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Everything posted by WookieBob

  1. no surprise to me as every game that's had voice chat capability I've been in has had very few people using it. every guild I've been in that's had voice chat (vent, raidcall,teamspeak, etc.) has very few people using them. so I don't much care either way, but would rather see the dev's spend time on stuff that actually gets used.
  2. good teams will focus on targets and burn individuals down quickly...especially if you have rep as being a buttkicker you get priority targetting
  3. yep one more "____________" is OP even when good advice is given the result is to QQ more.
  4. new 50's can have expertise on their gear before they hit 50 just pvp a lot buy the level 45-46 weapons that have it, pull the mods out from weapon, install on your gear. very easy to have expertise before 50 so stop the QQ
  5. so how do we nerf the one's QQ for nerf's?
  6. I recently made it to the evil 50's only bracket and did alright main thing on my server is that the one's in the 50's bracket are the one's with more experiance in warzones, they focus fire, they heal, they guard, they work together and the better ones entered the 50's bracket with close to 49 valor. saw a guy with valor 10 enter .... he didn't do so well seen level 45's with valor 3 enter 10-49..guess what they didn't do so well either...
  7. why? some other piece of crap has convinced the zombie hordes that rushing straight to the level cap bypassing content, skipping things that take too long, is the thing to do in all mmo's.....they don't like story they can skip it or leave...myself i like the story...kinda wish i could skip everything else and follow the story
  8. oo the population in fleet is a good sample representation of total server pop? right tell me another one.....
  9. WookieBob

    Empire pvp

    threads like this are popular does this mean people are dumb?
  10. one thing i'm doing is filling my under 50 modifiable gear with expertise so in theory things won't be so bad.. yes, that's right under 50 can have expertise - just find the pvp weapons vendor get your class weapons level 46 or 45 (the ones with expetertise) pull out the mods and put em in your armor , see easy. harder is what actual effect extpertise really has but no one believes becuase they're all dumb....
  11. and why should I play republic when I want to play empire? Not gonna change my mind either, only reason I'll roll republic will be to hunt down imperials that annoy me....mind you that day is coming soon...lol
  12. actually no, I've been seeing some very competitive republic teams in the last week or so, you know the one's that actually work together, have a plan, react appropriately and aren't just there to kill for medals- as in they actually want to win. Congrats to LightBringers on namidi corridor ! imperial side however seems to be filled with more and more just kill kill kill "don't throw me the ball" kill kill kill "why did we lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  13. Because I don't wanna be a little goody blue saber pfffttttt
  14. except for buffing up a pvp geared companion and LOL-ing while companion PWNS an enemy player....
  15. you can die on purpose, this will get you out of combat. it can even get you into position to defend your goal line faster sometimes in huttball.
  16. becuase they are dumb, have no teamwork, tactics, no strategy, and are dumb. same deal as in every game since WARCRAP -can't beat it without facerolling on keyboard, QQ for nerfs on the forums
  17. does not appear to be enforced even on the offensive cases
  18. I'm pretty casual myself an wouldn't mind an option to solo and not need team. hey it'll add more stuff I can do. If pug's are representative of player base....I'll do it myself
  19. just saw the results of this as well instant match starts both doors bombed.
  20. nice idea, I'm getting tired of having people run the wrong way, not realize that carrying huttball makes you slower when crossing fire pits....and not realize that unless yo have the force jump ability you need to stay out of the pit.
  21. check to see if you have logged into the right server....go to the server list it will show you which servers you have characters on
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