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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    USA, Planet Earth
  • Interests
    Astronomy, Star Wars Universe, Star Trek and History.
  • Occupation
    Bounty Hunter
  1. You made some really good points here. Thanks and keep up the good work.
  2. It all depends how long the fight lasts and how much damage the tank is taking. I've healed some heroics as arsenal but like I said if the fight is long you won't last for more than 2 min.
  3. Thanks guys, I'll keep that in mind.
  4. Are Crit, Surge, and Alacrity the main stats for a Bodyguard? What are the 3 top stats?
  5. Sounds really fun and someday when I have a lot of free time I'll give it a try
  6. Howdy my fellow Bounty Hunters, I would like to know where I can go and get ready for the raid once I hit lvl 50. I heard that you can do some daily quests and get some nice gear. What else can I do besides shopping in the galactic market? I mean how do I know when I'm ready for the raid. Does the armor need to have a specific rating? Does everything have to be purple/orange or can bring some green armor too? Thanks in advance and have a great journey.
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