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Posts posted by Tellenn

  1. You can't argue about balance when the class populations give it all away.


    SO MANY SORCS. Can't play a single hand without some ahole chaining lightning on you. Youre lucky if it's not 2 or 3 people channeling.


    I play on harbinger, essentially the most populated server, and with the highest representation of class trends.


    I'm so tired of fighting this class, even as a scoundrel the sorc is my natural prey but it's still boring. Same shield cracking, and then bursting then waiting for the bubble to turn off then finish the target.


    The bubble is so retarded. They shouldn't be able to heal while inside. So sick of a guy bubbling then healing like 30% inside. It gives a dumb sorc a mulligan for being stupid and gives a skilled player a highly abusable ability that holds them above merc and sniper.


    I rarely see mercs especially because they're so easy to focus. The bubble needs to be crackable. Nuff said.


    Sorc have been the most played class since launch. Its just popular due to the lore. It was overplayed even when it wasnt so op.


    Currently Sin is far better and PT about the same level as sorc.


    It is true you can see what is fotm though. Since I came back a year ago there were far more sins and its popularity has been growing.

  2. Just because someone KB turns or key binds doesn't indicate the degree of "skill" the player has. Just sayin bruh.

    Wrong. Not all bads are KB turners but all KB turners are bads.

  3. Bro, have you paid attention to how much damage explosive dart doesn't do? The only use the thing has at all right now is dot spread, and even then its poor at that since the target will often wander away from his teammates before the thing goes off.


    Doesnt matter. Thats why its called burst squeezing as much damage into a gcd as possible. As you can trigger EF after it and TD are on really its an extra gcd inside EF anyway.

  4. Every true pvp'er doesn't give a sh*t about mids.


    Im a true pvp'er (never touch pve in any mmo) and I care that players are rushing through and not learning classes properly as it affects the quality of opponents and teammates in endgame. Of course Im not a short sighted moron.

  5. They need to stop encouraging players to rush through pve to get to endgame pvp without experience. Its the trash in pugs that cause imbalance. There needs to be a valor or at least gear limit to entering endgame pvp.


    Thats how you fix regs not splitting the tiny pvp population up even more. I solo all the time when the couple of players I group with arent on. Its the trash you have to carry thats the problem. I regularly see players with below 20 valor and greens in endgame regs. This is the problem.

  6. Going on low level alts is pretty frustrating right now. Its also making things much worse. You go from dominating when your on your 55+ to being dead weight when you enter midbies.


    The issue its creating is people totally avoid pvp as new players or on their alts meaning less players queueing midbies and making it consist even more of only those 55+.


    It also means players are rushing through pve to try and get to 55 as quick as possilbe. They dont learn their class, dont get comms for pvp gear and enter endgame totally unprepared. They then join pugs and expect to be carried in a game without any queue sorting and where premades can avoid having to be stuck with these players.


    BW have absolutely no experience in how to handle mmo pvp. In over 10 years of playing mmos just to pvp I have never seen a company be so blind to problems they create that anyone with any experience of how it works would see coming.


    Do not encourage rushing through and avoiding lower level pvp then have no way to sort players via experience or at least gear in endgame. Its *********** retarded. You wouldnt allow it in pve as it would break the game, so dont do it in pvp.

  7. Fix reg wz. Simple lock out players with low valor that havent done any pvp then want to jump into endgame pvp.


    Your meant to learn the class while you level now we have pugs flooded with 12x morons.

  8. The problem isnt premades.


    The problems are premades ability to take advantage of awful balance, made much worse in the last patch to make perfect teams.


    The serious issues with bolster including the ship bug that premades all take advantage of.


    The complete lack of queue balancing so pugs almost never have a competitive group make up of roles.


    And even worse. The ability for under geared awful pve players that have done little to no pvp being able to queue for endgame pvp. These players cannot be carried by a pug when going against a premade.


    Balance the classes.

    Stop messing around with balance based on pve whiners.

    Introduce some queue sorting.

    Lock out players from endgame pvp that have low valor. Pve players cant jump into hard modes with **** gear.

  9. ********, no offense but, those utilities if u are against a jugg/sin ( very very possible in arenas) are useless, because u will go down b4 even know it.


    Bubble up. Eat the ravage. Knockback and kite, if he doesnt waste his push.

    When he leaps again emersion away and he'll land well behind you so just snare him.

    If he chokes bubble after for stun.


    Bubble will stun from maul. If he goes deflection. Try to kite and snare/kb when its off.

    Emersion so you can run out of his snare while deflections up.


    All 3 are must haves along with cast on move.

  10. A lot of threads going around, complaining about Sins, Sorcs, PTs, and Juggs, many calling them the Feature of the Month, sometimes calling all of them the Feature of the Month in one thread or post.


    When you call half of all classes the Feature of the Month, you're using the term wrong. Even calling them OP is weird, since power balance is a relative term--one could simply call the other 4 ACs underpowered.


    Are there power-balance corrections that could be made? Sure. But hyperbole and rhetoric do not aid in that endeavor.


    Feature of them Mouth? None gamer alert.

  11. Did you write this pre 3.0 because theres so much wrong with it.


    Corruption and Lightning have limited mobility - Wrong

    Madness has terrible healing - Wrong

    Shine when team covers them - They are the best solo q class outside Sin and Jugg

    Get in their face and cc - They have cc too, you'll get stunned, bubble stunned, root kb or ww

    They have limited melee options - No **** they are ranged thats why they stun run off and hit you for a 16k TB

    At least you got the discipline names right

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