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Posts posted by Telurian

  1. I appreciate your time btw, I just wanted to let you know that before I decide to post a reply to your calculations.


    In my OP, It stated that if you opened 5 champion bags. You used to have chances of 3 out of 5 full on pieces if you knew this wierd glitch where if you stayed in your ops group and returned to the fleet to turn it in. You would have a higher chance at the champion full item.


    3 out of 5 full items which could cost around 60 champion accomidations each roughly.


    60 x 3 = what? 120no... 180 champion accomidations. Let alone maybe it might be a duplicate.


    You stated in 1 week of playing you agree fully that this new system is great.


    "This is a total of 140 + 28 = 168 Commendations for Champion gear a week!"


    How can you say that its ok for them to screw you like that.


    168 in 1week in the newest patch...


    Now Lets do the math now when the chances were 3 out of 5 previously on bag openings for full champion items maybe the same for battlemaster but im not there yet.


    In your calculations you can achieve 24 bags a week with contant play.


    The previous way was out of 5 bags you could achieve 3 items.


    Percentage chance at a full item was 60% chance (3 out of 5).


    Now you said we can achieve 24 bags, well the old standards were a high of 60% chance to achieve your champion gear.


    That means you could have gotten 14 out of 24 FULL CHAMPION ITEMS....


    Maybe 1 of them could have been that champion weapon you were looking for who knows. But... 14??? lets assume an average of how much those champion items accomidations go for. Ill say 50 per full item even tho some are higher and some are lower.


    50 x 14 = 700!!!!!!!!!!! CHAMPION ACCOMIDATIONS PER WEEK... Now they reduced down to 168....


    You tell me which was fair?


    I honestly would give 2 ***** about this concept if it was the 168 implimented right straight from the beginning. But instead they decided to screw us newcomers who didnt have the chance to take advantage of the previous setup. Now we are forced to get ***** once again is why I am "QQ'ing"



    Now I am sure that you were not 50 at that time. I always opened my bags while I was grouped because I heard about this "weird glitch" you were talking about but it was nowere near 3/5 more like 1/5. Then you had items that you got several times and other you never got.


    In the new system you can get 14! bags the first day you are 50 which results in 210 centurion and 105 champion commendations that you can use to buy the items you want. In the old system it could take 2 weeks to get the 2 piece set bonus just because all you got were offhand, ear, relic belt and bracers.


    I think you recently hit 50 and think you should get full BM in a few days because others already have it.... guess what, they worked for several weeks to get it.


    I have been 50 since the end of december and still only have 8 BM pieces because of bad luck (and I did my daylies every day).

  2. So, here's another thread about Random system from BM bags.


    I`m a dedicated gamer, pvper and ive leveled only trough class quest and Warzones. I was always the same pve/pvp rank. At lvl 60 ive had 5 champ and 2 centurion items. Now at 68 after i have saved Champ comm to buy 1 Champ knife, i have 1 centurion / 2 bm items / rest champ.


    Here's another comparison. A mate from guild, dings lvl 60 on Tuesday when patch was delayed. He does his dailies, he opens the bags, pam pam, 4 BM tokens in his bag (chest, knife, head, legs). He then spams the guild chat with 4 BM items. Ok, no problem, but...


    Every 65+ player ive searched has half champ/half bm. So what, i have 1 centurion on me? Oh well, maybe you want to know about the grief ive got from some dudes in general chat that im close to 70 and i have centurion item on me ?? :)


    Or maybe you want to hear about the other war hero on my server in FULL BM ? Or the other 65s half champ/half bm? :eek:


    Oh, now the question...why is this happening ? In a game, in 2012, to reward some1 with random reward ? I dont play for items. Items are such a nice reward when you've put so much time in the game. Just make the items 1000/1000 comms and thats it. Or maybe 10k/10k. or maybe 100k/100k





    Put all the items on NPCS, make a price, whatever the price is, let the people get gear, classes will be ballanced, create more sets for, 70-80-90-100 valor rank...dont just stare there from your comfy chair at our threads. DO SOMETHING ELSE !!! THIS IS NOT WORKING!


    And yes, i will stay subbed, because i like to pvp even the frustration is big enough to make me rage quit!


    The rank says nothing. If you killtrade in Ilum you will be war hero and have no BM gear for a reason. It is simply impossible to not have at least full champion by 69 if you made 69 by battlegrounds even at 3 champion tokens per bag. If you are a zerg hero or a kill trader I can not feel pity for you. BM tokens are a different story but not a huge upgrade after all.

  3. ich wollte diese Gruppe ja garnet angreifen. Aber einer von denen mich. Und wie ich schon sagte...mit Blizz bin gaaanz laaangsam...und durch den Blizz in meine Richtung kann ich auch nicht sehen, wer da auf mich castet....und beim TAB en finde ich nen ganzen Haufen Hexer und alle sind sie am Blizze spamen. Also unterbreche ich auf gut Glück. Wenn mir selbst zwar nicht hilft, denn zumindest einen anderen unglücklichen.


    Kleiner Tip für Anfänger: Drücke ESC und schon hast du den, der dich angreift.


    ..btw netter Trollversuch


    1) Anyone who think thinks they took any real action against the sith who farmed valour on the first day, even tho they said they would, nothing happened I know at least 35/40 sith who got from about level 35 to 100, in valour in a few hours not days, hours! and nothing happened. Lol even they expected it to be taken off them ... but typical swtor, no balls!



    I have to call you a liar until you post screenshots of those rang 100 players.

  5. This is the sort of staggering brilliance that convinced me to never play a healer again. Your argument is to ignore the fact that the healer's job is to heal and instead selfishly farm medals, i.e. not be a team player. Well thought out.


    So a tank should only guard and taunt?


    Use all your tools. You get the 10 kills for just using your stun 10 time in a BG and guess what: A stunned player does no damage -> no need to heal so while he is stunned you can as well DPS him.


    There might be games where you have absolutely no time doing anything else but healing but those games are not very common. I usually watch the healthbars of the people around me, heal those that are dropping fast and then swith to damage -> dead enemies do no damage so less need to heal. I do not intentually let people around me die and my priority is healing but those of you that say that they can do nothing else but heal are either: Not very good in judging the situation and trying to keep everyone at 100% all the time or VERY unlucky with the their teams.


    Do you actually think it is better to heal the players attacking the ball carrier then CCing the healer healing him or doing damage to him? Always keep an open mind a judge the situation and you will have no reason to complain about medals.


    If you just watch the healthbars and nothing else it is your problem, not the problem of the game.

  6. medals are badly designed. A sage/sorc dps can get 10+ medals just by healing 75k and getting 5k crit heal. Imagine what they'd get if shield gave protection like some said.



    He is right.


    I tried all kinds of specs from full heal, full damge, hybrid damgage, hybdrid damge heal and I stuck with 23 heal 18 madness because imo it is the most flexible spec and I mostly do pickup groups.


    I always (unless it is a very fast 6-0 in a hutball game) get the following medalls:

    2,5 K heal

    5 K heal

    75 K damage

    75 K heal

    2,5 hit

    Quick Draw

    10 kills


    This is 7 I get every time.


    Usually I also get

    25 kills

    solo kill

    300K damage or heal (depending on how the game goes)


    This is 10 most of the time


    And sometimes also

    Defender (depends on warzone and role I am playing)


    I guess it helps that I already have 5 pieces of battlemaster gear but anyways sorcerer that play their class flexible have absolutely no reason to complain about medals.

  7. 75k you call respectable damage... just lol. It's way more efficient for him to save a life of DPSer who can pull off 400k+ damage.


    Were did I say that 75 is respectable? And how much damage does a DD loose in the offense if he dies and imediately runs back? Or do you think the DD does those 400K in the few seconds it takes to run back?


    You don´t let anyone die because you can, but as soon as you have to upper close to a door you have to start dealing damage to kill everyone as fast as possible to actually have a chance to place a bomb. If you keep healing till the defense respawns you do it wrong.

  8. Have you people lost your minds? The man does 900k healing. NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND! Do you realize how much healing that is? His power levels are over 9000. When I check stats after a game and see someone with 500k healing done I think "nice, a healer played great!" But 900k?! Thats more than just playing well. That is, like he says, healing on every single GCD and not missing a beat. I tip my hat to you sir.


    Also, I have a question: What do you find to be the most effective way to target allies in a WZ? I find my operation frames are usually bugged and not everyone is on there effectively making them worthless.


    And by the way, the most likely reason that there is no 600k and 900k healing medal is because it probably never occurred to developers that people would heal for that much in a single WZ.


    Actually it takes far less skill to get to 900K healign then you think. All you need is good gear, and enaugh people taking AE damage that are standing in your AE heal.... this is the reason why 99% of those screenshots are from voidstar. Don´t get me wrong 900K healing is good, but nothing you can do without the right circimstances. 500K healing in huttball is usually far mor impressive then 800K+ in voidstar.

  9. I am Jedi Sage Seer Jayess from Infinite Empire, basically full champ set w/ maxed biochem. If I can do it I wanna be rewarded for it, especially since it was such an intense game I couldnt go for any other medals.





    Actually you doing only healing might have been the reason your team lost. Doing only healing in defense is OK bit in offense a good sage knows that it is far more important to kill the defense fast then to keep everyone on your side alive. I always laugh when I am outnumbered 2 to 1 by a healer and any other class and the healer just heals... guess what I will heal myself and you will never cap anything (and this happens quite often). Even with only 10 points in a damage tree you can do respectable damage. Not breaking 75K damage and getting at least 10 kills is your fault and nothing else.

  10. As the picture shows, both teams got to the last door and I have more kills then everyone on the opposing team and still put up 700K healing:






    I still do not see what you want to tell us? Do you want do say you did not use the AOE heal? What is your point? More kills then the oposing team? Must be hard to use an instant every now and then. 99% of those high number screenshots are from voidstar and that is because you CAN use AOEs very efectively here....

    I still do not see the point of this topic...

  11. Back in december you were able to buy a blue PvP set in Dromund Kaas for about 500 battleground commendations a piece. You were able to buy the set before reaching 50 so any fresh 50 could just put it on and would have about 7% expertise. Now they have problems with fresh level 50 chars because the gear disparity is to great (because of expertise).


    So once again: Why did they remove this set?

  12. Offense:














    Assassin (tank with pull)








    Powertech in the right spec is incredible in both offense an defense (charge and grapling hook in one class combined = win)

  13. Now let's talk how much damage is bypassed armor in this game (elemental\internal\poison\etc.) and how much damage bypassing sorcs bubble? (correct answer is none, bubbles will be always superrior to armor in all cases, unless they absorb complete **** amount of damage).


    Almost every class either do a heavy elemental\internal\poison damage or have atleast few attack to bypass them and im not even counting lots of talents with "Ignore xx% of the target's armor".


    You are defending bubble with "math" because you know - you will never have heavy armor on mage class to trade for your bubble, you don't want your precious bubble to get nerfed, we get that, just don't post bull***** pointing out hows armor is much better than bubble.


    Feel free to post the damge rotation of any class, include the armor reduction on the abilities and prove that a nerf is in any way justified. Just saying that the comparison is bull***** does not prove anything.


    I am comparing the bubble to heavy armor because the closest thing to a sorcerer in this game is the other ranged DD/Healer namely the bounty hunter. The bounty hunter has more mitigation and the sorcerer has more skills to avoid taking damage.

  14. This would be true if armor reduced every source of damage in the game by the amount listed. It doesn't.


    True there are very few abilities that do internal damge that are not reduced by armor. Since you are the one demanding a 30% nerf you will certanly have no problems in proving that this nerf is needed by providing real damage numbers including the ammount of internal damage?

  15. The bubble absorbs about 3,5K.


    It has a a reuse time of 20 seconds (17 with the PvP healer set)


    So over a long fight it absobs about 175 damage per second.

    Sorcerors have light armor. Light armor absorbs 20% less the heavy armor.


    So a sorceror recieves 1000 damge per second he would be better of heaving heavy armor, like for example a bounty hunter (which also does more damge the the sorcerer).


    So lets take some numbers:


    Sorcerer is attack be an undergeared player that does 1000 damge per ssecond to him:


    Result: He takes 25 more damage then an equally geared bounty hunter.


    Now think about a player that has good gear and buffs and does 2000 damage per second to him:


    Result: He takes 225 more damage then an equally geared bounty hunter. So even if he had know 20 seconds in advance, that he will be attack and would be able to recast the bubble as soon as it breaks he would be better of with the heavy armor (and NO you can not always cast a second bubble as the first one breaks). Additionally you loose 1,5 seconds recasting it -> 1,5 seconds means an other tracer missle (just an example) hitting you -> how much do you think you actually have as a netto gain?


    Now imagine the sorverer being targeted by more then one player ->

    ARMOR >>>>>> Bubble (and this is why they need the sprint)


    Sorcerer to have low armor and low HPs. If you want to talk about the bubble please use real numbers and then explain why it is overpowered compared to heavier armor.

  16. 5 second cooldown and 40 heat to cast it problem solved


    undergeared BH's do around 2.8k with tracer

    champion geared bh's do around 3k to 5k tracer spams



    so you can pretty much 3 shot people with it :)


    Can you please change your signature to "Ignore my I am a troll!"? ... honestly every post I read from you is either trolling or posting false facts (some would say lying).

  17. Maybe if you are ungeared it will hit for only 1k PER TICK. Sorcs obliterate me with it all day long (and btw Im Bodyguard not Merc, so I dont even have tracer). And they have the shield on top of it absorbing the 2.5k crit of tracer, 2 or 3 of them. Force Lightning also provides a slow, making it take longer to LoS or get out of range, which in turn gives the FL more ticks turning that 1k per tick into a 3k damage ability, if the sorc is ungeared. And btw, Tracer doesnt tick, its a casted ability not a channeled ability, you are thinking of Unload.



    I am not sure if you are just misinformed or lying to make people look away but here are a few facts for you:


    A scor that hits a boutyhunter in heavy armor for 1K per tick has to:


    a) Be geared at least in full champion gear.

    b) Use an adrenals

    c) Use the biochem buff

    d) Use a Crit relic

    c) Crit


    I wear 5 pieces of battlemaster, rest champion gear so I am in no way undergeared. I do Crit on heavy armor classes like bounty hunters for slighty over 1K of damage (if they do not use defensive CDs) with my chain lightning if I use all of the above buffs.

    A bounty hunter that uses the same buffs hits me for ~2500 non crit 4000+ crit on tracer missle. So in the spam of 3 seconds assuming a crit rate of 50% (which is posssible with those buffs) I will hit a BH of ~3200 while he hits me for about 6500 .... and this is the reason why sorcerors have the shield (that absorbs 3 to 3,5k depending on spec and not as you said 2 to 3 crits of 2500).


    If you try to make a point at least use real numbers.


    Back to the topic:

    I do not think that tracer missle can be nerfed in any way without either destroying the spec or reworking it completely. I do in fact think that the damage is a little high for a simple rotation of 3 or 4 abilities but it might be the edditing of vids like this:

    that make me come to this conclusion.

  18. Damage that ignores Armor and resistances - check (btw only sorc/sages have a counter to this with their buff, makes sense)


    Shield that counters knock backs - check


    Shield that Scales with defensive stats - Check (screws over any weapon damage class if it's on a heavy armor target, especially if melee)


    A lot of instant cast DoT's - Check


    Great Mobility - Check (lol sprint on a caster)


    No resource management - Check (at least not compared to other classes)


    Interrupt and two Stuns - Check (every other class but one has this, two if you consider mirrors)


    Knockback to counter melee - Check




    Light Armor - Check


    Pretty short list huh?


    You sound just like every other person who posts defending their class when they know it's over the top. It happens in every game, from WoW, SWToR, HoN, DotA and LoL. It happens all the time.


    Much you have learned young padawn...

    No research you did and any many false facts you posted without linking any abilities.... this is how it should be done!

    May the nerf be with you.

  19. No it hasn't from my experience. I would see one or two before, maybe three every now and then in a match.


    Now I'm guaranteed to see 3+ in every match, almost every match that's played. And no they are not the same players.


    I can not talk for your server, but I just checked the screenshots from the pvp scores I made (I make one after each match) starting with december the 15th and on my server this has been true since then.

  20. Undeniably there are more Sorcs and Sages in PvP Warzones now than any other build. Now, it's because of flavor or it's because of something else.





    This has been true since the first day. I think there are actually quite a few people who like to play cloth casters like mages, priests and warlocks... guess which classe they play in SWTOR. That facts that they are actually a good class (I don`t deny that) does not help in keeping the number smaller.

  21. 1. Start with directly addressing Bioware with a sentence like this:

    “Bioware you must have been drunk when designing this class …”


    2. Now you have to continue with something that gets you respect like:

    “I have been gladiator in WOW for 20 seasons now …”

    This will get you the respect you deserve and everyone will know you are an authority in regards to PvP.


    3. List some “Facts about sorc/sages that you all experienced for yourself. There is no need to actually look up a skill list and verify anything.

    For example start with the fact that they have several stuns because you have been stunned several times when there was a sorc near you. Add any kind of CC that you were hit with in PvP to make a long list. Make it clear that they have far more CC then any other class, nobody will care if this is true or not.


    4. Continue with the damage they do. You were hit for 5K with a thundering blast crit... draw the only logical conclusion:

    Chain lightning ticks for 5K !!!!!!!

    Proof the overpowered damage by adding a screenshot form a voidstar game were a sorcerer did 500K AE damage.


    5. Time to address the healing: You attacked a healing specced sorcerer and he refused to die. It is clearly overpowered that a healer can not be killed by a single DPS as skilled as you. Add another screenshot of a sorcerer this time one where the sorcerer did AE healing and healed for 600K.


    6. Now that you have proven the overpowered damage and healing it is time to talk about the (----BUBBLE----). Tell a story where you did 30K damage to a sorcerer and the sorcerer lost nearly no health because of the (----BUBBLE----). Totally ignore the fact that the sorcerer was guarded and you were taunted…(this is not about tanks is it?). Do not look up the fact that the bubble absorbs about 3K damage over 17 seconds and actually absorbs only 175 HP/s. If you would think about this it would be clear that someone receiving only1000 dps damage would be better of with the 20% more absorb heavy armor has then with the bubble and the higher the damage gets the worse the bubble gets ….but you were not here to think…


    7. The almighty sprint. Every time you have a sorcerer almost dead (how is this even possible with the overpowered heals) he sprints away and heals up… it is totally unfair, that a lightly armoured class has this kind of mobility.


    8. Now you are almost done, just repeat some of the facts:

    Every sorcerers tanks better then tanks, heals half of his HP in one second and does more dps then any other class. The screenshots you provided proof that every sorcerer does 500K damage and 600K healing in every warzone, he has more CC then all other accounts combined and can run fast.


    9. Now you only have to demand a nerf like this:

    “Bioware if you don’t nerf this (no need to actually point out what) you will loose millions of subscriptions…” (you can also add that you, your RL friends and your grandma all agree on this matter)


    Grats, you are done with the post. Now you just have to respond every other post (to keep your topic bumped) while doing the following things. If someone agrees with your facts you have to tell him how clever and good at pvp is. Everyone that does disagree plays a sorcerer himself and is a noob…tell them they are. If someone dares to question your numbers by linking to a skill list, just ignore them your first hand experience is worth far more. If they have a spelling error in their post talk about the bad spelling…


    Congratulations you have your nerf sorcerer/sage post. You can also use the same logic on bounty hunters if you want but make sure to mention the “tracer missle” about 30 times.

  22. hehe war doch klar das die reps nun .....sagen das is alles fair und gut ...*an dem kopf gefasst......uhh fieber.


    sry leute , wer echt denkt das rank 100 an einem abend ok is .... ohne worte .


    Wie wäre es, wenn du nicht einfach falsche Gerüchte weiter verbreitest, sondern mal ein paar Screenshots von den vielen Rang 100tern postest? Das Gerücht von Rang 100 an einem Abend, ist von ein paar Trollen in die Welt getzt worden und wurede dann von Leuten wie Dir weiter verbreitet:


    Screenshot or it did not happen...

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