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Posts posted by Kheg

  1. at 3475 Ranked comms, and a 3:1 conversion ratio, it's about 30 hours of grinding WZs for JUST THE MAINHAND. 30 hours is conservative, as you don't get back to back queues very often. I love 1.2.


    ROFL!!! Wasn't it just yesterday that PvP'ers were whining because there was no sort of PvP progression past Battlemaster? Guess what... here's your goddamn progression. QYB.

  2. Solo queuing = commendations, win or lose.

    Commendations = gear since there's no more stupid RNG tokens.

    Gear = pvp progression.


    I fail to see the problem.


    Also, no one is forcing you to stay. The deserter debuff is only for ranked warzones, which were removed from this patch.


    Again, I fail to see the problem.

  3. 2 marauders have no problems interrupting me 10 times in a row.


    Even one marauder can shut down one skill completely. And since this is a very simplistic game and commando is a very simplistic class, we are only given 2 real healingskills to begin with, whereas one is on a 8 second timer.


    Not saying one guy shouldnt be able to shut me down, just saying that if my knockback counts towards resolve, then so should their interrupts, cause the effected result is pretty much the same.


    Wait wait wait... you're telling me that you survive long enough so that 2 marauders have the opportunity to interrupt you 10 times in a row? So much for marauders being overpowered. :rolleyes:


    Funny as a sentinel, I have severe problems taking down just about any top end/geared level 50 healing class. I simply can't out-DPS their heals, even with interrupts. 99% of the time they just happily heal right through my damage.

  4. The day that every viable tank spec is gutted for soloplay (and therefore noone will play them anymore) you will realize that you need tanks for pve content...


    Viable tank spec? Slow DPS with high survivability is hardly non-viable. People are just too impatient to play them. That by no means is a valid rationale to imbalance the game by allowing such hybrid builds to exist.

  5. They are cornering us powertechs into playing as a glass-cannon dps class or as a tank who can do no damage.


    So what you're saying is you want to have your cake AND eat it too?


    Bioware is just fixing what needs to be fixed: A class with HUGE burst and high survivability.


    Next up: Smashing Tankassins into the ground.

  6. Watchman is about using Zen, Cauterize and Overload Saber to stack and crit dots on your target, and do some minor healing in return.


    Focus is about building up Force Sweep crits.


    Right now, Watchman has better overall utility, though focus can give you some huge crits, and decent AoE damage. They both have their merits. The watchman dots won't give you huge numbers up front, but it's pretty consistent damage.

  7. I tried combat, I didn't like it. The rotation was kind of bland and I wasn't seeing any damage difference over watchman, and I also felt like I had a bit less utility. The foot speed difference really didn't make any difference versus the cooldown reduction on force leap. And most importantly, the lack of centering made the spec really feel lacking (which will be completely changed in 1.2).


    I distilled it down to one gigantic merc slash versus a bunch of little blade rushes - the gigantic merc slash just felt more satisfying to me.

  8. I feel your pain OP. I just hit 50 on my sentinel last night and played two warzones. Fortunately I was on what amounted to two damn good teams with very capable healers - but I was pretty much in the same situation as you - level 46 pvp gear. First match (voidstar) I don't know if I hit 150k damage or not, but I managed to post 32 kills and 3 deaths. That should tell you how good the team I was on.


    Second match was Alderaan, where I didn't even watch the stats but I know I didn't die once. Basically the enemy team gave up after we went up by about 200 points. I didn't break 100k damage there, though pretty much EVERYBODY else posted 200k+.


    Already grabbed 2 pieces of champion gear just from bags, thankfully. I was looking over the centurion stuff, and I can't really see much difference over the champion stuff. But it looks like it'll just be a waste to bother with them anyway. Just do your dailies/weeklies and gear up.

  9. Another one of these threads...


    PvE -------------------------------> that way

    PvP is about cc, PvE is about dmg/heal rotation.


    So what you're saying is whomever in PvP gets stunned the longest wins?


    Last I checked PvP was about the damage/heal rotation. Being able to screw with that (CC) breaks the damage/heal rotation, so basically CC is an I-Win button.


    Posting in different colors doesn't make you any less wrong by the way.

  10. Lowbie warzones on my server are full of Assassins, Marauders, Powertechs, and Sorcs on Empire side.


    Republic side is Shadows, Sentinels, Guardians, Commandos, Vanguards, and Sages.


    Seems more people are giving up on their Mercs on our side lately, but the other 4 are definitely in fashion right now.


    I hardly ever see more than 2 sents on my server in a given warzone. Usually a shadow, a sage, a couple of trooper classes, a guardian and occasionally a smuggler of some sort.


    Every once in a while it random ups a group of 5 or so consular type classes, but it's usually much more diverse.

  11. It´s quite simnple and it has ben true for every mmo I ever played... go to the low level PVP, look at the alts people have. If the warzones are crowded witha any class, that class is op.

    And currently its Marauder. You can´t even play a singel warzone without 6 Leroy Jenkins marauders jumping on you. (oh and just to make that clear , i have an alt of very class iun this game, 2 50s (a shodow and a sniper) and intend on taking them all to 50.


    Funny, I'm usually in warzones with a good mix on my side facing an imperial team consisting of 6 sorcs and/or assassins and 2 mercs or pyrotechs.

  12. *yawn*


    #1 - 1 on 1 : Sentinels/Marauders are hard to kill when they have even one cooldown up.


    #2 - 1 on >1 : good Sentinels/Marauders might survive if they have all of their cooldowns up.


    #3 - 1 on >2 : good Sentinels/Marauders will get facerolled unless they have a pocket healer backing them up.


    Hence, yes, they have decent survivability, yet strangely don't even hit as hard as their "tank" advanced class counterparts spec'd DPS, and it doesn't take much to curbstomp a Sentinel/Marauder being focused by more than one person.


    So what's overpowered about Sentinels/Marauders? #3 is overpowered. Yes my friends... HEALERS ARE OVERPOWERED. Duh.


    The class is fine. It's one of the few that are actually working as intended.

  13. Easy fix would be to do what pretty much every other MMO that had dual-role classes do - but a 30% damage reduction on when you're running in your tank form. It's really not that hard. Tanks sacrifice damage for survivability, and vice versa for DPS classes.


    To be honest, I really don't understand why things like this wasn't implemented from day one given the amount of hybrid class specs out there across all the trees.

  14. Dude, go cry a river. Grav Round is the ONLY thing mainly troopers spam, not using other skills that are better. I can interrupt a grav round, and a trooper will just sit there, do nothing, until grav round is back, ready to use. 1.2 is a good thing, since we have a better chance of stopping it and to make other troopers REALIZE that they have other skills to use than one that is just for spam. Many don't have the brain to know that.


    Or they'll stab "Charged Round" once they see the cast bar is interrupted for Grav Round and go on their merry way spamming you.


    Oh wait... you're talking about the noobs, aren't you?

  15. Im not seeing the big issue here? The patch isnt live and wont be for several weeks. If you have merc coms, save up 1000/1000 and buy a piece of BM gear. If you have full BM gear, I dont see why you bothered to save up merc coms.


    I swear people will cry about everything, even if its a non issue.


    Use em up, end of story, you have plenty of time.


    Except that this is only valid if you are or will be level 50 before 1.2 hits. Otherwise converting to merc comms is pointless.

  16. [quote=Apocalypse-;3548004It requires at least one more, usually two*, to break our lockdown. The QQ about CC is nothing more than inexperience and/or lack of sufficient situational awareness.


    The * is where the OP part of the class is.


    The same can be said about pretty much ANY class that is left unmolested against any target. In fact, it's far easier to get away from a tunnel-vision sentinel/marauder than nearly any other class. If you want to shove your head in the sand about the situation and cry simply because you lack, as you so succinctly put it, "situational awareness" on how to counter a raging sentinel then feel free to cry nerf. Having played all the classes myself to one degree or another, taking a sentinel/marauder out of play simply isn't difficult. Killing him may be, but you have to remember if he's focused on you, he's not hurting anyone else either. That makes him a prime candidate for being focused down in no time flat before he can do ANYTHING to you, given his lack of CC options.


    Complain all you want, but it's the truth. Sentinels are given the DPS to make up for their lack of utility. Under ideal circumstances, that DPS will shine. The bulk of the time it's not remotely idea, and the Sentinel simply becomes wasted space, or at best a distraction.

  17. Should have made that left at Albuquerque, reality is about 100 miles behind you. You're correct in saying that we're balanced in PvE, because we don't have taunts to allow us to capitalize on our incredible survivability (though fights without threat drops are easy for us to tank and easy for the healers to heal). In PvP, that survivability more than outweighs our lack of hard CC. If you know what you're doing, you can do far more on a Sentinel/Marauder than you can on any other class except maybe Darkness Assassins.


    And that "far more" is quite easy for most classes to counter because of the sheer amount of utility they have. My point is without those defensive cooldowns Sentinels are essentially worthless. You'll never get close to any enemy player let alone survive long enough to apply this supposed "face-melting" DPS.


    I'll keep saying it - a Sentinel is something to fear especially if he has a pocket healer behind him. Without that healer or some sort of external mitigation, Sentinels are quite average at best, even with a full compliment of cooldowns at their disposal.


    Throw in a few heals and yes, Sentinels shine. But then again almost every other class will shine with heals being slapped on them too.

  18. I am agreeing that they are currently balanced but about to be on the OP end of the class spectrum when all the other classes are struck down


    Good players don't get nerfed. Nearly all the class (not just Sentinel) changes are balance changes to bring them inline with what they NEED to be anyway.


    Sentinels are most definitely not OP now, and the most definitely won't be OP after this update.


    My personal thoughts on the matter are that there are a few classes that have far too much overall and/or cross-spec utility. Those classes are getting what they should have had from the beginning.


    Then again, nearly none of these changes adversely affect PvE, which in my opinion is what any MMO that features significant PvE content should be centered around anyway. PvP in this game features a major control mitigation issue, and Sentinels are first and foremost at the forefront exposing this issue. We're the only class in the game with nearly zero control mechanisms, and therefore one of the easiest to exploit due to the control imbalance. The only reactive solution is that we need to have the DPS in order to mitigate control effectively. After all, we ARE a DPS class. But even so, we're not even remotely close to overpowered, regardless of the spec.

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