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Posts posted by DrakusMa

  1. Adios amigo.


    Also, I have thought long and hard about the in game issues. I don't see your point though. I don't think any of these points take away from my experience at large, and am willing to wait until they are resolved. I will not request fixes be made immediately, as such a silly mentality would probably make things worse, as the 'quick fix' could be much worse than what is currently going on.

  2. well i got the money in a different email, but the totals didnt add up correctly....


    any clues on this?


    You get your deposit back no matter what. Whether the sale was successful or not. I think this is a bug, but who knows. It makes no sense if it is not.

  3. You get two emails.


    First is for the actual sale.


    An hour later you get another mail which has the attached credits for the sale, and the first email goes away.


    Pretty damn silly if you ask me. I never check my mailbox now until I am about to log off.

  4. I highly doubt it. The Hero engine has had an extensive overhaul from the original version they picked up.


    Dev's have stated that the BW version of the engine is not even compatible with current Hero engine updates.

  5. Why in the world are datacrons a game stopper for you??


    I'm level 40 and only have picked up one datacron along the way (because I was with some guildies who are datacron junkies and they wanted to get one while we were on a heroic mission). I do just fine when soloing and in PVP without all the datacron bonuses.


    Because they are permanent stat bonus increases. The ones on Nar Shaddaa add +3 points to whatever skill they are good for, ie... aim, presence, strength... why would you NOT get them?


    I think at later levels some datacrons give +6 to stats.

  6. Why did you make the jumping for datachrons so hard??


    This is starting to become a game stopper for me!

    And please please don´t say: "Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!

    Granted that i´m not the greatest jumper in hte game but i´m fairly good.

    But after like 50 tries it´s getting to be really anoying to say the least!

    I mean i get that you shoul have thing in the game that you have to work hard for but this is crazy! AND it sucks the fun out of the game as a whole!


    I realize you can´t rebuild the maps but could you make jumoing easier please?

    I mean sometimes whei i think i´m perfectly aligned for ajump i don´t jump of at all

    and sometimes i overjump!


    There should be a way to buy those datacrons for a high amount adjusted to the level you are in!


    (Yes i tried without speed, and force speed, and with those also. And i´ve gotten all datachrons for Corousant and Taris and one from Nar shaddaa)


    Nar Shaddaa pissed me off royally. Took me quite a while to get all the jumpacrons.


    But... once I got them all, I was extremely satisfied, and would not change how it works.

  7. This game is great! I'm up to level 16 and am loving every minute. Just got my ship too!


    I just want to ask if anyone else is like me, I've only sat down to play 4 times since the 15th because I work 85 hours a week.


    Is there anyone else like me or is the MMO community usually unemployed? There seems to be quite a few at max level now.


    85 hours huh? You feel special letting us know that?


    I probably make more than you and I work 16 hours a week.


    How about them apples?

  8. Has anyone else had this problem? I've read the forums and I would think that this would be up there in the list of topics, but I haven't come across it yet. Is there a fix? The only time this is really a problem is when grouped or in PVP which is obvious.




    Move the frames... completely useless topic.


    Right click the frames, unlock, and move them.

  9. Who or how do you learn Heavy armor from?


    Your Advanced Class automatically gives you the ability to use heavy armor, but ONLY if that advanced class can do so. You cannot 'learn' it any other way.


    Sith warriors start out not being able to use it, but once I choose my Juggernaut advanced class, I gained the ability to use heavy armor.

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