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Posts posted by Kheg

  1. Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if this was an oversight or just dev lunacy:


    From the PVP vendor:

    10 Mercenary Commendations - cost = 30 Warzone Commendations


    Warzone Expertise/Healing Adrenals - cost = 10 Warzone Commendations each




    Warzone Expertise/Healing Adrenals - cost = 10 Mercenary Commandations each


    Given the 3 to 1 cost of Merc Comms, shouldn't the proper price of the adrenals be 3 Merc Comms?


    Not that I buy them this way anyway... but still. It made me laugh.

  2. A quick fix for that would be do a few warzones. 3 or 4 warzones should give you more than enough credits to buy all of your class skills. Either that or start looting junk and selling it. I've never had a problem paying for class skills, with the exception of the level 40 speeder license (which I had all but ~2k credits for and just never cared to buy it until much later).
  3. Powertech nerfed, Sentinel buffed. As we've been saying.


    I don't follow... so you're essentially agreeing with me that Sentinels aren't overpowered then?


    Especially since I also mentioned the ever whiny Operatives that always cry about having been nerfed into oblivion. Snipers also have their way with me depending on the map and how they manage their cooldowns. Oh, and I should also mention sorcerers too, particularly the higher level ones that have way more utility than I could ever hope to counter. Or maybe get tracered to death after being slowed/knockback-rooted by mercs.


    To be honest, the only class, as a sentinel, I really don't fear at all is my mirror class, because I know personally that their LACK of utility is their downfall.


    After looking over the patch notes, all I see are balance FIXES to two trees, one slight nerf to Watchman which is actually a balance fix, and one minorly annoying change which I construe as a bad design choice, which was already in the game anyway via talents.


    Again, without adequate healing, sentinels are far LESS powerful than many other classes.

  4. It can still be interrupted by a push/pull/stun/mez... no big deal. Besides, all one really has to do is run out of the melee range. In no way is it going to be OP.


    Most of which our own class don't have any with reasonable degrees of utility. :(

  5. I'm personally a little upset about the "nerf" to Master Focus.


    Let's face it, Sents don't get a hard stun, we don't get a knockback... all we have is a channeled, er... "stun" on a long freaking cooldown that we can't do anything else while we use it. 10 seconds doesn't seem like much, but man it's necessary when you have so few soft/hard CC skills in the first place.


    I'm also not thrilled about the change to Master Strike being permanently uninterruptable. Going up against other JK/Sith Warrior classes, the FIRST thing I'm watching for is them to start channeling Master Strike/Ravage. The next thing I do is Kick and interrupt it or throw up Force Stasis, whether it's on me or any other teammate. This, in my opinion, is a HORRIBLE change from a mitigation standpoint. No skills in the game should be uninterruptable. Ever.

  6. Playing a 45 sent, watchman spec, I must fail because I'm not seeing these "face melting" damage numbers unless I have a pocket healer behind me. I hardly ever top the damage charts (though usually top 3ish) nor do I top the kills chart. I can dish out some decent damage and pester healers to no end, yet I get butthurt by Pyro PTs and high level operatives. My defensive cooldowns are nice and all, but they really don't help much in the "face melting" department. I still get focused down into oblivion in the span of like 2 seconds more often than not.


    Again... that all changes if I have a pocket healer, but still... I'm hardly "overpowered".

  7. Let's not forget:


    1. Whoever decided that snares should not be counted for gaining resolve.


    2. Whoever decided that (most) knockbacks should not be counted for gaining resolve.


    3. Whoever decided that the one and only CC breaker that most classes have a 2 minute cooldown.


    4. Whoever decided that the one and only CC breaker that most classes have doesn't either fill the resolve mechanic or provide a flat timed CC immunity for a significant period of time.


    5. Whoever decided that snipers/gunslingers in cover should be unable to be interrupted.

  8. Up until about a week ago was the first time in 3 months I've seen ANYONE refer to it as "grass/snow" in game. Most people in the past 3 months seemed to understand "Left/Right" just fine in Civil War.


    "Grass/Snow" is meaningless to me, since there's never any grass or snow on the minimap. :p


    Voidstar otoh - it's just messed up, period.

  9. Most warzones I've been in over the last few weeks usually have 4+ sorcs/sages on the opposing team and 2+ mercs/commandos. Fill in the rest with a random class.


    And for some reason I always end up in the pug that DOESN'T have any sages (repub). Especially in huttball.

  10. Having been a long time MMO player, macros always repulsed me. My line of reasoning was "How bad of a player do you actually need to be in order to require automation of what was designed with the intent of YOU, THE PLAYER being interactive?"


    Finally in RIFT, I played a warrior... and since the game and developers explicitly gave me the tools to do so, I went ahead and macro'd my warrior into a one-button-wonder. There was no thinking... just run up to mob and poke poke poke the macro button away. At that point RIFT turned into what most console games are to me - a theme park with little to no story, just graphics and a fancy XP bar to give the illusion of progress. I tried a few other classes and their marcos as well, and I got bored with the game really fast.


    About the only thing I could POSSIBLY condone in SWTOR is cast through target-of-my-target to facilitate better DPS/Healing for hybrid classes and to make /assist easier, given the UI itself is very bad for targeting. Even then, I think that may be too much assistance to the player, but I think it's an adequate compromise.

  11. Are you purposely MISREADING the entire thread, title and post? SUICIDING RESPAWNERS.


    That means they DIE and respawn. There is NO hit and run.


    Is it not essentially the same thing? Here, I shall spell it out for you in small words:


    #1 Spawn

    #2 DEFEND (hit)

    #3 DIE (defend)

    #4 RESPAWN (run)

    #5 ...

    #6 PROFIT!!!


    (See, the meme lives)


    How is this tactically any different from a stealther coming up and sapping you while you cap? Or a stealther coming up and popping you interrupting your cap? Or (for more specific class mechanics) a sent/marauder coming up and tapping you interrupting your cap, then force camo out coming back 4 seconds later to tap you again?


    These things are called tactics, and we're completely sorry your one-track-mind can't comprehend that there are multiple ways to victory. You know, tactics such as:


    - Zerg beatdowns (I assume your favorite)

    - Diversionary tactics (having small teams distract a portion of the opposing force weaking defenses)

    - Stealth tactics (as mentioned before)

    - Defensive/preventative tactics (such as preventing the opposing force from even being able to mount an offensive at the objective)


    Unfortunately for you, this isn't battlefield where there's a spawn ticket count, nor is this a deathmatch. The warzones are objective based. It shouldn't be EASY to cap an objective. Try thinking outside the box for once, and maybe you'll come up with an effective counter to your personal problem.

  12. So wait, effective guerrilla and terrorist tactics that have been prevalent in the world since the Vietnam War aren't welcome here?




    In a war, you play to win. If hit and run tactics are what is required to win, then that's what I'll do. Do I care if it pisses you off? No... it's a war. I'm here to BEAT YOU.


    There's a reason why armies don't stand 200 yards apart in lines with guns pointing at each other taking turns shooting at the opposing side anymore: IT ISN'T TACTICALLY SOUND!!!

  13. Don't camp. Need to move, stick together and control two nodes mobily. If all 8 stick together and run between the nodes with lookouts, it works. Camping and stalling them for 10 seconds is pointless with one player.


    If you lend your strength to the group and defeat the opposing team, you can all move between with ease and control two.


    Campers have no tactical sense, it's not about that. That is now how the war zone is designed. You camp, you lose.


    Wow that's horrible advice. One stealther will cap your undefended node as soon as your zerg rolls out to defend the other node. If at least one person stays behind, you have #1 - a deterrent for that stealther and #2 - warning for the rest of the ops if someone tries to pop the defender.


    For one, I appreciate the one or two defenders staying behind. Now if the score is 100-300 and there's more than one person camping a node, that's a completely different story.

  14. Dear OP, i will refrain from calling you retarded. In case you haven't understood already, the LoS is your version interrupt against sniper. Most damaging sniper abilities have this long activation time so that you can get your *** out of sniper's face.


    Dear poster, I will refrain from calling you retarded as you may not have understood that this line of questioning arises from the point where you have already engaged the sniper, have been knocked back and/or likely rooted or already in melee range and are watching the sniper's cast bar getting ready to blow your nuts off like a $2 ******.


    There is no LOS mitigation in this case because you literally can't go anywhere. LOS is fine if a sniper draws a bead on you at range and you're not actively engaging them.


    Like I said, GOOD snipers are good. Good to the point of being extremely dangerous 80% of the time. A good sniper will set up where it's almost impossible to LOS them without going through them, and even then they know how to prevent you from getting through them.


    Yeah, they're rare as hell, but they exist.

  15. And you obviously dont know how to play a SS. I feel they are one of the best 1v1. I definitely have never had a problem in pvp as a sniper. I've played since beta and have loved the class since day 1. Then I come to the forums and see all the people complaining about the class. I just dont get it.


    Don't feel bad... it takes a skilled player to understand that not all classes are force lighting/tracer spam wonders.


    As I said, I don't generally have problems with snipers/gs as most don't understand the full scope of their utility skills. I do use LOS to my advantage, but sometimes it just isn't possible, especially when you engage a sniper and get locked down repeatedly. This is particularly troublesome with my sentinel as watchman spec since I literally have next to no CC. My lifeblood at that point is interrupts. Yes, this is one class. The option to "run away" isn't really a viable tactic at times, especially when the sniper needs to be killed.


    Just sayin. All other aspects aside, I think the class is fine.

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