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Posts posted by FarizAA

  1. Sometimes I stay at Illum after finishing dailies/weeklies. I saw 3-4 really good battles when imps were not like 3 or 4 to 1, as it is usually at my server, and numbers were more or less balanced.


    Problem for me is that it is no real sense of accomplishment at Illum. Ok, we got all bases, "republic controls illum" and... nothing. No gg's just because it does not feel like a win. Do not know even what the problem with it, just simply it does not feel like a win.

  2. Instead of working towards medals and then helping with objectives, players will now be busy getting as many kills as possible for the 30 kill daily and the 150 kill weekly. Sometimes I wonder how well they think these changes over.


    They think them well. You can get much more than 30 just making your 3 dailies. Absolutely no need to farm anything. And to make healers able to take them too they changed the way healers get kills.

  3. The issue is not medals. Medals under the old or new system do not make people play better or try to win. Most people just pseudo-afk their way through a match because, even if they get less valor for losing, its almost the same. Don't try and lose 900 valor. Try hard and win. 1100 valor.


    To fix: Allow 8 person premades and give -0- valor for losing. Zero. Nothing.


    This will drive the game towards all premades. To get on a team, you will have to have a reputation as a player who carries their own weight and adds value.


    I am all for bigger win/lose difference.


    But all-nothing is hardly a good idea.


    2/3 - 1/3 will work and still will help casual players to progress even on servers totally dominated with by one side.

  4. We will see how you feel when half the team will just get 4 medals then just try and solo people on the side or just stealth and afk. I mean you can just pause the tv show you are watching, get 4 medals in like 1 minute, then stealth into a corner and keep watching...


    These people will be terrible with BM or without BM. After a short time they will all gone anyway.


    Medals and MVP votes were supposed to reward people according to their contribution. It simply does not work. In reality people with most medals normally people with least contribution.


    So, BW goes ahead and fix it. What it gets? Ragers come and rage again.


    Could you at least wait for 1.1.5 and rage after it?

  5. I am republic BM, and I got it without any form of grind and cheating, just by doing dailies and playing WZs for fun.


    And I have no problem with people going to BM faster. Only problem is I see here is that after getting to BM faster and getting BM gear fast people will leave SWTOR earlier, because it is hardly anything to aim for after you do.


    Also, it is so many imp BMs who got their BM by abusing Illum and farming valor there, that BM it already does not mean much.

  6. Really? How many people are going to get fed up with the 2 WZ's where dots are important to stop caps when this change goes through? This game went from pvp kind of to easy mode pve with a hint of pvp. Also bag grinding, who is in favor of that. Oh boy if i sub for another 3 months maybe I will get all my pvp gear. Then after that I can stand around in fleet all day because there is nothing else to do. Alll in all these are not the fixes most pvpers wanted. You guys basically gave up on Illum, you made 2 WZ's which are bleh to begin with no easy mode and you gave us Hutt ball. So in the end we are left with a pve game that has no end game and a pvp game that has no pvp. Golf clap for the end of BW. I hope you guys are trying to find work with EA on their sports projects because BW wont be around much longer. Just look at what EA did to Mythic


    Those changes effect both sides. Whatever will happen, it will change game same amount for both sides. So just learn how to play it, and wait for actual change and test it before starting a whine fest.

  7. The only luck involved is who you get on your team.


    Your friend just sucks and doesn't want to admit it, even to himself.


    Actually, they are more luck than that, but, for the most part, huttball is a game of skill.

  8. Why would you throw the towel in on world.pvp now and then try and revive it in a future patch, you would just lose people that want to world pvp to other games. Then when you try to revive it the people who want it will be gone


    Well, because at the moment there is no open world pvp in SWTOR. Illum is simply totally broken, it is nothing what open world PVP shall be. No fun, no challenge, nothing. BW just understand it, as the majority of players do.


    The fact they move out from illum at the moment is a good indication. They will try to fix it. Will it work? We will know soon.

  9. A lot of people are bored to death of WZ. Iv had enough hutball for a life time .


    BW have shown that they really don't want world PvP only war zones with this update


    I am sure world PVP will be redesigned. Think of it, they know that now people go to illum only to get their dailies, and going to remove it. They know that illum will be empty after it, and they know there are some part of their player base who love open world pvp. So, changed to OWPVP are coming, even if not with 1.2, but in 1.3 for sure.

  10. Good decisions and you can see ideas behind every decision, which is great. I am sure in a year this game will be much better polished, and will have much more end game content than now.


    Problem I see with those decisions is that now when people will get their BM and BM gear faster, they will face question "what to do in SWTOR" much earlier. I was part of two 100 strong PVP and PVE quilds lately, and see 6-10 people online normally in the evenings, sometimes even less. Just 2 months after release. Main problem is that people are bored as hell with a lack of end game content.


    We can only hope 1.2 will change it, but I would not hold breath for it. When next hyped games are out SWTOR will lose big chunk of its population. I really hope it will survive it, I really do. I love SWTOR and see potential in this game.

  11. Of course it's elitism. Boil it down and people are just repeating two arguments that have probably been used since the first mmo dev decided it would be a good idea to open a forum. It is either "this game is so easy don't dumb it down more" or "I had to go through it, you should to".


    I agree that it's not a huge task to get full centurion, though I disagree with the assumption people here seem to be have that everyone who might ever have the desire to enter a warzone dinged 50 with 1000 warzone and merc commendations.


    Whose fault is it then? Casual player does not mean stupid player. I am casual player, 42 years old, wife and 2 children, full time work and lot of interest outside SWTOR. I found this system being fair and absolutely adequate with the type of MMO SWTOR is.

  12. All of the misplaced elitism in this thread manages to prove the OP is correct. PvP was bad a couple months ago when we were getting our first few hundred expertise and it won't have improved for people in the same situation now that the gear disparity has grown. We can be childish and call it a rite of passage, but it's really just poor design.


    Since Centurion is such a crappy set it would be more useful if they made it available as the PvP starter set this game should have had in the first place.


    Those people who whine on these forums about how there aren't enough players to fill warzones should probably support removing one of the barriers to entry for newbies and alts to play warzones casually.


    People, you do forget 1 very important consideration.


    This is not a pure PVP game, it is a PVE game first for all.


    If people will get Centurion for free, no one will need fresh 50s dailies on Belsavis and Illum to gear up.


    Centurion is ALREADY too easy to get. It is amazingly easy. Even casual players can get it in a week + some champion gear along with it.


    Just do not make it easier than it is. Not because we are bloodlusty bastards who love eating innocent children alive. Just because it is simply bigger picture outside your tunnel vision.

  13. Seems you are not on top of the game.


    Theres a lot of room for improvement :D


    I do for sure, that is why I am playing Sentinel and enjoy it, and VoD my fights and watch other VoDs and trying to be better.


    But it is very strange to hear such advice from person who plays easy mode faction and easy mode class.

  14. I have a valor 60 guardian. I too have a solid grasp of PvP in this game. Sorc/Sage are fine, and FAR from op in a team setting. If you don't see it you are bad. I throw guard on a sent and watch him roll through 3-4 sorc while a healer keeps him up.


    Do you read yourself? You throw guard on sentinel and healer keep him up and he kills 3 sorcs which has no clue -- what it proves? Get 3 equal skill team up sorcs, and your healer is dead, then your sent is dead, then you are dead in a matter of minute.


    Please, spare me of such arguments.

  15. Its funny how all the terribads attack the class. They have uncontollable need to come to forums to QQ about how bad they are, which translate to "i play so bad, will you nerf x calss so i can beat it instead me improving and L2P".


    Its funny how more than half of this posters dont know difference between assasin and a sorc, the other half talk about 31/31/31 build lol.


    Sorc are fine, not that they dont need "nerf" or "redisign" they need a buff to their burst dmage and buffing end tree talents.


    Unfortunately these people have very little knowledge of the game, of course certain classes go well over 20k health.



    I am valor 61 sentinel, and I leveled my valor without grinding illum or using any bugs. It means lot of wz played.


    I top damage charts often, and have a solid understanding of a pvp in this game.


    Sorcs in a team environment are OP and need to be nerfed. If you do not see it, you are biased.


    1 vs 1 sorcs are nothing great. But this game is not about 1 vs 1. Some classes when stacked get tons of advantage. Others not.

  16. I think I've played enough Huttball against people on my own server by now that the official star wars lore has changed from Republic vs Empire to Empire vs Empire.

    Seriously there is an imbalance issue and I'm not re-rolling Republic


    It is a price of being at an easy mode side. More people to team for heroic and for FPs, zerging illum and power leveling valor there, bigger and more guilds, so more choice -- honestly, if then will remove "huttball factor" without adding some way to balance sides, SWTOR will be unbalanced to the death despite what content it has.

  17. SWTOR is not a bad game, I will hate to see it closed. I am still enjoying it and I still see lot of interesting things to do here despite I am with SWTOR from early start.


    Yes, game is ill now in many aspects, but BW is trying to make it better. If they will have a year, they will make gamers experience much better and add lot of content. Question is if this game will survive for so long.

  18. Because these devs, and people that played their previous games, know what I'm talking about.


    But you're right, that's not what this thread is about. My opinion stands, screw the overpopulated faction, if there's no penalty what will balance the factions? Forced Huttball has worked for a lot of people so far, I support keeping it.


    Problem is BW already adding new warzone which will allow same faction fights. So only game mechanics which helped to balance sides is gone soon.

  19. Killing a mara/sent 1v1 really isn't that hard if you know what you're doing. Don't go in blind mindlessly spamming your dps rotation in melee range expecting to beat one...


    It is not hard to kill sentinel 1vs1 if you know what you are doing, and he does not know what he is doing. If you both know what you are doing, you will be so dead.


    Sentinel is a great 1vs1 class in a skillful hands. It is just not so many skillful sentinels around, because it is not an easy mode class.

  20. A 6 cd second cd for an interrupt.

    Ever heard of fake casting ? In this game... fake casting is **** easymode.


    Here is the situation....

    You are a sorc, a sentinel jumps on you, you cast your minor heal.... just for the funz, the sentinel 90% will kick it (the other 10% means he is a bad player), and then you just keep spamming your big heals and your friends can come and peel that sentinel in a matter of seconds. VERY OP !!! it is just a matter of l2p.


    First, if you friends will come and help you sent is dead anyway, it does not matter what he interrupted first.


    Second, given enough time good watchman talented to kill healers will use all of his 4 available tools for interrupt, not just kick. If you are without support, you will die quite fast.

  21. They are good for 1v1 (or even 2v1 sometimes) and killing in general, but they suck at doing the things that win warzones.


    I.e. pushes and pulls in huttball, or laying down rapid fire AoE in voidstar.


    In fact, I hate it when I have multiple marauders on my team. Just too much necessary utility lost for people who are only really good at not dying long enough to stab things with two lightsabers.


    Maybe when an arena comes out it will be different.




    Sentinel is very fun AC, not easy to master, and it really shines 1vs1. Problem for class is that wz is not a 1vs1. It is a team environment.


    Sentinels has its role as a part of team, because they are great healers killers. But having more that 2 sentinels in team is an overkill.

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