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Posts posted by Valsdad

  1. Pray-tell how does a class that needs to be behind a target at 4 meters use sever tendon + line of sight to get there against a pyro who targets him across a field? Particularly in that he's going to be slowed. Even using sever tendon, you're gaining, what, 1 m every 4 seconds? Following your advice, he'll be dead before he gets to 6m.




    The second sentence is the correct approach. The first sentence is not. Again, read the TC's post. Pyro looks at him across a field. How can he avoid dying in a few short globals? The answer is escape to somewhere else. Not "um gud, i dunneed kewldawns cuz um awsum." Sever tendon will do absolutely nothing to stop him from getting melted in that situation.


    If you're seen across the field you're hosed anyway. That's any class. Part of being a scrapper is understanding when to open and when to wait. That unbubbled sorc with no resolve looks juicy until you look further and see his PT buddy un-engaged.


    When I open on a PT, I'm always looking for quick outs to avoid his damage without blowing my wad on a DPS race that I will most certainly lose anyway. That's why you open near a LoS obstacle -> tendon blast -> LoS -> cleanse snare -> go back in to damage -> get away -> cleanse snare.


    Scrappers should never catch themselves in a burst contest with a PT if he/she can help it.

  2. Actually if you dont blow all your CD (reopen and avoid some damage), Powertech Pyro will out burst you even in pure melee fights (<4m).

    On top of that I can beat any concealment operative with something as simple as newbie flame burst spam kite. (as long as I dont overheat, you are technically prema kited)


    You simply dont got the burst to take me out that fast between my energy shield + heal heal + my 2 stuns before all my dots and burst and 5k railshot.


    Only chance you have vs PT is as people mentioned pop everything you got and hope the PT dont have his defensive up, no wz medpack, no warzone adrenal. And hope that the PT you are trying to kill is a complete scrub noob reroll and dont try to kite you.


    Than you will have a chance.


    No. Maybe for scrappers that don't have Tendon Blast on their toolbars, or don't know how to use LoS.


    You overestimate your own prowess if you think I need to sell out to kill you. Worst case I'll vanish and choose another target before I waste resources on you.

  3. Do you play a Scrapper? Any good scrapper knows that you don't drop Back Blast straight after Shoot First.. You wait until the FR DoT has ended before reapplying it, otherwise it's a wasted opportunity.


    This ^


    Also, always apply your shield in stealth before opening on him.

  4. Only in there for a second and half and you die. I get that we should have hazards in this game, but it shouldn't kill us that fast.



    Fire damage is fine. It's a bloody hazard that's meant to be avoided!


    I agree that the fire traps need to be adjusted, but only so that the damage goes past all defensive cooldowns. Being in the fire should mean insta-death for anyone caught it in.

  5. Yes, I intended to be harsh. If people can't be bothered to click someone they want to heal, perhaps DDs shouldn't be required to target the mob they want to attack any more?

    What is the POINT in playing a game if you sit in front of your monitor doing next to nothing?


    That's all fine and well and good, but I shouldn't need accuracy down to the pixel to click on a player taking damage. The 'click box' for players is outrageously too unforgiving.

  6. Good question. The lack of objective besides killing the other team is the obvious reason. The terrain will be a point of interest for balance which makes it important to have good maps.


    Spawning timing will also be a non-issue. One life, if you died your team has one less.


    If the objective is killing the other guy, only PT's need apply then?

  7. I love that people like to pretend that those individuals who choose a DPS class, are brainless thugs mashing buttons, but healers are actual PHDs, who are of course pressing the same buttons, but with intellectual and surgical precision.


    Too funny.


    But that is the sentiment. I may be misunderstanding, but from what I gather; dps players want to be able to kill healers at their discretion.

  8. The other day I was in a CW where it was a healer and I guarding one of our nodes. A smugglar came in to try and sneak it but was caught and we attacked. I am a Powertech Tank and the Healer was an Operative. The Smugglar was ofcoure a Scoundrel but I am unsure if he was heal spec or DPS but at any rate between myself and the Op we could not outdamage the smugglars heals!


    I kid you not that we could only bring him to half health and then suddenly he is back at full health! It was not until we got a DPS class to come help us that we were able to finally kill the scoundrel! So I do not buy into this PvP healing is broken! DPSer deal damage! What good would they be if they couldn't kill someone being healed? Everyone might as well play a healer and keep yourself healed and never die!


    Healing is fine as most teams with 2 healers has an outstanding chance to win a PvP match against a team with 1 or none! It is because of the heals! A team with no heals is rolled by teams with multiple healers because they can not DPS enough to kill anyone and have no one to keep them up!


    Healing is fine!



    You are literally upset because a tank and a healer couldn't dps through a healer's self heals? This speaks volumes to me.




    I don't think there is any 1 player in this game that can out DPS my heals on myself.


    That's cycling Evasion and Shield Probe for defensive; Debilitate and Flashbang for cc; and Kolto Probe, Infusion, Surgical Probe, and Kolto Injection for healing.


    Personally, I have a hard time keeping the damage to health ratio at 1 when a PT is hellbent on my death. They aren't impossible to kite / LoS, but unlike Maras, they aren't obvious when they start attacking you.

  9. I did quote him indeed just to point out how people in mmos work. They would rather complain about mechanics that were there since the begining (and were considered fine in order to keep the class viable) of the game instead of questioning their own skill.



    You have typed words, but said nothing.

  10. They had it since beta along with their other defensive cds and were considered up, in fact force camo was even better since it granted 100% dmg reduction. At 1.2 sent/maras received much needed buffs and a nerf on anihilation/watchman tree and now peeps complain because thats how fotm sheeps(like you) work. They forget about everything that happened the last months and follow the herd of QQers.


    That is the reason of why i hate mmos, when people start to complain about something that was considered fine or even up for no apparent reason.


    You quoted him, but didn't answer his question.

  11. In that case, i suggest you delete your scoundrel, since it is obviously useless, and roll an Assault specialist so you can experience the power.


    maybe you'll be so insanely good, that you can overcome the game mechanics to render us useless when rooted and killed easily from ranged.


    please report back with your findings.. :rolleyes:


    I'm just trying to follow your logic and apparently have failed. You feel you're balanced because you can be focused and killed, even understanding that every other class can also be focused and killed. But, since some classes can vanish (when not stunned, mind you. who would fill a vanishing classes resolve before trying to burst him?) it's okay for you to bbq everyone around you.

  12. paper , rock , scissors.


    maybe you should stop trying to throw scissors against rockss, and expect a win.


    maybe you want to go after the paper instead?


    Ok bro, you're baws. It isn't in anyway shape or form that your class does significantly more damage than it should. Everyone is rolling PT's because they look so cool with a single blaster, right?

  13. go duel a powertech, have him stand at 20m, and not move closer, see how he does.


    if you decide to play in the PT's kill box, don't be surprised when you get killed.


    You know there are other classes that have to operate within that 20m right? Once again, you're balanced because people should stay out of your 20m nuke zone, correct? When did being a raid boss = balance?

  14. "If you aren't very good, stop blaming everyone else"


    THAT'S RIGHT!! Stop blaming and just leave the group...we all know you want to anyway


    I know there's plenty of baddies but blaming and calling them out doens't improve anything...at all. Eventually you'll learn that being a d**k to someone only broadcasts to everyone that you are d**k. How about you act like a person and talk to these folks, help them maybe?




    When I hear someone say 'bad' I just assume they are partially retarded.

  15. if that's the part you chose to focus on, then yeah, you deserve to die.


    you chose to focus on the "and focus fire".


    that's actually irrelevant. the important part is "have tricks to escape the pocket"


    get out of the PT's kill zone, and he becomes limited on what he can do.



    No man, I got you. You feel its balanced to be a walking death machine because you don't have a 3 min (2 min melee spec) vanish cooldown.

  16. Its especially true for vanguards/PT's. I have pvp'd exclusively and consistently since early access. My experience is not trivial. My marauder, guardian and operative have tricks to escape the pocket and focus fire : the assault spec does not. The powertech problem has a solution, but if your team fails to take advantage of it, its not really a class issue, now is it?


    So if I'm reading this correctly; the solution to powertechs is to kill him with 3 people before he can kill all 3 of you? Thanks man, you've added a lot to my knowledge base.

  17. There is no universal rule that Healers have to overheal DPS. In TOR you aren't supposed to overheal DPS. You are supposed to slow down the DPS long enough for that DPS to be killed himself. Healers are not the stars of the game.


    Ok, by this genius philosophy, a healer simply isn't supposed to do his job as well as a DPS? Am I understanding you?

  18. How does one call inc on players using stealth? I was in Novare Coast, when a stealther stunned me and started capping the node. I ended up stopping the cap and defeating him but I got all types of "call it out noob" or "nice no call". How am I supposed to call inc on something I can't see?


    The way I read this is that stealthers need buffs.

  19. Healing doesn't need any more help.


    You are not supposed to be able to heal yourself AND another person effectively, even though it can be done.


    I am getting sick of healers asking for more help when they have more than enough heal through-put to keep themselves alive and at least one other person.


    Now if 2 or 3 DPS attack you, YES, you are going to die. That's how PvP works. If your team doesn't help you then find a new team.


    I've seen 3 healers effecttively defend a node for the entire match because they can't be killed by 3-4 DPS. They are essentially invincible. They don't need help.



    In your instance, what happens if 2 dps attack a healer and a dps? Should the healer be able to sustain them both and force a stalemate, or should the 2 dps be able to burn through at least one of the healer and dps team? After all it's 2v2.

  20. Legacy buffs have no place in PvP, period.


    Not only is it unfair to people who purely PvP and don't grind out new characters, but its also unfair to classes who are no longer needed in a WZ for their unique buff.


    /ops can someone cast their buff?


    [derp:] sure bro

    [herp:] thnx bro


    problem solved.

  21. What is your definition of shutting down? I'm pretty sure if you attack a healer, they aren't going to be able to support the team anymore and are shut down whether you can faceroll your keyboard and kill them or not. I'm not sure how cross healing works into the equation of one person shutting down one person either, but pretty much every class either has multiple CCs, interrupts, KBs, etc to stop healers from getting anything off. If you expect to be able to take on healers 1v2, then you are asking to be OP and will most likely be getting your wish soon. Just be happy that your damage is enough to take 2 (probably the only 2) healers out of commission from the rest of the team.


    And honestly, whoever came up with the unbeatable 4 cross healer idea is an idiot as this team would never kill anything. This may be successful in holding an objective, but is completely inept at taking the objective in the first place. It's a great idea to prevent a three cap in CW or Novare and a sure fire way to lose every warzone. This team's best bet for winning is hoping for a VS stalemate and winning a coin flip, although that will be changing since BW is moving it to a most kills wins on first door ties in a later patch.


    As far as the OP, I don't expect to be able to straight heal through a DPS, that would be unrealistic. I do, however, believe I should succeed when taking into account things like CC, snares, defensive CDs and kiting (debatable as to whether this is really all possible atm). Your claim that you can't keep 1 dps up against another dps is either an epic healing fail, you aren't using your other tools besides heals to help your teammate, or your partner is such a bad DPS, he can't kill something when he essentially has 200%+ health. Just try and remember that 2-3 GCDs saved with a stun is more damage prevented than a 6500 crit heal and you'll notice there is more to healing than spamming heals at anyone being attacked.


    I agree here.


    Keeping another player up against 2 DPS is not easy, but doable. But, keep in mind that it is a 2v2 fight too, and the second one of the derps uses a CC on me or even a well timed interrupt; my heal target will be toast. The only thing that really frustrates me is the negative HPS / DPS ratio that any one DPS can put me in when they are intent on my death.

  22. Whatever the reasons, if someone wants to level solely through PvP; it should be at the same rate as questing would. As it stands now, I usually give up on alts once I get to the Tatooine level because I don't want to do WZ's and wait the horrid reload time for the planet.


    The XP boost from legacy perks isn't really enough to speak of, in my opinion.

  23. what else do you want me to do in order to successfully kill you? Solve maematical equations? Having to manually aim my rifle. One dps should shutdown reliably a healer. CC coordination is a myth when healers can cleanse the CC from each other.


    One dps should never kill a healer unless he's afk. It's a stalemate because he can't kill you either.


    You also can't cleanse all CC, and their must be some mythical teams out there because they manage to lock me down just fine and take out my burn target. A burn target doesn't have to be a healer, btw. Even by killing one of my dps you've basically just won the skirmish.

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