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Posts posted by FarizAA

  1. "6 out of 8 people are sorcerers" is not a reason to nerf the class, given the lack of choices for casters in this game. Breaking a class just so people will play other class is not a smart thing to do.


    People do not roll pvp sorcs because they want to be casters. They do, because sorcs are OP in team pvp and generally are easy mode. They are not huge in 1vs1, but WZ is not about 1vs1.


    What is even bigger problem, they are fun killers in pvp at the moment. When there are 4 or more of them in a WZ it is 10 minutes of boredom. Specially for those of us who do not bail from the lost games.


    And 4+ of them is almost a standard nowaday. It happens more and more often. If it is not fixed before rated WZ added, situation 6+ sorcs will be a rule within a month.


    Perfect balance for pvp will never happens, specially considering it is mainly PVE game, but hope at least BW will try to get close to it.

  2. to sum up many posters here:


    tldr: game brings nothing new to the table, and fails to deliver even the tried and true WoW level of game play.


    It is just not true. This game has the greatest single player component among all MMOs, which results in most fun leveling I ever saw. You do not need to grind when you level, in fact if you grind you doing it very wrong.


    Problem is when you out of the leveling and hit 50, SWTOR at once becomes extremely usual and after a month very boring as well. Main frustration for many people is the contrast between pre 50 and post 50.


    There are many ways to keep end game players happy, but at the moment SWTOR fails in this department.


    I think answer is to leave the game now and come back in 6 months, when they will polish it a bit and add new content. If game will survive for so long, which I think it will, but who knows?

  3. 14700 is fine. I see 11k, 12k constantly. They can ruin wz quite easily, but it is still no reason to rage on people.


    In fact, it is same story for both sides, so it balances itself. I was part of terrible rep teams, and I saw lot of terrible imp teams as well.


    While no one can tell you what to do and how to play (unless you are part of a guild or something), it is just a good manner to gear before playing team games. When you solo your gear is your concern, when you pvp it is your team concern as well. Not in this particular case, but for fresh 50s, who pvp in gren gear.

  4. It is hard to balance pvp in pve game. So balance will change many times, some classes will be UP, then they will be OP, and so on.


    For me problem with SWTOR is not that some classes are OP. I come to WZ for fun, and when 80% of my combat time I can't move it is simply ugly. It is boring and generally time waste. If there is a single reason I will eventually cancel my subscription, it is this. Lack of dynamics in PVP.

  5. At server Great War we imps use THIS and THAT for direction. All knows that THIS is left and THAT is right. No, wait, THAT is left. Sorry, I am not sure now, but I have it written to my display at home. Anyway, it is great because you can use short version, T for THIS and T for THAT. So, when someone say "3 inc T", I know it is 3 people incoming to the left. Or to the right.


    Also, some use T for 3, for example. It is great, because you can say T.I.T., and all knows at once it is 2,3 or 10 incoming to left or right. Works great! Some even add s to this acronym, to make it even more ecstatic.

  6. I suspect that more and more people will quit if nothing will get done about it. I see absolutely no reason anyone can enjoy lvl 50 pvp at the moment. Even the imps must see the decline of republicans to play against.


    This initial frustration is understandable. When I hit 50 I lost 10 WZ in a row, and 8 of next 10 as well. But I made a short break, and then started working on my game. Now I am valor 60, full champion, and I have not grinded Illum or exploited any bugs. Also, I got my gear much slower due to old centurion/champion gear bags system. Now it is SO MUCH easier to get geared. No more 6 or 7 duplicates and long streaks of empty bags.


    Also, try to understand that WZ is a team game, and you can be useful even if you are undergeared. You can defend a turret in alderan and report incoming, this way you will let more useful team member doing job, or you can interrupt bombs in voidstar, you do not need to be a BM for this etc.

  7. For the EXACT same reason EVERY other class crafts.


    1>To sell their products.

    2>To craft their own products instead of buying them at retail prices.


    Biochem breaks crafting, because they have access to an infinite pool of healing whereas everyone else has no such equivalency.


    Instead of removing Biochem reusables I'd be 100% in support of EVERY crafting class getting an equivalent reusable. Time will tell if BW can make this happen.


    Exactly. Make every professions a Biochem. Artifice can produce light sabre amplifier crystal, which lasts 2 hour before burning out, give boosts, and stacks with other profession items. This way every profession will be viable, and GM will get a huge boost. People will produce boosters to sell them in the market to buy boosters from other professions.

  8. Getting down good geared up healer is not easy. And yes, it is main sentinel role in group, specially if you are watchman with talented interrupt. And even if you can't get healer down fast, you shall make sure he is too busy healing himself instead of keeping his team up.


    And it is not about damage statistics, it is about your role in group. Every now and then you can test your damage just to know what works and what not, but normally you shall play for objectives.

  9. No, Sentinel does not need any serious love. Just a little flirt may be.


    Sentinels are fine as they are. Sure, little bit of polishing here and there can help, a bit of fixing, but for God's sake, do not turn it into another easy mode class! Sentinel is harder to play than most other ACs, but when you master it, it is quite rewarding as well.

  10. It is flawed and it is broken when it can take one person 2 weeks to fully gear up and someone else 5 months.


    Yeah, I really hear you. I understand this kind of frustration. I am sure it will be addressed some way to make it less frustrating. When? Who knows, BW still do not fix many game breaking issues.


    There is some ways to make it less frustrating, and lets all hope BW will do something about it. They changed system for champ/centurion, and it was a nice change. May be BM is coming soon too.

  11. One advice to you, never play poker. -) You will tilt and lose all your money.


    Seriously, 25% brings very high variance. I am too lazy to calculate everything, but lets say, people, who will be within "normal" distribution (expected number of tokens from 100 bags +- 10%), will be a minority to people who will be "lucky", or "unlucky".


    As it was said, BM gear effect is marginal. After you get full champion closing just one gap in your rotation can bring you much more than a full BM. After you get a full champion what is really important is to work your game.

  12. 1. price of bm gear * 2.

    2. chance for bm gear token = 50%.


    So, nothing changes in fact, except variance. Variance of 25% chance for something is WAY higher, than variance of coinflip (50%).


    Less variance = less whine = win.


    Thank you.

  13. While it is no doubt that it should be removed from the game, they should make it after changes in the medal department. Right now some classes can get medals much more easily than others, and frozen water just closed that gap. Not anymore.


    Hope medals will be reworked soon. Tanks shall get medals for tanking, healers for healing, dps for dealing damage PLUS all classes shall get damage for objectives. Period.

  14. This. I'd think sentinel would breed the players that would rather adapt then cry about every single "nerf".


    -) I give up, my last post in this thread. Where you see me crying about anything, or saying I will quit, or change class or something like this? I just stated a fact, that cumulative result of those 2 patches is nerf for watchman. If you have really something to prove this statement is wrong, please let me know.

  15. The didn't move your dot damage anywhere, they fixed a glitch which was giving you 30% more damage to all burns when it was supposed to only effect crits to begin with.


    Sigh. Call if a fix, or call it a gods blessing, or call it a curse -- it was in fact moving of damage from general dot damage toward crit dot damage. I am not discussing if we are OP or UP, I am not discussing if it was a fix or not, I am saying that total result of this two patches is a sentinel watchman nerf.

  16. Can you read? It was two patches in a row, first moved our dots damage more toward crits, second made crits less powerful. For watchman sentinel it is a nerf, if you do not understand this I am sorry, can't help much.
  17. It's a universal nerf, so I'm not sweating it.


    Using zen for 100% crit on dots is an important part of watchman class mechanics, and it will be affected by this change. We were just rebalanced for stronger crits last patch, and right after this part of it is taken away. It is a nerf for watchman for sure, and I do not see much logic in this.

  18. It is a good change. Really. Nice done BW. I remember when I hit 50, it was much harder to get anything, and much more frustrating. Now it is less luck depending process, than before. When win bug is fixed finally, getting decent gear will be a question of two weeks even for casual players, which is fine. PVP shall be skill based, not gear based, as much as it only possible in MMO. Leveling field is a good thing.
  19. Problem is not in bugs themselves as I see it. Problem with inability of BW to fix them. People ready to wait it to get better, but as it goes now it only gets worse. Game breaking issues are not fixed patch after patch, instead each patch breaks more things. It is simply wrong. As I see it people start losing hope it ever be better, even most loyal of us do.


    Personally I still enjoy this game, and I want to level couple more classes and see some story lines. After all, SWTOR is a good single player RPG with lot of content. So, I decided to wait till start of summer. But then, you know, it is lot of good games around already, and more coming. Please BW, do something. Hire more people, fire some, and make me stay. I really do not want to go.

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