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Everything posted by Nellsterzzz

  1. Found this on my facebook feed and thought it would make everyone laugh because of how true it is. SWTOR had a rough start but I'm very happy with how the game has turned out so far. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=312480792211891&set=a.221865574606747.51094.209948445798460&type=1&ref=nf Enjoy
  2. Alrighty lets destroy this post piece by piece. OK to start off you clearly have no idea how patching works. To answer your question yes they do test their patches (internally). There are so many factors that you cannot account for until the patch goes live. You say this like the entire player-base is having this problem when in reality its a small number. In my eyes that's a successful patch since there is not ONE game that doesn't release updates completely bug-free. Oooh this is one is going to be a blast. Its always funny to see how people react when a dev re-balances a spec. If you were a shadow I would understand your frustration to a point, but you're not so it makes it even more fun. There is a reason why almost all hybrids are removed from the game. The very simple answer is balancing. It is a lot easier for both players and devs if there are only 1 maybe 2 additional hybrid specs to have to worry about. So instead of having 6 different specs for one advanced class, you only have to worry about 4 and in a rare case 5. This is all done to maintain balance. Now I'm sorry that you're butt-hurt about losing your lovely spec and being forced to play the full tree (like it was intended). There is a problem with one of the re-balancing they did namely shadows and commandos, but all the other classes are in pretty decent shape. If you cannot adapt you're playing the wrong type of game. You also sound like you did no testing of the actual specs on PTS. If you did sorry, but you did a poor job. Good. Happy to see you leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. /thread
  3. I'm aware of what you're saying, still doesn't make sense as to why I shouldn't get a large amount of xp from winning quickly. Your logic only works if I get good players consistently on my team. It might take 2 mins one game, 10 the next etc. If I could consistantly get people who know how to play the warzones I'd be fine the current xp model, but we all know thats not always the case. Lowbie matches are unpredictable.
  4. Not true can happen in any warzone with tripple caps in civil war and novarre, quick plants in voidstar, and double caps in hypergates. Its a shame I dont bother doing any of the above because if I do I realize i get less xp :/
  5. I personally feel it shouldn't be on time invested. Myself and the rest of the team that won the game should receive a large amount of xp for playing the warzone objective and ending it quickly. Another thing is that games are never consistant with lowbies. Even with a 4 man you can't guarantee a timely win because there is always going to be new players who have no idea how to play the warzone. Lastly, this is also giving the wrong ideas to new players when they hit 50. Believe it or not there are people who attempt pvp at 50 and have no clue what they're doing *gasp* Just farming stats in lowbies because no one plays the objective screws over people in 50's because the new players think thats how everyone plays.
  6. So in case some of you are unaware of how XP in a warzone is earned, currently the longer the warzone match, the more xp you get. So for example if you roflstomp in Huttball in 2 minutes, you would get a small amount of xp compared to dragging a game to its full length which would get you a large xp. I would like to change or at least get a response from Bioware as to why the XP is awarded the way it is currently. I have 8 50's, when I want to level a new character I want to do it quickly, when I win a warzone quickly I shouldn't be punished with a low xp rewards just because my team slaughtered the enemy. Thoughts, opinions?
  7. Actually Jedi Covenant is the most populate pve server. Unless you're looking for East/West Specific.
  8. To be honest. No one really cares and to make your position worst, you literally named every feautre an MMO has aside from the loading time which is related to your own computer. Good, though. One more lazy player out of this game is always nice in my book.
  9. If you don't enjoy some dirty humor then don't watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fABhMxxfHxA
  10. I've always started playing really late so i've never noticed the time. thank you for the quick reply though.
  11. Logged on and I don't have the double xp bar. So is this a thing or am I just bugged?
  12. Wondering why helmets like the phantom mask, despots helmet etc cant go underneath a hood? I know there are some head pieces that are over sized but there are some that are perfect for underneath a hood. For example the football mask that Lord Vindican was wearing in the return swtor cinematic would look muche better if you could put it beneath a hood. Thoughts? Bioware whats going on here ? Also why is there no just black robes. Every single one I find has red in it :/
  13. You all will be fine. If you're a good player, you will quit complaining and do fine. We have 3 people in our guild from the APAC servers and they play on a EAST COAST sever. You all are getting transferred to WEST COAST servers. Ther difference between playing those two server locations is significant, if they can do well on a east coast server, you all will do well fine on west coast.
  14. Easy, because someone who quits out of frustration from a terrible team shouldn't be punished. That simple. PS usually any smart player who quits does so with good reason. If you cycled through 9 people its obvious you didn't have the greatest team and were getting your butts handed to you.
  15. Ok I understand what you're saying. But tell me this, why should a person at legacy level 50 not have the ability to purchase this perk? Im not talking about someone who barely got their first 50. I'm talking about the people who have legacy level 50 only.
  16. How about offering a legacy perk that allows double xp from 1-50. Capping it at 50 will allow you to retain the longevity of the upcoming expansion. Obviously would need to include a legacy level requirement. I feel that those of us who are at legacy level 50 have earned the ability to purchase such a perk. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm really going to keep pushing this because leveling a character 1 ro 50 for the 9 and 10 timer is frustrating . I want new classes to play but the content to level is just so boring because I've done it so many times haha. BW could I get a response on how the devs feel on this?
  17. See I don't mind if someone doesn't know or still needs to learn, but my problem is the people that argue with me thinking that they actually know what theyre doing
  18. Is it just me or are repub pug players in pvp matches getting further diluted with more unaware players? Before when I first switched to repub side for pvp and leveled a toon to 50, I could do 9 games straight on a solo que and get my weekly done because the pugs that I got grouped with had great communication skills and were willing to take on roles required for each warzone. As of recent it has gotten so bad that I don't solo que and I'm forced to only que with my guild (not complaining about that ;]). For example, the other night I was playing on my sage healer (sephiro) and was in a Hypergate. We got a Kinetic hybrid shadow go capture a node and was expected to guard (shadows are great at guarding nodes, excellent utility). I died and was waiting for respawn door to open and I see him run off the node to go fight mid. Just simple things like that where you thought someone would go guard when they actually go there to cap only. Not seeing this in just Hypergates. Seeing players not fighting on nodes in Voidstar, novarre, and civil war. Seeing more and more players filling a ball carrier in huttballs resolve when really you should only use it as a last resort otherwise leave ball carriers resolve empty for a fire pull. And the list goes on and on with really silly mstakes, like breaking a CC when trying to cap a door, NOT CALLING INC BEFORE YOU DIE (biggest pet peeve). The part that annoys me the most out all this is when they make the same mistake twice and even after explaing to them why or why you shouldn't do something THEY GET MAD AT YOU. Can't count how many times I've asked "hey man dont break my CC when im trying to plant the bomb" and the next time they do the same thing you ask and they call it "a difference in pvp strategy" and start yelling at you. Anyways is this happening to eveyone or am I having SEVERAL isolated instances? /rant.
  19. Only reason why Imp pvp seems to be getting better is because repiub pugs are getting worse. Especially with all the new 50's as of recent there are more and more people who magically decide to pvp and think they know what theyre doing, but when they actually don't causing more losses for repubs. Its come to the point where I don't want to solo que anymore.
  20. You know I want to believe all of you, but I NEVER see this happening on my server (JC). i've seen some questionable stuff, but most of the time its just me not aware of the entire situation around me. I know that there are things like speed hax but don't really see anyone using them. So IMO BW is fine on my end, and until I see actual video proof then I don't believe claims to hackers.
  21. well now come on there "big papa deeps." trolololol
  22. Very bad reasoning? I HAVE ALMOST 8 50's and I'm legacy 50 HOW IS THIS A BAD IDEA? I have 3 repub 50's and 5 imperial 50's. All the Imperial 50's are in optimized 61+ and 2 are Optimized war hero and all 3 of my repub toons are in optimized war hero. Every single toon I have finished chapter 3 story. I have spent plenty of time playing ALL my toons.
  23. Yes I deserve it. Someone like me who has 7 50's almost 8 I should be able to get some sort of passive xp gain on any new character I decide to make. Someone above mentioned having a 10% XP gain for every lvl 50 you have which is also something I would like. I'm giving BW ideas of something that legacy level 50 should have since you know THERE AREN'T ANY PERKS for anything above legacy 20.
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