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Everything posted by Brakner

  1. Um our sorc healers also DPS in boss fights for Subversion. The problem is they are crazy, maniacal freaks who like seeing a steady stream of purple We are trying to break this by berating, belittling then threatening to take away their lightsabers, it’s a slow process.......
  2. Sorry for the snap reaction Sometimes the negativity of these forums builds up on me. Time....to.....go...for...a walk. bright......
  3. Questions: Do you have a 50 Sorc that can heal operations, hard modes and world bosses? Do you have a 50 Merc that can heal operations, hard modes and world bosses? (I have both) If you have a Sorc have you healed a MT in a fight that is over 5 minutes long? How did you handle not having any force and bubble not being up? In our long fights we always use a Merc MT healer as once they get into a rythem they can go for days without over heating, it doesn’t matter if the fight is 5 minutes or 5 hours. Sure the DPS Sorcs we have in the fight do throw their bubbles on the MT (or spike damage taker) but it still comes down to heal longevity, which is hands down Mercs.
  4. That's crap, mercs do not have to work twice as hard as Sorcs(don't know about Operatives). Backup your statement with numbers and which fights? Main tank or Operation wide? long fight or short? If not you're just trolling. I have zero issues healing any boss in operations or hard modes. In fact most are a snooze fest thanks to 14+ button gaming mice and the operation's window. Whack a Mole anyone?
  5. Yay another post by a no avatar troll with an all lower case name like "pwnqqlsrrrrr" Let me guess 15 and all you did was PvP to 50?
  6. Please read first post As stated, I have not healed once, no Kolto Shell, no rapid shots at all in the room and I have Guard on me. The melee mob charges me, I then Chaff. With no heals + Guard + Chaff it should not be attacking me. In some case it happens right after the 6 seconds are up on the AOE taunt. In some case the tank has attacked it after the taunt and it still attacks me yet I have done absolutely nothing other than Chaff and backup. I am not trying to "fix" this with a play style change, we have done all the hard modes with ease and we also come from 6 years of WoW (same guild) so we know how to play together. Plus we have already adjusted for the fact you cannot rely on agro abilities. These are just observations I have seen after 30+ Hard Modes, something is weird with the agro tables. I guess unless we can get some sort of threat meter we will never truly know.
  7. Thats my point, he shouldn't have to taunt something that nobody else has even engaged. If player A jumps into combat and player B is standing 30 feet way with 3 agro reducers, shouldnt the mobs attack the closest witht he +agro?
  8. Does Chaff actually do anything? I personally think it is broken, actually I think the whole agro thing is broken. Last night in a HM Boarding Party our Jugg tank jumped into a 4 spawn of 1 elite, 1 silver and 2 reg’s. The silver was near the end and a melee and as soon as our tank jumped in he immediately b-lined to me. I had not clicked a single heal or had Kolto Shell up and all rapid shots were done in the previous room, nothing…I just stood there. I then clicked Chaff and it did absolutely nothing, I basically had to CC him as he would not leave me alone. Some may say it’s a hp thing, I have 17k hp’s which in our group was the second highest. With the 10% talent for threat reduction, guard and chaff that silver should have been nowhere near me.
  9. Huh? other than being a douche, please explain?
  10. My idea was a bit more radical. It would balance out Sorc and make OP's much better "oh crap" healer. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=266760
  11. My suggestions for defined healing classes Empire side. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=266760 As for Mercs not having “Oh Crap” or utility, um emergency scan instant? 10% resist from Gas? 10% armor from Reactive Armor? Rapid Shots, Proactive Medicine and Kolto Shell? With my 43% Tech crit Emergency Scan often hits for 4k, I then follow up with Healing and Rapid for another 4 – 6k (depending on crit) in just over 3 seconds for both. If you already have a Kolto Shell on the target you can easily do 10k+ heals on him in just over 4 seconds with virtually no heat gain.
  12. Already happening my friend already happening. Not so much in guilds or friend groups but in Fleet and pugs. When I am crafting at Fleet I have heard many many times, "looking for heals, sorc preferred" or "looking for heals, No OPS pls"
  13. First off let me say I am a Merc healer that currently does all Hard modes and 8 man Operations. The one thing I have noticed through all my guild hard modes and operations is the lack of abilities that define what healing you are best for. People say that Mercs are best at tank healing, Sorcs for aoe and operatives for group/op “oh crap” or top offs. If this is true why not expand on it or allow us to through talents? A few ideas to make people want to play Mercs and Operatives more. Sorcs: Remove their bubble and give it to the Operatives. Reduce the cool down on their AOE heal Change their single target 2.5 second large heal to a single target large heal with an additional 2 people within 15 yards for 50% original value Basically make them very good at multiple people or AOE healing Operatives: Give them the Sorcs bubble and make it a Tech bubble. This would go along way to making Operatives a great “oh crap” Operations / Hard Mode healer Mercs: Remove Kolto Missile completely, the 1k heal (or 2k with crit every 6 seconds is pointless) I only every use it for the buffs. Add the 5% heal buff and 10% resist from 30 stack gas to Kolto Shell Allow Kolto Shell on 2 people
  14. To the vocal minority who post a constant flow of negative and bitter posts yet say they only want a better game, you do realize you are only hurting it, right? My friends and always check the forums before we buy a game as I am sure most people like me do. Even if the posts are a “vocal minority’ it gives you a good idea of what is needed or perceived lacking. If I came to this game today and not 6 weeks ago I might not buy it based on all the negative posts. If these negative posts scare away even 10% of potential new customers that could be millions of dollars lost by Bioware that they could have used for new QA, Programming and CS staff. Most people who throw constant tantrums and yell and scream until they get what they want don’t seem to realize that more customers = faster response not less response. I know at our web based software company we increased our TS and QA by 100% after a successful release. Even though there were a lot of bugs the general tone was good which through word of mouth increased the sales which then allowed us to hire more. This allowed us to help the people with more tech support and fix the bugs much faster with the added QA than we could have with the original staff. More customers = more money = more staff = faster response Constant negative = less money = less response as they don’t have the resources projected. Basically you are killing the game you say you want to help
  15. LOLwut? I read the article 3 times and it clearly states 2 million sales not 2.1 or 2.4. Its also states 1.7 million active subscription. It doesn't matter if I stand on my head and hold my breath, it will never be 25%.
  16. I have been 50 for 3 weeks and I still find a ton of stuff to do, so much so I have been neglecting my alts . Maybe this game is just not your style?
  17. Actually the general forum’s are 100x better than they were 2 weeks ago, whether this is the mods or the 30 day people leaving, who knows.
  18. Buttt whet about meh PvP blance! This game wel dye wthowt pVp blance! God I just threw up a little saying that sorry.
  19. So leave? 1.7 million people will not miss you. Every person has a game style they like, you don't like this one....We get it. The difference between me and you (and a lot of other people) is we don't troll the forum trying to ruin it for everyone else. Most normal people act like mature adults and move on.
  20. I effectively have 2 sets of orange and purple gear with full purple mods (I know I need a life) and my own experience I prefer the Crit -Surge over my Power – Surge – Alac gear. Self buffed and my Crit - Surge gear I run around at 42% tech crit (as apposed to around 27% tech with power gear) and 93% surge. With full party buffs I can consistently guarantee half my heals will heal for double the listed value, which means I can spend more time DPSing in hard modes (love rage timers). On several end bosses I can DPS over 1/3 of the fight if I get a series of crit heals in a row (which happens a lot) I’m sure there is all sorts of math to prove either way, I am just stating how it feels to me and what I see. I guess it comes down to personal preference and what makes you a comfortable healer in a crazy setting.
  21. I would agree with this, I think they assumed it would create even more unrest when people realized how much DPS "the other guy" can do.
  22. Not trolling , asking a question. If you want to see trolling look at the first page.
  23. Direct copy paste from another thread: I have posted this multiple times in the last 3 weeks, why is it that every TROLL or whiner on the forum has the identical 3 things in common? 1. No avatar 2. Some stupid name all in lower case with multiple letters the same( e.g. pwnnnkthxbyyyy) 3. Every second line has swearing in it or strategically placed wording to bypass the swear filter It's really weird, are they all from the same place or same previous games like MW3 or BF2?
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