looking to enjoy!


    We don't force members to raid or play "x" amount of hours per week. Our community has an established and sustainable mix of style, talent and ability which allow us to accomplish our goals without burning out any particular group.


    If you are interested in joining more than just a guild, in joining a family, then check us out at: http://www.cotp.info


    In SWTOR


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> first established its SWTOR chapter on the Krayt Dragon server way back in December of 2011, but eventual chapters were maintained on both the Shadowlands and Prophecy of the Five servers. Both chapters consolidated resources onto the Shadowlands server nearly two years ago and then toed the waters on the Harbinger server, and we have stayed active in both PVE and PVP adventures ever since.


    With the merge, COTP can be found on both the Star Forge and Satele Shan servers, with guild resources to help support its membership in all their gaming adventures including:

    • Multiple guilds on both servers to 'house' all Member characters
    • Guild Bank access for all Members
    • Guild ships with guild-wide summons available for all Members: Guild Ship Tour
    • Guild ships & strongholds are unlocked & decorated for scheduled Events and Games: weekly schedule
    • Voice chat includes both Mumble and Discord channels
    • Regular Conquest events with each other: Some Command & Conquest
    • Fun games and holiday Events at every chance: Halloween and 4th of July
    • Core officer team committed to supporting all our Members
    • Our Recruiting videos (for now): In Conquest and In PVP and In Operations


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> members tend to be engaging and fun-loving when in groups. You can find us on both sides of the game, both Republic and Empire. Hey! What we all have in common, is we really love this game!


    If you're interested in learning more about COTP, contact any of our Members for direction to an officer or recruiter for information and invites. We look forward to meeting you!


    Find us online anytime:


  7. Hello from all of us at Covenant of the Phoenix!!!


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> has maintained a presence in Star Wars: The Old Republic since the game's launch (and some of us even during the Beta, too) because we are ALWAYS recruiting. This latest Merge isn't our first, and we're excited to welcome new and returning players as well as Founders players of SWTOR to the new Star Forge server, now!


    Who are we?


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> is an international gaming community that maintains high standards of game play while still maintaining a close-knit family atmosphere. The guild was established in 1997 on the Great Lakes server of Ultima Online and was founded on the principles of loyalty, honor, and brotherhood and thrives because on-line adventure games are more fun in the company of kindred spirits. Since it's inception, CotP has branched out into a wide variety of MMOs and other games. We are involved in alpha and beta testing of nearly all upcoming major mmo releases.


    We are much more than just a guild, we are a family. The community is very active in the management of the guild and the website. All members are viewed as equals and are not considered just another number. Our membership ranges in age from teens to the late sixties and geographically spans the globe (although most are adults residing in the North American continent). Our members maintain real-life commitments; jobs; school, family and friendship away from the games we play -- and CotP supports those priorities. While our determination to be the top guild in every game we play is real and true, we still refrain from establishing absurd requirements for our members to abide by. Gaming should be fun, not work!


    In a Nutshell


    We provide opportunities for every gaming style, from casual to hard core, with a focus both on leveling and a quality end-game experience that every one of our members can enjoy. From in-game events, raids and battles galore, to both PVE and PVP, CotP will be involved in every facet of game-play to provide support to our members no matter what sort of play they're looking to enjoy!


    We don't force members to raid or play "x" amount of hours per week. Our community has an established and sustainable mix of style, talent and ability which allow us to accomplish our goals without burning out any particular group.


    If you are interested in joining more than just a guild, in joining a family, then check us out at: http://www.cotp.info


    In SWTOR


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> first established its SWTOR chapter on the Krayt Dragon server way back in December of 2011, but eventual chapters were maintained on both the Shadowlands and Prophecy of the Five servers. Both chapters consolidated resources onto the Shadowlands server nearly two years ago, and have stayed active in both PVE and PVP adventures ever since.


    With the merge, COTP can be found on both the Star Forge and Satele Shan servers, with guild resources to help support its membership in all their gaming adventures including:

    • Multiple guilds on both servers to 'house' all Member characters
    • Guild Bank access for all Members
    • Guild ships with guild-wide summons available for all Members: Guild Ship Tour
    • Guild ships & strongholds are unlocked & decorated for scheduled Events and Games: weekly schedule
    • Voice chat includes both Mumble and Discord channels
    • Regular Conquest events with each other: Some Command & Conquest
    • Fun games and holiday Events at every chance: Halloween and

    • Core officer team committed to supporting all our Members
    • Our Recruiting videos (for now): In Conquest and In PVP and In Operations


    <Covenant of the Phoenix> members tend to be engaging and fun-loving when in groups. You can find us on both sides of the game, both Republic and Empire. Hey! What we all have in common, is we really love this game!


    If you're interested in learning more about COTP, contact any of our Members for direction to an officer or recruiter for information and invites. We look forward to meeting you!

    Find us online anytime: www.cotp.info

  8. My favorites list is actually pretty long. Seriously, I at least like most of the companions. But my favorites include:

    (1) Torian and Malavai Quinn (equally)

    (2) Theron Shan

    (3) Akaavi Spar

    (4) Raina Temple

    (5) Corso Riggs


    But I'm human enough to have a few characters that are on my crap-list. I've even killed a couple of them, given the chance. Among my least liked companions:

    (1) Kaliyo Djannis (my Nox kills her every time and my Agent just keeps her around to torment)

    (2) Ashara Zavros (she ate soooo many of companion gifts just getting her to like me, ugh)

    (3) Tanno Vik (Scuzz. Ball. 'Nuff said.)

    (4) Broonmark (I forgot him in the cargo hold, yikes)

    (5) Tharan Cedrix (he dumped my Sage for a holographic girlffriend!!!)


    I originally didn't like Khem Val but the sucker grew on me, like a fungus. By the time I finished the story, he was adorable, actually. I tend to have a hard time liking the companions who's dialogue I have to read over in the chat box, too. But Bowdaar and Blizz had cool stories and personalities, so I liked them both a lot. Vector kinda weirds me out with his 'I always have bugs with me' thing, ugh.


    And while Skadge is a total jerk, he's not too bad once I head-canon'ed that my Hunter just beat the crap out of him and he was afraid of her, shrug. He's like one of those dogs that barks real loud but turns tail whenever my girl slants him a look sideways, basically.


    That's me, then. I never claimed to be normal, lol.

  9. This question actually drove me batty for a time, only because I head-canon five of my toons as siblings. I considered them YOUNG - that their youth alone made their actions even more incredible, even. Plus, the story presents them as being new and student-ish, or just starting their careers, etc.


    Shrug, I spent most of my own working career with the military. I figured I was growing 'older' when the new recruits starting looking like they were my own kids, rather than young men and women embarking on their own military careers, hehe. But since I worked so much with the military's social services programs, I learned quick what age groups marked the experience of the Soldiers and their family members that I was working with. Mind you, the average age of a new private in the Army is 19 and a second lieutenant is 23.


    So those were the ages I went with when I considered my 'we yanked you into the academy ahead of schedule' Warrior (who is the eldest of my five siblings) and she's 19 years-old. Her Bounty Hunter half-sister is only several months younger, so she's 19, too.


    But then I didn't want my younger characters to be too young, either. It would feel weird to me, to explore a romance using an 'underage' character. In other words, no. Friggin. Way.


    That leaves my Imperial Agent, who's next eldest at aged 18. The youngest of my siblings are a pair of twins and they are half-siblings, again. So only weeks younger than my Agent. My Smuggler is 18 and so is his twin sister, my Knight. All this is at the start of the story. I tend to give them a bit more time from the class story to the opening of KotFE, though. I figure it's more like 12-13 years before Shadow of Revan starts up for my characters. So they're all in their early 30's when they meet up with Valkorian.


    Mind you, some of my toons I head-canon being different aged. My Consular is very, very young. I actually see him as a smallish 15 year-old when the class story starts. But my Inquisitor is slightly older at 20. My Troopers are always even more older, if only because no one goes straight from boot camp into special forces. Seriously, soldiers have a bit of experience before they're even looked at for special forces! So my Troopers are typically in their late 20's, or pushing 30.


    But that's only me. I think how you view the story and where your own character fits into it is totally personal to you. Whatever works or makes sense to you is fine, so you should only craft your character the way you think makes sense. And have fun!

  10. <Covenant of the Phoenix> is always recruiting! We're busy in just about anything our members would like to be doing in-game, including Operations. If you're still learning, we'll be glad to help you along. We spend time in Mumble, offering directions and guidance as needed to all of our members. It's getting us to shut up that tends to the problem lol.


    Check out our schedule: Weekly Schedule

    Here's a recruitment video we put together, too:

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