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Posts posted by Tellenn

  1. Theres no problem with leaving warzones. If enough leave it ends quicker and a new one that might be more balanced can start. Staying in a warzone where only one side has a chance just means you make others wait longer to have fun. That just harms pvp.


    Its up to the players to balance the system that bioware has no intention of changing and leaving is part of that.

  2. Its not really the problem. In most pvp mmos you have to deal with pug v pre. Difference is that in real pvp mmos everyone knows their jobs and plays to that role. Tanks tank healers heal. In swtor you have healers and tanks in solo that queue from pve in dps specs. These are the players that make swtor pvp so ****. Know your role.


    Although most pvp games have dps specs for all classes. They make sure they are really inferior to actually dps classes. This means all classes have a agreed upon role that only really good players are allowed to play alt specs. That how to handle mixed queue pvp but swtor ****s that up.

  3. swtor has a major problem in the way it handles dot classes.


    While dots need to be powerful enough to make them balanced in pve they dont get cleansed in pve. If they are cleanseable in pvp then dot classes take a big hit to their dps.


    The way most pvp mmos handle this is to put cleanse on a longer cooldown or to put heal debuffs onto certains dots meaning cleanse has to be reserved for trying to cleanse debuffs and allowing dot classes to cover debuffs.


    swtor cant do that as many of the pve mechanics need spamable cleanses and heal debuffs have no effect on pve effectiveness.


    If you wanted to see what happens when you have dot classes going up against healers with easy access to cleanse just look at the magus class from warhammer. Less than 1% of the population played one due to all its dps being linked to dots and the warrior priest class having a low cd party wide cleanse. Totally gutted the class and lead to 5 years of nerf magus joke threads.

  4. Please no. PvP in this game has little to no flavor left as it is. The least they can do is keep it Imps vs Pubs.


    There is no rvr in swtor. Whatever tiny bit of immersion that realms give to pvp is pointless compared to what benefits xfaction would bring. If they were ever going to make factions have any bearing on pvp it died when ilum was such a mess.

  5. Might give it a go. Think I started thinking about it after my time in ESO. played with all binds on the Naga there and enjoyed the movement and it made it a lot easier when I needed to keep moving and free target something, but there were a lot less to bind.


    My Gunslinger was born from me first getting my Naga on my sniper and deciding to level from the ground up with it and incorporating things as I got them. Maybe it's time for a 3rd.


    Yeah its hard when I come back to a real mmo after those casual ones like eso or gw2 where you dont need to use any modifiers. They make you really rusty in pvp. I can see how its far better for the non pvpers though as the easier combat is the less the skill gap is. Should be interesting to see what 3.0 does for ability bloat and if it makes pvp more balanced for the pvers trying it out.

  6. I have a Naga and I know a lot of you use keyboard for the strafes then modifiers to use all abilities on the mouse, but I just never got used to that. I use the 1 to = keys and F1 to F12 then keep critical abilities bound to the first 6 of each, and the 12 buttons on the Naga. Then holding right key to lock camera, left mouse moves in direction you are looking, then the small buttuns on the Naga on the edge of the left mouse button where the front one is strafe left and the back one is strafe right.


    It's worked but I keep thinking about re-learning to use the modifiers and nage more, then use the keyboard FPS style. Just so ingrained on me.


    Its no different than when you first move from keybinds to the naga. For a week your muscle memory want to to use your keybinds. You just have to break your hand out of that. Rebind everything to the naga and force yourself. It'll take abit of time but when your keybinds no longer work your brain quickly stops wanting to use them.


    I came to the naga late always had logitech game mice before. It was when my guild moved from war to swtor that we all bought nagas. Forced ourselves to bind everything to the naga and everyone suddenly improved by a huge amount over a week.

  7. You'd need to ask Tellenn...


    I have a gaming pad and it just feels more convenient. Try one if you never have/. You'll never want to go back to boards again. Allt is in a different position so my pinky uses all the modifiers and my ring finger if I need multiple modifiers which I don't usually use for abilities mid fight. The majority of fight abilities I have bound to my naga keys and shift/ctrl. That leaves my thumb free so have all the targeting methods bound to its keys. I find it works better as the thumb isnt left useless just having alt and jump.


    Funny how old gamers all have different control set ups. Ive had my gamepad for 8 years and the company no longer exists so if it ever broke Id be really screwed.

  8. I thought maybe that was the problem, it would seem like ''Gore + Ravage'' would deal heavy damage if done right, but until I get Gore I will have to wait. I have a Jedi Guardian and I can agree with you that I was doing ALOT better in PvP with him at lower levels than with the Marauder.


    However this still leaves me with the issue of spending all my ''Focus'' and not retaining it. Is there a instant like Combat Focus which the Jedi Guardian has for Marauder that I will get later on?


    Thanks for replying.


    It doesnt have the easy 1 button full rage that the jugg gets. Again the ap management is from the higher abilities. Massacre replaces Slash and hits much harder for the same cost and its proc makes VT free. Along with Enraged Slash from Annihilation and your Scream refund that makes all of your abilities cost 1 less. With the constant free VT procs and cheap fillers you can keep dpsing just from Charge and your rage builder.

  9. Its your level. All the good procs come later on. You need Massacre and the VT proc that it gives to push your burst, the surge bonus on scream crits and the root for you ravage. At lower levels mara/sent is a burst dps missing its burst.


    At your level you will just have to save your scream crits for your gore and try to get a ravage off while the target is in range. gore ravage scream filler repeat.


    Its a horrible class to play at that level while juggs are pushing and ravaging everyone with impunity but just grin and bear it mara get better stuff later than other classes.

  10. Bind S key to acquire focus target's target. Use focus targeting in PVP.


    Just upgraded your reg q skills by one million percent.


    As for jumping, when playing certain classes jumping reduces/changes the effect of knockbacks. For example, if you are mid jump when you get pushed you'll just go straight up instead of knocked away. Due to the nature of SWTOR's horrible lag, it's difficult for your opponent to time when to use their knockback to actually knock you away instead of up. On my op/scoundrel healers I also often jump to be able to get LOS when rolling my HoTs.


    Really if you want to upgrade your skills by a bigger amount getting an mmo mouse is going to help better than any keybinding. With all combat abilities bound to mouse + modifiers. You can use the more advanced mmo movement keys esdf. Use q,a,z for set focus, focus targets target and mark target with pinky. Then thumb for different targeting types v,b,n tab center and closest and space jump. Then you have a bunch of free buttons for anything else you feel like mount, buffs, boost, HM.

  11. Yeah I understand the kiting and strafing, turning... It's the ones I see jumping forward only while trying to escape or just moving... It's like they can't move any other way... I suspect these players have just seen others doing it and are just trying to copy without knowing why they are doing it


    I do remember along time ago a arena or might have been an mmo cant remember which one where you could jump and avoid ground based aoe snares and hop out of them. It might have come about from that but I agree I do see alot doing it for no apparent reason some times.

  12. Ok... So when they do it moving forward and it slows them down they are basically gimping themselves... LoL


    They jump so they can use abilities behind them while strafing or to rotate the camera to the opposite side. They aren't just jumping for no reason.


    This is a good guide to kiting, prekiting and qe switching from a guy I used to play with.




    Unfortunately the devs have decided the players are such scrubs they need to change abilities to 270 and dumb this game down even further with 3.0

  13. You played wow for 3 years and never thought about learning to mouseturn?


    Sorry but I have no sympathy for someone that wants to queue ranked and never bothered to learn the absolute minimum of character control after 3 years.

  14. melee can circle around you for the simple fact you are backpeddaling. i tank in pvp and i have never run into these problems you talk about while "strafing sideways." Backpeddaling is, and will always be an inferior way of moving and kiting. you get the same effect from strafing sidways. you can still use all of your abilities AND move faster in the process. in this game most melee dps have some form of passive speed boost, clickable boost, or a roll. that makes backpeddaling even more obsolete than it was.


    i have also run into tanks that backpedal kite like you and boy, i love it when they do this because its crazy easy to get behind them and blow them up. any tank with partial skill that strafe kites is a harder kill for me on my assassin than any "great backpedal kiter."


    s key has its uses along with strafe and mouse turning. Not having it available is why even supposed good players in swtor are so very very bad. Ive yet to see anyone on streams or in game that I would rate as good compared to even average players in serious rvr mmos. The reason being they have become so used to fighting key turners and clickers that all they fall back on is the basic 'dancing' around or through players. Theres no reason to have to use more advanced movement. You can't get behind someone switching between s key and strafing while mouse turning because you don't have the speed to circle fast enough thats why its common practice when tanking multiple opponents in rvr mmos.


    Also s key is helpful in prekiting to control speed when preparing but keeping the fight at max range where strafing might take you out of range. Not having it available is pointless when theres no need for extra keybinds as swtor has a limited ability set. If you need s key then you probably have your keybinds wrong or aren't making proper use of modifiers.


    Theres a basic kiting technique that cannot be done without s key as well. Which is while strafe kiting jumping using s to automatically rotate your character to use abilities to your rear 180 and then going back to strafing. Without s you will need to rotate the camera each jump which will leave you slightly zig zaging instead of a direct line away.


    s is only a benefit and freeing up one button on a game that doesnt use many is pointless.

  15. Or just strafe normally with mouse movement and get the same effect but faster..


    Doesnt work if the mdps try to circle around in different directions. Strafe backpedal switching with quick mouse turning will always keep any number of dps at your front thats why its the most common tanking method in large scale rvr games.


    Unbinding s is retarded in a game that has a limited number of keybinds like swtor. You're just limiting yourself.

  16. Uh no. You can kite much better without using your S key. This isn't mythic and this isn't a medieval fantasy game with positional block mechanics.


    Im not talking about kiting with the s key you numpty. Im talking about keeping multiple mdps to your front with the normal backpedal strafe key switching tanking method.

  17. Unbind your s key. You're halfway there. Back pedaling is the same as running forward with a slow on you. You will always be at a disadvantage if you don't stop doing this.


    On the flip side, you are a prime example of why this is currently and always will be a relevant... skill set? for pvp. No offense.


    Never unbnd your s key. As anyone who has played a tank in any mythic mmo will know backpedaling while mouse turning and situational use of strafe makes it impossible for a mdps to get a positional on you outside of a stun. Its not as effective in swtor due to lack of proper tanks but still useful.


    The jumping about while kiting on rdps is to fire abilities while strafing without losing momentum or turning the camera when you change strafe key to keep looking from side to side.

  18. I have lost count of the times someone has attempted to circle behind on a class that has no positionals just to put a pit or trap behind them. Dont circle. Work out the best side to be and stay there. That should be where you cannot be kb into anything, just around a corner where you can attack but los other range or where you have a view of any objective. Running circles around them is completely pointless and in alot of cases will put you in a worse position than where you could have been. Smart players will just wait for you to circle to the point that benefits them cc you in the open or kb to their advantage.
  19. Its far far less necessary when tanks in daoc for instance have 60%+ shield and 50%+ parry stats to get past from frontal 180. As long as you don't give your back to the few classes that have positionals your fine in swtor theres very little skill needed in that.
  20. /facepalm


    I mean compared to proper pvp mmos where all abilities can be defended by high percentage parry and shield mechanics and a proper riposte reflect cd instead of the handful positionals swtor has. Where even range class have to hit a tank in the back to have any chance of doing any damage. Like daoc and war.

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