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Posts posted by CommanderKeeva

  1. Really? I think our group is almost BiS and that is short of some implants and ears by now. That problem in gearing has been discussed already but we don't know if BW is listening? I know there are some classes that need offhand/mh token or one other setbonus piece for the BiS but we have compensated these by giving those items to these classes in the raid group after a while.


    BW has itemized things horribly for some classes does not prove that you should get BiS with commendations. It's not even linked to each other. Two separate problems. That merely proves that BW should take closer look to loot class wise. A firm no to getting BiS with ultimate commendations from vendors directly.


    Dunno about your guild, but for me to get BiS items I would need each token once (for the set bonus), then I would need five pairs of main hand weapons or boots because the BiS enhancements are only present on those two.


    Besides the best mods are already available for commendations from the Ultimate vendor. I really don't see why they couldn't allow us to buy the best enhancements as well, provided that that the price is sufficiently high (~140 Ultimate comms per piece). Because it's random who gets loot, sometimes you can go for weeks without actually winning anything and the commendations are there to make sure that your time is not entirely wasted.


    Besides, if you cannot buy BiS mods with commendations what is the use of commendations anyway? NOBODY and I mean virtually nobody I know uses those Oriconian pieces, save for the belt and implants. We all use (used) our 72 mods and enhancements until we got tokens because the items from the Ultimate vendor are just so blatantly bad.


    I mean if you can craft BiS 72 mods for everyone (which our guild can), the Ultimate vendor serves no purpose whatsoever! Pure 72 mods and enhancements are much better than 78A and 78B crap. You're doing more damage/heal/threat if you wear your crafted gear until you get tokens.


    So what is the point of the commendations vendor then if you can go completely around it, right from the start?

  2. *SNIP*


    You are not supposed to buy BiS with commendations. You are supposed to get BiS enhancements by looting tokens from the end game content bosses in hard mode and nightmare modes.


    As for the commendation cap solution


    Both Ultimate and Elite commendations

    1) Remove the weekly cap completely or add +100 to it.

    2) Keep the max ultimate commendations where it is now


    Yes because we all know how easy it is to get 14 items then 7 mainhands for a BiS enhancement when you are rolling against 15 other people and can only roll on a certain item once a week. Gearing up through tokens only is not viable in any reasonable time frame. I'm not saying they put fully decked out sets of BiS mods but each best in slot armoring, mod and enhancement should be present on the vendor. (Don't forget that they can't be RE'd and 140 ultimate commendations for 1 enhancement will still take a lot of time.)

  3. Actually this would be less of a problem if the mods on the Verpine and Oriconian gear were properly designed. Not BiS on each item but at least make each BiS armoring/mod/enhancement available on 1 item.


    99% of the gear on that vendor is getting ignored because not a single piece of gear from the Ultimate vendor has a proper Adept (power/surge) or Initiative (accuracy/power) Enhancement 34! Not a single one! Come on, devs, you know that nobody wants ****** Critical/Alacrity Enhancements and Implants! DPS want Accuracy/Power, Healers want Power/Alacrity and they both want Power/Surge. Yet these are not available from the comms vendor in any shape or form just critical, critical, critical, critical and some more critical. (BTW thanks for nerfing crit into uselessness in 2.0 then making crit the most promiment stat on the new tiers!)


    And don't even get me started on tanking enhancements. Accuracy/Absorption? Absorption/Alacrity? ***? Do you think any of the tanks would EVER touch them? What's the point in even adding something so blatantly useless?


    So everyone in our guild buys two power/surge implants, an offhand barrel or armoring and NINE sets of bracers/belts! Don't you find it ridiculous? NINE sets of bracers without ever touching any of the other gear pieces. So we have commendations overflowing in our currency window but can't spend them due to the fact that THERE IS NOTHING TO SPEND THEM ON! And if we want to send gear to alts, we're only buying bracers again!


    But I guess since my post (and the million others written about the same thing) does not concern the Cartel Market, you'll just ignore it.

  4. Isn't the point of hard mode that they are hard???


    There is a difference between reliably hard and unreliably hard. Right now, whether or not you survive the Unified Beam is entirely up to RNG and luck.


    For example if the two tanks get the mine during the laser phase it's pretty much a wipe right there because the adds will murder the healers. If one tank gets the mine, that's very risky as well because they won't be able to swap. If two healers get the mine during the laser phase it's pretty much a wipe again because there will be no one around to heal the group.


    If two DPS or one DPS and one healer or only one person of any kind gets the mine, then it's likely doable, though you have to go to extreme lengths to keep yourself alive and afar from the group. It also depends on what kind of defensive cooldowns and movement boost you have available as a DPS. Sentinels and Shadows can survive long enough due to their good def CDs and high movement speed. Sages, Guardians, Scoundrels and Gunslingers have a good chance of surviving as well because of their relatively good def CDs and movement speed. Commandos and Vanguard DPS have almost no chance to survive due to low mobility and bad defensive cooldowns.


    I have no issue with difficulty but I do have an issue with randomness, unpredictability, luck and RNG-dependence. Whether or not you kill Corruptor depends entirely on who gets the mine. Besides, Corruptor has been broken straight from 2.4, it's just Concussion Mine was broken in a different way before the previous patch.

  5. If anything, ranged casters are punished the most in the game (e.g. Sages/Sorcs and Commandos/Mercs) because they completely lack interrupt protection of any kind. Every push, pull, knockback, stun, mezz and interrupt will cancel casting on said classes. In some instances, mobs have so many movement and control impairing abilities that they can completely shut down casters.


    This is most evident on Oricon, where virtually every single mob has some ability that can interrupt a caster and some have 2-3. If anything, anti-casting mechanics are punishing in this game. As such, try doing the Oricon dailies with a melee and then a ranged character and see which one goes faster.

  6. Seriously, this has always been annoying me to no end. Why on earth would you say "one shotted"? Why does everyone keep saying "one shotted"? You don't say "one hitted", why would you say "one shotted"?


    When will people learn that the past tense of shoot is "shot" and the correct term is "one shot or "one-shot"?


    (I know it's a very minor issue but it still annoys me.)

  7. In short, Give us the ability to completely decimate a target 1v1, unless a healer or tank is involved.


    Yeah asking for the ability to just kill anyone you come across with them having no chance to fight back is completely legit. We might as well roll back the surge nerf, make adrenals usable in warzones again, add a straight-up damage boost to warzone power-ups and make the two stack again.


    Because Operatives were able to do exactly this. The damage on Hidden Strike was just so huge with all the boosts available in the warzone that Operatives were able to stunlock people and kill them before Debilitate wore off. It was ridiculous to watch Operatives killing anyone they came across with 3-4 hits.


    There is a difference between "balancing" and "making it more powerful than everyone else." You're asking for the latter.

  8. Having played a Sentinel, a Scoundrel and a Gunslinger at 55, I can tell you the following things. Being alone in any warzone is probably the worst thing one can do. Even on stealthers I try to stay close to my teammates, so I can back them and vice versa should the need arise. We can debate here endlessly about which class beats which class but there is a very simple truth many people seem to forget, warzones are 8v8 and not 1v1. Try to attack targets at least 2v1, wherever you go and whatever you do. Most smart players realize that fighting 2v1 is risky and will simply avoid confrontation. The not so smart ones...well...they die. But nevertheless in my experience: all three classes can be killed by all three classes depending on gear, circumstance and player skill.


    Operatives: If you get jumped by an operative, there's not much you can do about it. Your main priority is to survive the opening burst, the Operatives are a class that deal a ton of damage up-front than nothing. If the Operative is very good, you'll be dead within 5-10 seconds regardless of your strategy. If you're not dead by the end of the second stun, you can easily turn the fight around. DoT them, push them, root them, after burning their initial cooldowns, they're really vulnerable. It's very important to always DoT the Operatives because they will try to stealth away when they see their HP reach around 30%. Smart ones always cleanse before trying to disappear, so that's your cue to DoT/root again. Always try to counter their rolls with slows and roots if possible.


    Snipers: A good Sniper will always try to be as far from the fight as possible. Do not try to approach them directly, because that is exactly what they want to you to do. Once they have you squarely in their sights, they will root you, Ambush you and make your life miserable. A direct approach always favors the Sniper. If possible stealth or go around or just pick an easier target for the time being, leave Snipers for last. An unsupported Sniper is minced meat, they are very squishy. If you can try to DoT the Sniper, DoTs are the bane of the Sniper class. Without healer support and cleanses, you can play hide and seek with them and just whittle their HP down. Specs like Pyrotech, Lethality and Madness can be very effective against a lone Sniper. In fact, when playing my Gunslinger, I came to hate Madness/Balance Sorcs/Sages more than anything. They just hide behind something and kill you with DoTs.

    The Sniper is probably the most balanced class in the game, the reason Snipers seem overpowered is because Sorcerers and Mercenaries are nowhere near as powerful as Snipers. Sorcs and especially Mercs are underpowered jokes in serious PvP, the solution is to buff them, not to nerf Snipers.


    Sentinels: Sentinels are the unquestioned best melee class in the game imo. A well played Sentinel is far more dangerous than a well-played Guardian, Vanguard, Scoundrel or Shadow. I really cannot give advice against Sentinels because in my opinion they're often the best dueling class in the game. They have so many defensive cooldowns, stealth, pacify, speed boost, damage boost that I often see Sentinels successfully killing 2v1, sometimes even 3v1. If there is an overpowered DPS class, it's the Sentinel. It does the highest sustained damage in Watchman and the highest burst in the Combat/Focus. Only attack Sentinels 2v1 and if possible only from far away. You really don't want to face an angry Sentinel/Marauder 1v1, that is a sure death sentence.

  9. The fix for this is currently slated for Game Update 2.4.3. Thanks for your patience, folks!


    Don't worry, no rush. Take as long as you need. In fact, I recommend delaying it until 4.0, so it can be thoroughly tested. This is only a minor issue that doesn't need quick addressing. After all, who cares about 11k AoE smashes?

  10. It is killable you just have to send people with the mines into his giant laser beam or the AoE damage wipes your group. If you're not a stealther, getting the mine during the laser is a death sentence.


    So it's killable, but this bug is really stupid.

  11. UPDATE: 2013.10.29.


    Two new Codex entries fixed:


    - "Titles: Imperial Scholar" for finishing the quest {[HEROIC 2+: The Hate Machine]}

    - "Bestiary: Asharl Panter" for killing the Asharl Panther Combat Specimen on Ilum during the Gree Event (only obtainable during the next Gree Event because outside the event, the Western Ice Shelf is devoid of enemies)

  12. Reading this thread has been painful! I now can confirm that 95% of people that play commandos are horrible at the game lol.


    Yeah, you're totally right. You can totally tell that 95% of the Commandos are horrible from what 0,00001% of the Commandos in game posted in this thread and without actually ever seeing any of them in-game. That's an entirely valid observation.

  13. My only complaint about a change like this is that it wouldn't be able to dodge interrupts the way you presently can (ie. moving your character slightly to cancel the cast). Not only does this make you more vulnerable, it also takes some of the skill out of it. Maybe the extra mobility will offset it, but it is a design oversight.


    Yeah for Gunnery spec as well, we have to spam Grav Round during the channel then step out of the cast if Curtain of Fire procs. We get Curtain of Fire AFTER the damage of Grav Round is applied and you wouldn't believe how slowly the damage of Grav Round is applied. I would care to guess that is by far the most slowly applied damage in the game.


    Just an example, I hit a weak NPC mob with Grav Round, then finish him with HiB. If HiB's damage is not enough to kill it, a get a victory message that the target was defeated by Grav Round. Yeah, the damage of Grav Round is applied so slowly that firing HiB right after Grav Round can actually do damage before Grav Round does.


    With such a messed up system, we need a reliable way to cancel casts by moving. Or give some forewarning on Curtain of Fire, so we don't have to spam the ability queue on the off-chance it doesn't proc.

  14. Here are the changes I have in mind. You don't have to implement all of them but I would like to see some of them make it into the game:


    Combat Medic:


    Energy Management ideas:


    Do not redesign the Ammo system. Just tweak the costs and cooldowns of the skills.


    - Hammer Shot critical heals restore energy (similar to Scoundrels/Operatives' Diagnostic Scan) or

    - Supercharged Cells increases Ammo regeneration by 50%

    - Supercharged Cells reduces the Ammo cost of Advanced Medical Probe and Kolto Bomb (instead of Charged Bolts which nobody uses)

    - Trauma Probe periodic heals restore Ammo




    - Frontline Medic makes Trauma Probe usable on 2 targets (at least the 2 tanks in the Ops group)

    - Bacta Infusion heals for more


    Quality of Life:


    - % value changed to actual numbers

    - Hammer Shot heals are usable on yourself

    - Supercharged Cells provides immunity to interrupts for its duration

    - Supercharged Cells provides 20% alacrity for its duration




    Energy Management:


    - Hammer Shot critical hits restore Ammo

    - Cell Charger restores 2 Ammo every 1.5 seconds instead of 8 every 6 (like how it works for Vanguards)

    - Curtain of Fire makes the next Full Auto free

    - High Impact Bolt cost is lowered by 2 (free for Gunnery)

    - The Ammo cost of Plasma Grenade is reduced by 33%




    - 100% critical chance on Demolition Round on targets below 30%

    - Increase the trigger chance on Curtain of Fire without increasing its lockout OR make Curtain of Fire a fix proc after a certain skill (for example firing High Impact Bolt on 5 stacks of Charged Barrels), make Curtain of Fire procs reliable and predictable, as it stands, its randomness can severely hurt both our damage and our energy management


    Quality of Life:


    - % value changed to actual numbers

    - Hold the Line provides immunity to interrupts for its duration

    - Reduce the cooldown on Tech Override and Reserve Powercell to 1 minute

    - Remove the root effect from Stockstrike, Concussive Charge roots all affected targets for 4 seconds, damage after 2 seconds breaks the effect

    - Adrenaline Rush's does not go on cooldown if your health does not go below 35% and the Fired Up effect does not trigger

    - Adrenaline Rush provides 20% extra alacrity for the first 10 seconds after its activation

  15. Pretty much all the changes I would like to see were already mentioned, so I'll only say one:


    Change Terminal Velocity as you have changed Prototype Cylinder Ventilation for Powertechs. Instead of venting 8 heat every 6 seconds, vent 2 heat every 1.5 seconds. It would still have the same effect but in smaller increments which would be immensely helpful. It would be like getting our free Rail Shot back.

  16. How much time you have to wait for a FP?, even the new one where in Story mode you can do it with 4 dps.

    -More than 30 min, and you just need 4 players, and we dont have problems with the lack of Tanks and Healers in this game for a FP.

    How much time you have to wait for a Wz?, where you need 16 players or at least 8 for an arena.

    - 1 to 5 min and on primetime sometimes is even less than 1 min.


    For the new story mode role-universal CZ-198 flashpoints it's a complete ******** to claim you have to wait more than 30 minutes. On the Progenitor server during primetime, I always get a group in 5 minutes. For HM flashpoints, the DPS waiting time during prime time is usually between 20 and 40 minutes. But that is entirely due to the lack of tanks (and healers to some extent but mostly tanks.)


    Warzones just throw random people together. Most warzones don't have tanks and some warzones don't have healers. If flashpoints didn't require healers (and more importantly tanks), the queue would pop a lot more often. As such you get warzone queues very often.


    Also keep in mind that most people only do ONE flashpoint per day unless they're going for the CZ weekly specifically. Depending on your luck, you might have to do FOUR warzones for the wz daily. Hence, the PvP daily requires more queueing than PvE dailies. Also, PvP commendations don't have weekly caps. PvE commendations do, and as such, they encourage people to stop queueing beyond their weekly. Most tanks rarely do more than 3 HM FPs per week and it makes for slower queues for everyone. Also, the flashpoint weekly quests requires THREE queues, whereas the warzone weekly can require up to FIFTEEN.


    Throwing the two aspects together makes for a very skewed, very biased comparison. And it still does not say anywhere that PvP is more popular than PvE, just that you have to queue more often for the same rewards if you play PvP.

  17. Hm. They can swap animation from reps to imps and vice versa. This is not force powers, this is just a weapon effects after all. :)


    I'm not sure if that would be possible for the Trooper and Bounty Hunter. The Trooper does not have a fancy armor, so he uses weapon animations. The Bounty Hunter has lots of gadgets, so he rarely uses weapon animations, instead he uses various bits on his armor. They cannot swap animations because these animations don't exist.


    The mirror ability for Mortar Volley (weapon animation) is Death From Above (armor animation). The mirror ability of Pulse Cannon (weapon animation) is Flame Thrower (armor animation). The mirror ability for High Impact Bolt (weapon animation) is Rail Shot (armor animation). The mirror ability of Explosive Round (weapon animation) is Missle Blast (armor animation). And the list goes on with Grav Round/Tracer Missile, Demolition Round/Heatseeker Missile, Incendiary Round/Incendiary Missile....


    There are no pistol animations for these attacks and it's just one AC out of 8.

  18. They wouldn't be able to do this because each type of weapon has a specific animation for each skill. To do this, they would have to make a ton of new animations, which would cost them time and money. Otherwise, how would you have a pistol shoot a Mortar Volley or Demolition Round or Hail of Bolts or Snipe or Ambush?


    Besides weapons don't exactly have the same amount of damage. Offhand weapons do more damage than one-handed weapons but they have a penalty on accuracy (10% miss chance at 100%). So on paper, Gunslingers and Mercenaries have more damage than Snipers and Commandos but they miss often enough with their offhand attacks that both ACs do the same amount of damage. If they were to remove these restrictions to make offhand weapons wieldable for every class, they would have to recalibrate the damage of every main hand weapon in the game to adjust for their offhand counterparts.


    The only two ACs that could switch weapons right away are the Vanguards and Powertechs because one pistol and one blaster rifle do exactly the same amount of damage, but even this would bring up animation issues (e.g. how would a blaster pistol use Pulse Cannon). But this also means (animation issues notwithstanding of course) that theoretically Mercenaries and Gunslingers could dual-wield blaster rifles as well.


    (The Powertech only uses his pistol for two attacks: Rapid Shots and Unload as far as I know. Most of the other abilities come from various gadgets on his armor. So there is virtually no reason not to allow PTs to wield blaster rifles, which they should have gotten in the first place. Operativs should have gotten a pistol instead of a rifle anyway.)

  19. And like it or not we have more people playing warzones and arenas everyday than OP and FP, all the people complaining because GS have no PvE to explore or mining an asteroid, will be playing the xpac soon or later doing, guess what, PvP.


    I really don't understand where people get these claims from. Care to name your source that tells you that more people play warzones than flashpoints?


    As for the second part, I can tell you that if someone does not like PvP, he won't play PvP. You don't selectively like or dislike PvP, you either like playing against other players or you don't. If you don't, you won't enjoy playing space PvP either, just as you don't enjoy ground PvP.


    I don't see how PvE would "kill" Galactic Starfighter, if anything it would add more diversity and appeal to more players. Bioware's claim that space AI is hard to develop is total BS. Two Battlefront games did it, SWG did it, hell even Rogue Squadron had flight AI. It's just stupid laziness on their part and the fact that they invest all of their money into the damn Cartel Market.

  20. Anything else you want to add? How about full CC immunity on tech override. Or tracer missile no longer being a casted ability. Oh I know 60 second cooldown on electronet. Maybe koltol missiles AoE heal should be buffed by 100%...no 300%...Also it should be free. TM should apply all 5 stacks of tracer lock with one use, not 3.


    I think we're onto something.


    Indeed we're onto how clueless you are about class balancing if you think that Commandos and Mercs are fine in their current state.


    Most classes have interrupt immunity on their main channeled damage attack (Guardian/Sentinel Master Strike, Vanguard/Powertech Flame Thrower/Pulse Cannon). With the exception of TK/Lightning, the rest of the specs deal instant, uninterruptible or long-term but equally uninterruptible DoT damage. Snipers and Gunslingers are completely uninterruptible. How is it a bad thing to ask for immunity on the main damage attack, Full Auto? One player can completely shut down a DPS Commando.


    Both Snipers AND Sages have a root effect on their knockbacks. Snipers have two roots in fact with Leg Shot. Two knockbacks with Ambush. Commandos don't have a root on their AoE knockback. Again how is it balanced in any way, shape or form?


    Free High Impact Bolt was taken from Gunnery in 2.0, nearly completely wrecking the sustainability of the resources. It now relies very heavily on unreliable RNG procs, something that neither Snipers nor Sages suffer from. In fact, Snipers don't have any random procs, only fixed procs. RNG is NEVER an issue for them. Again, how is this balanced?


    Both Sages and Scoundrels can use their basic heals on themselves. Diagnostic scan even restores energy, which is why it's so gosh darn good when you go under 60%. The devs themselves admitted that it made no sense that two abilities of the same types did not have the same effect. I'm only asking for the basic heal to be usable on yourself, but it's too much to ask right? And Frontline Medic, a talent which requires you to shoot the enemy to heal your allies.

    It's a very well thought-out talent that everyone loves.


    If Sages/Sorcs can maintain Force Armor on however many people they want, if Scoundrels can maintain Slow Release Medpack on however many people want, God forbing allowing Commandos to have HoTs on multiple people. It wouldn't be balanced.


    Adrenaline Rush serves the same purpose as Force Barrier. It is supposed to delay your death by keeping you outside finisher range. Only it doesn't. It heals for a set number and higher damage will simply go through and kill you while Adrenaline Rush is active. It is essentially a very weak version of the Sage cooldown.


    Operatives can roll, Dodge and put either themselves or the entire group in stealth. Sages can Force Speed and pull friendly players, they also have instant self-heals. They can both put out DoTs while healing, just like a Commando. Oh wait, a Commando does not have ANY dots (unless you count Plasma Grenade every 45 secs that drains half your ammo.) But no worries, they have team utility.....oh wait....they have no team utility whatsoever.


    But they're fine anyway, even though, they slower, have less defense, no utility, less damage and less healing than Scoundrels and Sages. And if one DPS can immediately shut them down because they have no immunity whatsoever on their channeled attacks (and they channel or cast the vast majority)? They just need to L2P I'm sure.


    FYI: Tech Override is instant. I don't know why you would want interrupt protection for that, unless you're confusing it with Hydraulic Overrides.

  21. Actually they kind of are. At least in group ranked.


    Let me know when they have interrupt immunity on Full Auto, root on Concussive Charge, 60-second base cooldown on Tech Override and Reserve Powercell, free High Impact Bolt again, self-healing Hammer Shots, Trauma Probes on multiple people, no Frontline Medic talent and a proper defensive cooldown instead of Adrenaline Rush.


    In other words, when they're properly balanced.

  22. People want a lot of things. But they already said it would be too hard to do AI in space. So if people want to enjoy the new free flight space system, then they should be forced to PvP. Dont you think?


    If they're being *forced* to *enjoy* anything, they're obviously not going to enjoy it. If they don't like ground-based PvP, they're not going to like space PvP either. Besides, everyone already knows that GS is not launching with PvE missions, so creating a third thread about this is a pointless waste of space.

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