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Everything posted by Monkar

  1. Rift is actually an example of what macro's should not be. I love the argument where it is all or nothing. Limits to macros should exist, as should simple macros.
  2. Actually I use a grand total of 5-6 macros generally. You are kidding yourself. It's a quality of life issue, nothing more.
  3. If you enjoy competitive pvp then why are you playing this game?
  4. Where is the 'flag' button that identifies where the fanboys are going to ultimately drive most of the player base that expects certain very reasonable standards in their MMO's away. itt: Bads who think that playing without macros is going to put them on a level playing field with players better than they are.
  5. They are a tool. Do you drive a nail with a screwdriver? People want a proper toolkit to deal with situations they are dealt with.
  6. I don't quite think you understand. Use of macros can be as much of a hindrance as it is a boon. Using them properly is as easy as binding your skills. Stop pretending otherwise with convenient ignorance.
  7. It comes from consistently outperforming people across several mmos for several years in varying levels of competitive game play. I don't pretend to be the best, but I am in front of the curve.
  8. If you think pvp is more skilled with the current PvP system then you pretty much throw all of your credibility out the window. Tab is bad. Click targeting is near impossible with the frequent window rescaling due to a horrible camera system. Is it a surprise pvp is dominated by classes that can abuse the y axis? Off target however, I can do it either way, it is just silly to make life miserable for everyone so you can scream from your mountaintop about making your game less pure.
  9. Actually, overuse of macros actually has the potential to lower dps. It just makes things more efficient some of the time. Lets look at an example. If I have a macro bound to my opener that also pops my relic when I am actually not trying to score a kill but just controlling a player would be a waste, similarly opening on a mob prior to an ops wide CD being used would cause a desync of abilities. That being said, when that opportunity comes up, not having to mash three buttons at once to blow your load doesn't decrease skill, I already know what I am going to do, it just allows you to properly line things up. Similarly, if you think targeting in this game is anywhere near acceptable, I am at a loss for words.
  10. Bosses seeing me in stealth three times farther away than my unstealthed group is actually the stupidest thing ever. Sorry.
  11. What is most amusing is I can confidently outplay players without macro's. That however isn't pertinent at all, what is, is that you are effectively arguing against a quality of life increase, while I still outperform you. I will still be better than you regardless of our QoL, you might as well make the game tolerable with assist, stopcasting, focus, off the GCD abilities, and mouseover macros. (Notice nowhere in there were any auto-casting sequence macros? Using those generally gimps your dps.)
  12. If bioware would get its head out of its *** and stop trying to be anti-WoW and acknowledge there are certain standards in that game that they should employ they might actually make this game succeed. - Targeting is beyond bad - Things off the GCD might as well be on it because you can't tie them into abilities. Further, there is no reason that things such as an Operatives Acid Blade should need to be reused for every application, or that if you use a HS and a BS the BS will not benefit from the still showing buff. - Balance is absurd - We cant prove balance is absurd because a combat log is absent - the lack of said combat log causes you to not understand anything about what has happened to you, or what you do.
  13. short answer no long answer noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  14. short answer no long answer noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  15. If you think that macro's like that result in anything but you being terrible and doing terrible dps than I suspect you have no clue what you are talking about. Macros are nice for mouseover abilities and things off the GCD that you dont want to bind. You can also vary the degree of complexity allowable in a macro.
  16. It wouldn't be so bad if 1) Combat reset more easily offering better soft resets. 2) There was an on demand medium CD gap closer, not something that allowed the exploitation of the Z axis, but something beyond a snare to close distances. 3) Another special that would proc my poison. 4) Snare being off the GCD. 5) Better energy regen, resources are absurd to manage.
  17. Monkar

    dps meter

    Horror stories about misused damage meters are greatly overblown. Regardless of the MMO one is going to encounter bads who don't understand their role. Me wanting to fine tune my performance will no have an impact upon your immersion within the game. As it stands being melee already brings a stigma, at least let me set myself from the pack by performing my role properly.
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