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Posts posted by CommanderKeeva

  1. I have tried these so far:


    - Resetting the quest

    - Abandoning the quest

    - Picking it up from not one but two different flashpoint couriers

    - Travelling to CZ-198 via ship

    - Travelling to CZ-198 via terminal

    - Travelling to CZ-198 via legacy skill

    - Doing the Czerka Weekly

    - Restarting the game

    - Deleting the cache file

    - Reinstalling the game

    - Reinstalling my operating system

    - Combinations of all of the above


    And so far *nothing* I have made seems to have advanced to the damned quest beyond "Travel to CZ-198". Please advise?


    EDIT: If this quest has indeed been bugged since August the Customer Service could have at least put it on the Known Issues List by November!

  2. The bogwing entry under Beastmaster of Ilum can be completed on Belsavis. Travel from the Republic starting point to the Imp starting point in the minimum security section (or vice versa), staying off the roads. Along the way, you will see scattered, yellow mobs of "Young Bogwing"s. Killing one will grant the codex and update the achievement.


    Indeed, thanks for sharing that.

  3. The PvE parts of both achievements were on 100% for me. I seriously hope you're not going to make me kill 10000 enemies again or I'll be very very angry. :mad:


    Also, I haven't gone through the entire achievement list but I've lost about 800 achievement points here and there after 2.5. It was above 18200 and now it's below 17400. I want my points back!

  4. I would just like to put it out there that tanks can be just as abusive as the DPS. Being a jerk or bad is not limited to any role. There are bad tanks, bad healers and bad DPS out there. In fact, in my experience, tanks tend to be more abusive because they have the power and they know it.


    Yesterday, I was in a PuG Flashpoint with a Guardian tank who kept needing on Aim gear. When our Commando, who really needed that, asked why he was doing it, the tank admitted that he had taken those pieces for his companion Sgt. Rusk. We asked him to be more considerate and give them to the poor Commando, but he said he had just as much right to need on it as anyone. Furthermore, the tank threatened the DPS to leave the group and condemn us to another hour of wait in the group finder, if they pressed the issue. Because they didn't want that, they just let this blatant act of ninjaism slide and let the tank get away with it.


    As you can see, tanks can often be abusive because they can get away with whatever they want due to the fact that they get groups instantly.

  5. I'm okay with it. I used to be a lot more enthusiastic about it before the launch. The design in itself is great but the implementation has several letdowns for me, like having to upgrade each ship individually. I really don't get that one.


    If i unlock a rocket or a blaster for my NovaDive, which is a Scout, why do I have to pay everything all over again to unlock the same weapon for my Flashfire, which is basically the same ship type? It seems to me that they're just artificially trying to halt progression, so that less seems more in comparison. I really was looking forward to a legacy hangar and to playing on multiple characters but apparently I'm only going to have one dedicated pilot. Also the complexity of the user inteface can be very overwhelming first, which might or might not scare new people away.


    I'd say sensisitivity is a bit too high, sometimes it's just impossible for me to follow targets, but otherwise it's an interesting new addition.

  6. Please, dear developers, stop confusing the two terms. They indicate two completely different types of weapons.

    You've been confusing lasers with blasters since launch, but this is the most prominent example so far.


    A LASER is a short-range, directed energy beam weapon that is made up of a very dense concentration of photons. What this means is that a laser moves at the speed of light and therefore lasers cannot be dodged! Maybe, by going to hyperspace, but there's no way that a ship a few kilometers away could move faster than the speed of light. Therefore lasers should always be aimed DIRECTLY ON THE TARGET and not ahead of it (especially not kilometers ahead of it), because lasers move at the speed of light!


    In contrast, a BLASTER is a plasma weapon that fires an intense concentration of supercharged, ionized gas. (Tibanna gas in Star Wars lore.) A cloud of plasma moves much slower than a beam of light, especially at longer ranges, so blasters should be aimed AHEAD OF THE TARGET, to compensate for movement.


    Because all the energy weapons in the hangar have to be aimed ahead of the target (if you're not flying directly behind it), I would hazard a guess that none of the laser cannons are actually laser cannons. The rapid-fire LASER cannon is, in fact, a rapid-fire BLASTER cannon. The heavy LASER cannon is, in fact, a heavy BLASTER cannon etc. They're all mislabeled, because none of them are actually laser cannons -.-

  7. I get really tired of these money grabbing comments. EA is a business and businesses exist to make profit. Of course they are going to charge you at some point.


    They already charged us when we paid our monthly subscription. They should allow subscribers to convert req with credits.

  8. The difference is that Fleet Req will be worthless within a couple of weeks. You only really need Fleet Req to buy ships and companions. Once you got what you want you only need Ship Req to upgrade your ships. So what if you can convert ShipRed to FleetReq for CC. Transfering ShipReq earned on Ship A to Fleet Req in order to ugprade Ship B is just plain stupid. Its much more efficient to just fly Ship B and earn ShipReq.


    So sure, you can pay, but wheres the winning part? I dont see it.


    Even so, why can't they allow subscribers to do so with credits? I'm sick and tired of them forcing their Cartel Coins on us. Yeah, I agree, it's not gamebreaking, but it's annoying me very much on principle. The same that they're demanding Cartel Coins for using the Appearance Customization Vendor.

  9. There is a penalty - if you suicide, you have to wait longer to respawn. I'm pretty sure the delay gets longer w/ each suicide as well (can't remember for sure though; been a while since my noob days on the PTS where I crashed all the time).


    I checked - and this is not true. You get delayed after each death regardless of who killed you, the enemy or yourself.

    I got blown up by some random guy and had to wait 7 seconds to respawn. Then I flew into a mesa, got blown up and again had to wait 7 seconds. There's a wait penalty for death, yes. But it does not take into account how you die.


    I always kill myself when I run out of rockets or missiles and so do a lot of others. There's no way to replenish ammunition in the field and it takes forever to kill stuff with just lasers. Maybe if they implemented supply stations or something, people would feel less obligated to to replenish their missiles and rockets the only way they can - by dying.

  10. This might be a problem, unique to me, admittedly I don't know, but I have heard some people mention this.


    Sometimes the mouse seems to move for no reason. When trying to turn after the guy you're following, sometimes the mouse moves to the other side of the targeting circle and I lose track of it momentarily. Needless to say, this gives the enemy more time to get away/turn back towards me.


    I tried lowering the DPI on my mouse and it helped somewhat, but sometimes it still moves inside the circle for no reason. Has anyone else experienced this?

  11. yeah, all free to Play games are pay to win, thats how they make their Money

    I have no Problem with this ... deal with it


    Really this is a stupid, blatant, greedy money grab. We shouldn't pay real-life money above our damn subscription. I'm not saying that they should remove the CC option, but at least allow subscribers to do the same with credits! F2P could still buy Cartel Coins to convert req.


    Would it be okay if you could convert Elite Comms into Ultimate Comms with CC? Would it be okay if you could convert Arkanian tokens into Underworld and Underworld tokens into Dread Forged? Surely it wouldn't be pay-to-win because other methods exist to get said tokens, even if it meant months and months of farming HM Operations.


    Similarly, either allow subscribers to convert requisition with credits or remove the conversion option altogether. I don't like the direction the game is taking, edging on the boundary of pay-to-win.

  12. I'm afraid the picture is worse than that. You can raise the cap on elite comms all you want, but so long as the tanking gear that you obtain from elite comms is crap, I'll still have no incentive to grind for them on my tanks.


    *edit* Also, what ScarletBlaze said.


    I agree that the Accuracy/Absorption and Absorption/Alacrity mods make for horrible tanking gear. Commendation and dropped gear in general is terrible. DPS require Accuracy/Power mods and I don't think those drop from Flashpoints either. (At least I've not seen such a drop yet.) Healers need Alacrity/Power stuff but those are nonexistent as well.


    Nearly every piece that is supposed to be for a DPS or Healer has Critical and Alacrity. And those are largely useless. Granted, some Critical can be requisite (especially for a Healer) but not nearly in the quantity that seems to be dropping from Flashpoints.


    Sometimes you get Power/Surge stuff and those are usually hotly contested between DPS and Healers, but those are the more rare drops. Most of the it's just tons and tons of Critical/Alacrity.


    The gear system in general needs a big overhaul with more optimized mods. And like I said, raising the Elite cap wouldn't solve the wait time "issue", as it is something that cannot be solved without drastic measures. It would merely encourage the tanks that already queue for whatever reason to do so again. An incentive to queue beyond the weekly quest would be a reasonable request.


    (There's nothing more annoying than whispering to a tank friend: "Hey, wanna do a HM FP?" and getting the answer: "No, sorry, already done the weekly.")

  13. That reason does not even register on the list of factors of why I will not tank for PuGs. The Ultimate comm cap doesn't even factor into my decision not to tank for PuGs, let alone the Elite comms cap.


    I wasn't making a comment about you or any tank specifically. Obviously, if a tank simply does not want to PuG no matter what, then there's nothing we can do about it. It's the players' choice.


    But I was making a suggestion for the tanks that DO PuG. Because after all the complaining about DPS queue times is said and done, most DPS do get a group eventually, so that means there's a number of tanks out there willing to risk going into the group finder.


    Now most of those tanks stop queuing after three flashpoints so as not to go over the Elite comm limit. You might not need Elite comms, but they are far from worthless. You can still buy 72 gear for alts and companions (which is currently sufficient for HM Dread Ops) or buy Mass Manipulation Generators that you can sell later on the GTN for money. Removing or significantly raising the commendation cap would encourage tanks who already use the group finder to do so more often, for example once every day instead of three times a week.

  14. I didn't read through the 6 pages of this thread, but I will say that the weekly elite cap is largely exacerbating the queue time for DPS. After doing the three weeklies, most tanks stop going into the GF since there is no point in going over the weekly cap.


    In my experience DPS wait time during prime time falls between 40 minutes and 1 hour. (Today, was an exception, I got a group in only 25 minutes.) In off hours, it can be anywhere between 1 and 2 hours. That is just personal experience, though.


    So, yeah, no real solution to the problem so long as the tank role exists, but the queue time can be shortened significantly be removing the weekly cap and encouraging thereby the tanks to queue more often. I don't think xserver queues would solve this problem, since every server is suffering from this phenomenon. If you pulled all the servers together, you'd still have a hundred potential DPS for every tank, which wouldn't do any good.


    EDIT: The only true solution to this is making more role-neutral flashpoints (which BW already seems to be doing btw), but it only further marginalizes tanks and healers.

  15. I'm not a dedicated PvPer I just want a planet to move all the PvP achievements to. This way the OCD people like myself on a PvE server wanting to get 100% achievement completion can actually get it done…do you have any idea how hard it is getting 50000 player kills on section x???? I literally have to have a fully geared assassin sitting in the base waiting for someone to walk in flagged just to get the kill and that happens once every two weeks to a month just to get 1 kill because after i rape them in 3 sec flat they sit there dead for 5 mins to remove the flag…I'm not a dedicated PvPer i just like getting achievements done…and having a PvP planet this would enable people like myself to go there and get that done in an environment where we can kill each other to get all PvP achievements done….


    So....why not play on a PvP server then? It's cheaper than designing a new planet. It's easier to do operations on a PvP server for PvE achievements than trying to kill thousands of flagged players on PvE servers. So if you had known in advance that you were aiming for 100% achievement completion, you should have considered, which server to move to. And now that the paid server transfers are available, at any point you can transfer your characters to a PvP server and bring your entire legacy and achievement system with you.


    If you have an FFA PvP area with rewards for player kills, guess what, people will call in their friends. And they will start making ops groups again. And the faction with the most players will eradicate the opposing one. As I have said many many many times in the past, large-scale FFA open-world battles are not feasible in this game for three reasons.


    1. Hero Engine is simply unable to handle massive battles. Even the 8v8 warzones are sometimes stretching the engine to the limit. 1.1.5 Ilum clearly proved this. Or don't you remember the pretty slideshows we were getting when 50 sorcerers were casting force lightning on the same spot? It was a massive, laggy zergfest.


    2. Faction imbalance is still a problem in FFA battles. Remeber the why the Fray Landing Memorial was erected on Ilum? How the Republic was massively outnumbered by Imperial players? I still remember that we barely managed to scrape one ops group together and the Imperials had 4-5 groups running at the same time. Fighting 20 vs 200 was not really fun for either side.


    3. Melee DPS and Tanks are useless in such a situation. The two teams form two giant mobs and the ranged DPS exchange fire while the melee stand around and do nothing. If they charge in, they get slaughtered.


    The developers know this as well, this was the reason why the central area in the Gree event was not FFA. Any attempt to revive the old Ilum will meet the same techical, gameplay and mechanical issues.


    EDIT: The PvP player kill achievements however could be consolidated into one category, so that kills on all planets advance them. It really isn't possible to get hundreds of kills on Quesh for example, where only 3-4 people are playing at peak hours.

  16. The Progenitor is predominantly Imp-sided but I'm guessing that's because there are more Imperials overall than Reps. When I do my Imp PvP daily, 90% of the time I get Imp vs Imp matches. I also play during late afternoon and early evening.
  17. If only someone had warned them about class balance before they started Season 1.


    Seriously, why didn't anyone warn them about broken class balance before they started Season 1? :rak_03:

  18. You do realize that this has already been questioned AND answered by the devs. Their answer was that using those peripherals to bind a SINGLE ACTION to a single keystroke was fine, but "chaining" multiple actions to a single keystroke, even though the hardware allows this, is NOT acceptable, IS a violation of the TOS and IS subject to action up to and including banning.


    Couldn't have said it better myself.

  19. Very true but I am talking one button one ablity. I have the naga razor mouse and it puts my first tool bar at the touch of my thumb. Now I can fire 12 abilitys with out doing anything other than the use of my thumb. on my keyboard I have 18 keys all with in easy reach of three fingers.


    The hardware you use with easy keyreplacement to me is far better than any macro I can use. Perhaps I miss used the term macro.


    That is simply convenient key/button arrangement. As long as you're pressing or clicking a button before each ability, you're not using macros. That's completetly legal and not in violation of the ToS.


    A macro would be if you pressed one button and it activated multiple abilities. For example my Gunslinger friend wants to use Smuggler's Luck, Illegal Mods, Boundless Ages Relic and Attack Adrenal at the first Charged Burst. That's four abilities off the GCD. So he set up a macro that every time he uses Charged Burst, the macro tries to activate Smuggler's Luck as well, so it doesn't require a separate keybind. Then he tied the rest of his cooldowns to Trick Shot, something he uses every few seconds. Each time he uses that ability, the macro tries to activate Illegal Mods, his relic and his adrenal at the same time. That's how you turn your clicky relic into a proc relic. This is against the ToS.

  20. Not sure your understanding. I don't need third party software running in the game to use my macros. My G15 Logitech keyboard does all my Macros for me. Paired with my Naga razor mouse {of which there is a SWTOR version} and I have 66 keys to tie abilitys too. If you need third party software to Macro with you should not be playing.


    That's exactly the thing. Hardware macros are still macros and they are still against the Terms of Service. Bioware has clearly stated that if you chain queue abilities to one button in any way or shape or form, be that with third-party software or expensive hardware, you are violating the ToS. Three activated skills (even skills not on the GCD) require either three button pushes, three clicks or a combination thereof. So pressing a button on your mouse or keyboard to activate three defensive cooldowns simultaneously is considered cheating. (Any action that gives you an advantage in violation of the ToS is cheating.)


    But at the same time that Bioware is also marketing (and presumably taking cuts of the profit) these expensive hardware through a cross-promotion with Razer. People who invest hundreds of dollars into advanced computer accessories do so because they want the advantages they bring, not in the least the option to use macros to simplify their gaming. (And not because of all the shiny LED lights on them) And then they're told that they're violating the ToS if they're using said advanced features.


    So it's a very awkward situation. On one hand they encourage you to spend piles of money on expensive mice and keyboards, but on the other they forbid you from using some of the features that distinguish said hardware from 10 buck junk mice.


    Will they take action against hardware macros? Presumably, no. My friend has been using every concievable type of macro such paraphernalia can offer as well as mouse-over healing (he used to be a hardcore WoW player) since day one and he's as happy as ever. Bioware is yet to crack down on him for having played in violation of ToS for close to two years. They, presumably, never will.


    But nevertheless the option remains. Macros on Razers, Nostromos and G-series keyboards are in violation of ToS. Can they detect ability chaining and mouse-over healing? Yes. Do they have the grounds for banning you for doing so? Yes. Will they actually do it? Not likely.

  21. Indeed, does it mean that two SA relics can still trigger right after each other and result in a 12-second-long Power boost as opposed to a 6-second long double Power boost? If so, it's not much of an improvement and people will still take two SA relics over any other.


    Or does it mean that one SA relic completely disables the other one, so you only gain procs from one of them when you have two equipped?

  22. 3000 Cartel coins would only be warranted if it was a super-rare, unique looking item. I was okay with the price of the Czerka Incendia, because at that time it was the only widely available podracer in the game. (The Kurtob Alliance was only given to friend referalls and the Vectron Zephyr was not yet in the game.) Similarly, I was okay with the price of the Solus Secant as well because it only had one model in the game, albeit a mighty ugly one. (Seriously, who wants to ride a floating shield, anyway?) But it was unique nevertheless, so the high price was warranted.


    But there are three models of Tauntauns in the game already and none of them actually require the expenditure of real-life money. Two Tauntauns from Hoth can be readily purchased for 1.5/2 million credits or obtained freely with enough time investment. The Strike Force Tauntaun is freely given to anyone who finishes Dread Fortress in SM. (You don't even have to finish Palace to get that mount.)


    Objectively, there are three Tauntauns already in the game that players can get for free. Subjectively, this new tauntaun does not even look good. The armored tauntaun from Oricon that looks like a battering ram looks the best by far in my opinion. I don't think that this mount will be very popular.

  23. Lately, I have been noticing something quite peculiar with Denova and I wanted to share my feelings on the subject and ask for opinions. After attempting Denova HM with a lvl55 PuG group (how hard could it be, we were all wearing a mix of 72/78 gear), I was somewhat surprised that we couldn't brute force our way through the operation with superior gear and couldn't get past Stormcaller and Firebrand because people didn't understand what to do. This had me thinking and after a bit of research and advertising on the fleet, I came to realize that Denova is the most neglected operation in the game. Really, nobody, ever does Denova anymore because there is no reason to do so.


    It appears to me that Denova fills a very strange niche on the Ops palette right now. It is a level 50 operation but it is significantly harder than either Eternity Vault or Karagga's Palace. It is PuG friendly enough to be doable for the average group on story mode but its rewards for the quest are not significant enough for most people to warrant an attempt. Classic Comms are much more easily (and faster) obtained from EV and KP, considering that EV can be finished in 35-40 minutes even on Nightmare Mode. Because it drops now obsolete 50 gear, there is no reason to run EC Story Mode.


    Meanwhile EC HM (while contributes to the Ops weekly) is simply too hard for the average PuG group. This level 50 operation will kill level 55 people in Dread Forged and Oriconian stuff if they don't do the mechanics correctly. The skill check is as punishing as it was before the level cap raise (even more in some aspect, since too much DPS can cause problems too on Zorn and Toth and Firebrand and Stormcaller), so most groups never attempt to PuG it in HM. Why would they, anyway, when they can finish Eternity Vault or Karagga HM in 40 minutes and get the weekly? The Aratech Nightscythe and the Praxon bloodline were the biggest incentive for people to run EC HM but the widespread availability of much cooler looking speeders from the Cartel Market of similar model and color means nobody wants the Nightscythe and the Bloodline anymore. And it drops obsolete gear as well, so again, no reason to run EC Hard Mode. (Even the rare crystals it used to drop are purchasable on the GTN now.)


    I think Denova HM is too difficult for the average PuG groups, so they don't run it. But its rewards are too insignificant for level 55s, so they don't run it either. In fact, so few people run Denova that plenty of people don't even know it exists. I watched the Ops chat on the fleet for many nights but I have yet to see someone trying to put together a group for Denova.


    So, I would like to recommend streamlining Denova (especially Hard Mode) to bring it in line with the rest of the Operations of the game. Either:


    A. Nerf the bosses in HM to the level of the EV and KP HM bosses, so people will actually consider doing Denova for the Classic Ops weekly.

    B. Make Denova a level 55 Operation with a difficulty in line with Terror from Beyond and Scum and Villainy and give it its own weekly of Elite and Ultimate comms, so people will actually consider doing it.


    I really like Denova, so please, anything you could do to make it more popular would be appreciated!

  24. In my experience, Tyrans is the second hardest encounter in the operation, right after the Dread Masters. Bestia and Calphayus are pushovers and Raptus is a joke.


    I think the reason Tyrans does so much damage on Thundering Blast is that the fight is very simple otherwise. Pretty much every other fight has complex mechanics to keep the group occupied, so I'm guessing Tyrans compesates with numbers for the lack of mechanics.


    In my experience, Tyrans is a real PuG wiper because if people stand in the way of Thundering Blast, it will kill them regardless of their gear, even in SM.

  25. Arsenal needs two things only:


    1. In PvE, they need better ammo management because their ammo is too reliant on Barrage/CoF procs. With the free rail shot gone, sustained ammo management was seriously screwed over. Now it's a shoestring system that is only very precariously manageable and too much of it is up to RNG and out of the players' hands.


    2. In PvP, they need some form of short-term interrupt protection becuase one melee opponent can completely shut down an Arsenal (or Bodyguard for that matter) merc. Left unchecked, the Arsenal merc can do beastly damage, but the problem is that experienced teams will never give them the chance since it's so easy to control an Arsenal merc, due to their heavy reliance on casted Tracer Missles and channeled Unloads. Add to this their virtual lack of mobility and low survivability, most melee consider Arsenal mercs quick, free kills, something that should probably change.


    So, Arsenal needs quite a few things, but one thing Arsenal does NOT need is more straight-up damage. The spec desperately needs a more streamlined resource system and more flowing rotation, including a numerical display for Commandos and interrupt protection in PvP. It would also greatly benefit from some team utility, better mobility or better survavibility (because as it stands heavy armor means nothing for DPS classes). But the damage does NOT need to change, it is already high enough, they just need to make it more reliable.

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