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Posts posted by Valsdad

  1. Maybe. Gear plays a bigger role at that point though. A WH sent will drop a recruit whatever fast. And so many bad players all factors in. Also factoring in general flaws and bugs like animation disparities and crappy targeting its hard to say what's balanced or not. Need to get the best players of every class and run some tests. A WH geared top player vs 2 noob in PvE gear doesn't tell you much. The fact is some classes are more user friendly than others so a "bad" player can do well vs an equally bad player of another class just becuase X class is easier to play.


    Why is it that, out of all the variables you're arguing, you aren't even considering that maybe you don't need 99% damage immunity while you're still capable of your full damage output?

  2. Sigh. The "cost" of UR is not 1k health you expend when popping it. It's the 14k you have to expend before you consider popping it.


    So, like say umm.... Every other class in the game?


    Honestly dude, I can see why Mara / Sent needs both a strong defensive cooldown and curbstomp type dps. What I, and any other rational human being, cannot see is the need for both at the same time.


    There should be a choice to make: Do I not die, or do I try to squeeze out this kill?

  3. OP pretty much summed it up.


    It's either mindless zerging (in huge numbers) or lopsided ganking (smaller numbers with uneven 'teams'). If you want to PvP with balanced teams and be able to influence the outcome of the fight, do instanced PvP.


    It's probably a mixture of nostalgia and a certain frustration with the 'losing' aspect of instanced PvP that makes the people demand open world PvP as they imagine it. To each his own I guess.


    It is my opinion that you feel like you need to be led. Most individuals are perfectly content with being the soldier and shrugging off the responsibility of developing strategies on the fly.


    I find war zones fun, I really do. But, to me it is mindless fun and it wains very quickly.

  4. Everyone hates dieing, but they especially hate dieing not because they were outplayed, but because they are constantly outnumbered or they got out-grinded. THAT is why people un-sub from those games. Those games are for hardcore RPPVPers. not real, competitive pvpers.


    As for what I am defending, I am defending instanced pvp in general. Open world is fun, but it is not competitive.


    Yet you say people are quitting because they were "out-grinded", which is the entire basis of the instanced pvp treadmill. I'm confused as to what you are trying to convey.


    I never saw any game that was 20 vs 10 that people actually thought was competitive.


    It would be competitive if you had to defend every objective you made or it could be taken back. So, if you needed 5 objectives to win; by time you were fighting for that 5th one, you would be doing it with 3 people as not to lose your other ground.


    Or... you could systematically prepare to take them all at the same time through feints and other deceptions.


    I find static warzones very boring and without imagination.

  6. Im sorry , have you never done world pvp? go take some testimonies from melee players that did Illum, while ppl were still interested in it.


    Here, ill spare you the trouble... their most valuable ability was "buff" all operation group so that they get credit for kills.


    So, your logic is to re-enforce your opinion labeled as fact with the opinions of others?


    I don't believe the discussion of open world pvp being more fun is strictly limited to this one game, though. When I speak of open world being more fun, my scope is more genre wide.

  7. No, that's called unfair advantage.


    Go tell that to ppl doing wz 5vs8.


    The difference between the two concepts you're describing is that war zones limit what you can tactically do. At the end of the day, you have to do things like control 2 pieces of land for the majority of the time, in a static / rule driven box. Number disadvantages will hurt you in that regard.


    Whereas, say you're down 5 v 8 in an open world environment; you can entice your foeman to the edge of a cliff and end his threat rather quickly and efficiently, even while being outnumbered.

  8. PvP should be based on individual skill, small team performance........ not 100 vs 100 or w/e u ppl want. That just means the side with more range and/or aoe wins.


    Why do you speak of your opinion as though it is fact?

  9. And you both had even numbers? Even terrain? Started on the battlefield at the same time?


    Those are inconsequential starting conditions.


    a.) Numbers mean nothing in a world that does not limit my tactical imagination


    b.) If I want your terrain, I will attempt to take it through deceit or force.


    c.) Not my concern. If my forces are late to the party, they die, then I learn how to be on time.

  10. Sounds like you just want to be part of a gank squad where you "RP" being a ******.


    No, I want to make you think I'm engaging you on your terms and laugh as you start wondering what that smoke in the distance is.

  11. The fact that you dont want a fair fight shows your not a pvper. I am not talking about RP- PvP here guys where you have to "fear" going outside the town because there is a war going on or w/e the storyline is. I could care less about the story, lore, and RP, thats what movies and books are for. I am talking real pvp, ranked, team based battles that can be tracked, recorded, etc. That is how you prove who is the best. THAT is real competition.


    If you find yourself in a fair fight; trust that you've made a tactical error.

  12. I believe in Santa Claus..But just so we can further your enlightenment...Sun Wu (simplified Chinese: 孙武; traditional Chinese: 孫武; pinyin: Sūn Wǔ), style name Changqing (長卿), better known as Sun Tzu or Sunzi[1] (simplified Chinese: 孙子; traditional Chinese: 孫子; pinyin: Sūnzǐ; pronounced [swə́n tsɨ̀]), was an ancient Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher who is traditionally believed, and who is most likely, to have authored The Art of War, an influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy. Sun Tzu has had a significant impact on Chinese and Asian history and culture, both as an author of The Art of War and through legend. You aren't wrong...But like you view on the game...The answers to both are complex.


    How's that god complex working out for you? I bet you're a smash at parties.

  13. Hey Suzie. Did I say anything about the issue with server population? Did I even remotely hint that I was declaring people stuck on low pop servers to be whiners? .....Or did I talk about the "experts" that have declared themselves the grand pooba's of the industry, and owner of the great server population cure tool?


    You made a great leap there, with all the drama one could muster it seems. I have this vision of a guy in a dress, hand on hip, doing that "shanana" head bob thing. LOL


    They are taking care of folks like you. It just takes time to perfect the coding, work the parameters etc. You don't want them to screw it up, right? End up in a situation where the switch bugs out....try to transfer and end up being, Brindle-fly?


    Oh get off of your own perceived superiority for a second.


    Transferring characters is not hard. The tech to perform transfers has always been in place because the fundamental architecture of how the game operates was built to easily move and restore character data. Transferring a character is literally just a matter of executing a database string query once to back up the data and again to populate the data into another server's database.


    There is no coding to perfect, it's already there. Mass server transfers are being held off solely for political reasons while executives try to decide how to spin them away from their negative connotation.

  14. I want to roll an alt that is stealth based. I have a shadow but I'm concerned that the class doesn't really utilize stealth mechanics at all. I've watched footage of some good sin/shadows and it seems like they stealth maybe 2 or 3 times a wz, opposed to a scoundrel/op and only attacks out of stealth.


    I'll be playing with a friend and we want a stealth team duo to bring down targets quick, what does everyone think? two ops? two Sins? Op/Sin. what would you run that has a stealth emphasis, and do you think sin is a stealthy class or are my observations right?


    Scoundrels have literally been nerfed into the ground with every major patch. If you think at some point BW pulls their collective heads from their rears and pulls them back up from the cellar; then go for it. But, you should just forget they exist unless you only want to heal.

  15. Well you would think Bioware would address this. Seems like it goes against all of what Star Wars is!


    They did address it. They made 2 other WZ's capable of same faction fights, thereby effectively deleting PvP for Republic players on low pop servers.


    I would really love to hear the logical reason for that move.

  16. This isn't a skill issue or a win / loss thing. I want to PvP, but there are no queues. When I finally get a queue to pop, we are always down at least 2 players for the start of the match. We can't play so we can't get gear and meanwhile the imps are steady beating on each other and rolling in the comms.


    I don't know, but I log in less and less and if a WZ queue goes over about 10 - 15 mins, I just bail out and do something else.


    I just wish Bioware could / would do something about the population imbalance instead of encouraging it with even more same faction warzones.

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