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Everything posted by Moroder

  1. Not that I mind, is it just a glorified way of plotting a family tree? Still not seeing what its funtionality actually is?
  2. Has to happen, for me it is the only thing major wrong with the game. All the other stuff (inc ability delay) was never that big an issue for me.
  3. Keep thread alive. BW can we have a comment? even let us know you are aware?
  4. Totally agree. Its actually not fun to be in these forums any more (was it ever?). I know in the back of my head that the whiners in question dance with glee and rush to the copy/paste everytime they see a bad article about the game. I actually think that a lot of them hope it goes titanic so they can say i told you....then move on to their next MMO.
  5. Oh there are problems I agree. As with every MMO out of the gatw. I seen this in WoW) worst launch ever,) but had faith that they would patch and balance up the things that fell short. Now if people would actually read the patch notes you will see that an awful lot of the issues are being adressed. As I have expressed(ad nauseum), if its legitimate feedback its cool. "AHHHHH bw failz" or "Im cancelling because of no playable wookies", that is what is my problem
  6. Why does it deserve the criticism? How in the name of Ganesh could BW have forseen half the bugs/exploits that came to bare after launch? Is this your first MMO? Every MMO since meridian 54 has had some sort of bug after launch. An MMO will never ever ever be perfect out the gate. Variables (unforseen and otherwise) will happen
  7. [quote=Tronics;The OP isn't saying this forum is any worse, he's saying the agressive negative posting will put people off buying the game, like I said before! if I was to visit this forum to find out about swtor, I would give it a wide berth, so what he says has some baring to it. Finally someone gets it! You win 100+ internets sir
  8. Cant believe I have to quote myself again. I understand constructive criticism and actual proper feedback. Its the groundless flame baiting and doom saying I have issues with. To anyone about to post "its a forum etc etc" please read my quote twice-yes i agree with this sentiment.
  9. This^^. I have no problem with constructive criticism. I do with broad sweeping BS that has no merit.
  10. I know I do anyway. I can take thins with a grain of salt though. Some people might visit and make an assumption on purely what they see/read
  11. Not my fault if you have ADD. Try reading it, its more than 2 paragraphs I know but give it a shot champ, I know you can do it.
  12. .../facepalm. I really-actually don't know what to say to this.
  13. Quoting myself here, as people clearly haven't read this part "Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is.
  14. You didnt read the part of my post where I said it is ok for constructive criticism etc no?
  15. If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums. They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch. Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer. I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.
  16. Too much logic here man, don't bother it wont be read
  17. Did you play Wow in its launch month??
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