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Everything posted by FeroXs

  1. FeroXs

    Ding!!!!!!! 40

    Surprised they havent hotfixed that - stupid warzones...
  2. Yes ban all those players who are queuing for warzones but having them end quick because hardly anyone is playing due to not many invites! Oh wait.
  3. Rift launch was pretty awesome... except because of the "Rift" mechanic from having so many players in the zone, the whole zone was covered with rifts and in fact barely playable. But smooth nonetheless:D
  4. I assume this is the correct place to post users' sites - the old forums made it a lot clearer! Anyway, swtor-tanking.com is simply a site dedicated to tanks. Our main aspiration is to become SWTOR's version of "Maintankadin", "TankTelara" and "TankSpot". We have already started creating some guides, as well as uploading ones that we have been given permission to use. Expect to see in-depth tanking videos for all the encounters once we reach level cap. We have also started community forums which will allow fellow tanks to trade tips, discuss their favourite build or even just chat to like-minded people - we have over 80 members already, but need a couple of chatterboxes to start posting threads to encourage everyone else to do so! We are really excited about the launch of this game and hope we can help create a great friendly tanking community. ~Feroxs
  5. I'm definitely not a "nerd" but Star Wars is just one of those things that almost everyone has seen... even if it's only one of the films. How can you say you don't like the star wars franchise if you haven't seen any of the movies?
  6. It's probably likely that "2" was accidentally clicked...
  7. Just for reference for anyone trying out Hammer Station later on today Click for guide
  8. Some of them are on swtor-tanking.com (mainly guardian but can change the abilities names for warrior)
  9. Elobi has allowed me to publicise his amazing in-depth Guardian guide. It covers: Overview and facts Introduction to Guardian core tanking abilities Talents Stats Gearing and Stat Ratings Stat weight discussion Priority system and threat mechanics Pre-operation gear list Click here for the guide. Click here for forum version + discussion.
  10. For all those wanting to educate yourself on the lore of the old republic, check out this link. Sources are from the holonet, the video games and some of the books.
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