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10 Good
  1. "OMG OMG" Do they get to make BiS Rakata Gear? Do they get to make any item that is BiS for any slot and Bop? What's that? A no? Oh..
  2. Yeah, and take away the only advantage Biochem crafters have. I call it first tho: All the whining makes biochem the equivalent of Slicing as it is now and then mass exodus to other Crafting skills. The ONLY benefit biochem crafters get is the re-usable consumables. Take that away and there is no reason to have that profession.
  3. NO and... NO! I dont want to be in a grp with lowbies while the other side has all lvl 50s. If its an unbalanced team I have the right to leave and requeue. Until u stop the randomness of getting warzones and low lvls in hi-level groups no penalties plx.
  4. Disagree with OP, Biochem is fine, the only advantage is that u can re-use the consumables. http://db.darthhater.com/items/18626...ortitude_stim/ for instance is the same as the rakata fortitude stim. So non-biochem do not have a disadvantage, just that ppl dont have the recipes for the Rakata-level stims and such widely. give it time.
  5. Biochem is fine, the only advantage is that u can re0use the consumables. http://db.darthhater.com/items/18626/exotech_fortitude_stim/ for instance is the same as the rakata fortitude stim. So no one has a disadvantage, just that ppl dont have the recipes for the Rakata-level stims and such widely. give it time.
  6. I mean things such as http://db.darthhater.com/items/18626/exotech_fortitude_stim/ which are equivalent to the Bio-chem stuff
  7. U can use stims, medpacs and adrenals as good as non-biochem as well and those are available on the GTN in my server at least. Dont see what all the fuss is about.
  8. Hi, Saw a really cool looking item called Supreme Inquisitors Robes. Anyone know when/where we get it? thanks in advance Edit: heres the link http://www.torhead.com/item/3CUD9nM
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