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Everything posted by quickfingers

  1. Here in Houston we have been having problems with disconnections all day. Is there anyway that we can push the Nightcluster pack a day or so? Maybe until Friday at 11 am?
  2. How about selling starship schamatics and making a new shipwright profession that could go along with rare metals and components? The whole space aspect needs a major overhaul. This rail based system is horrible, we need free flight and the ability to craft and upgrade our own starships for space combat...
  3. - Craftable Starships! - Free Flight Space Combat. (al la SWG Style) - Player Housing This rail based space combat makes it VERY unapealling and I can't speak for everyone but most people that I speak to do not use it at all because of it. Did I mention craftable starships? Time is running short, FF XIV, and EQ3 are not too far off, implement some great features and game play elements and maintain a nice part of the subscribers...
  4. But it's sooooo fun spending money on multiple / identical low value items which all you do is delete. Makes you REALLY love the game!
  5. +1 As a Founder, I Would love to see the armor skins back in game. I preordered the game at release but was unable to commit time to play as I had hoped. Now that I am playing a lot, I would love to equip this set.
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