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Everything posted by Evastian

  1. Well, to be honest, I'm not even sure. In the films, Jedi don't ever actually hit their opponents. They hit their weapons, and they hit droids, sure, but they don't actually plunge their lightsabers into the hearts of their foes. They always stay their attacks when it's clear they've won. They just go around parrying like madmen and their attacks are usually moreso to try to disarm their opponents than to actually slay them and there are few exceptions and the majority of them involve inner battles with the dark side.
  2. Dyvim, if we're really going to go 100% by the lore, then Jedi should be forced into tank and healing only, and never dps. Rationale: Yoda is quoted as saying the following: "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack." This happens in Episode 5. Why do I say this? Because the ONLY rationale you can have for throwing projectiles is that it is an aggressive action. By "aggressive action", I mean that it hurts other people. Which, by extension, means that DPSing a foe is considered a dark side choice. The reason you don't see light sided Jedi use force telekinesis to injure a foe physically with projectiles in the films is precisely because, in the films, light sided Jedi avoid conflict at ALL costs, and when forced to fight, only fight defensively, prefering to disarm their foes rather than kill them. Let me put it this way: What quality does Force Burst have that Project does not? How is Project a dark side move, while Force Burst is light side? I don't exactly remember any light side Jedi using Force Burst in the films either. And for that matter, I don't exactly remember any light side Jedi fighting aggressively (Read: Injuring, ie dps) either. If you would prefer force usage be limited solely to crowd control effects, then by all means, roll a Jedi Knight. You can force push, force leap, use the force to increase your combat prowess, et cetera. Sure, they wear heavy armor, but I'm pretty sure Obi-Wan wore armor in the Clone Wars cartoons.
  3. Dyvim Force Telekinesis is an established part of Star Wars lore and it has no dark side connotations. Project is an example of Force Telekinesis. That's really all there is to it. You may have an argument that it often throws unusual objects (for example, rocks while inside of a space ship) and that is a fair argument.
  4. Why do you want to get rid of the COOLEST SPELL IN THE GAME Also, what does your sig mean, is that actually from lore? Also, the only valid argument against Project is that it has travel time.
  5. So, I've been levelling on a pretty dead server (The Bastion) and the fact that I've gotten to 42 while barely being able to do ANY flashpoints at all (think ive done 2 in total) is pretty irritating. I'm thinking that, since transfers don't exist at the moment, my best option is to reroll. Does anyone know a high pop server leaning on the republic side? PvP servers preferred, but I can manage if it's a PvE server. Planning to make a sage healer.
  6. Light side sith warrior is incredibly gratifying to me so far. The jedi fear you either way if you pick light or dark, but if you pick light side, they don't solely fear you for your combat prowess--they fear you because you represent an unknown. A sith warrior who knows reason and logic instead of hate and fear is something unexpected. Rather than being a generic goth sodomite like the rest of the sith order, you are a tactical and intelligent individual. You're like Batman, and the galaxy is your Gotham.
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