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Posts posted by mangarrage

  1. LOL so funny to see PT trying to defend themselves. Go look at the vid of the pyro who only used 3 abilities in a wz and did 586k or something lol


    3 keys man, sure you can use 4, sure you can say you use 10, it doesnt matter at all


    Wow and some one actually used adrenals as a key a PT uses? cmon man

  2. I'm really not sure why people keep bring up the whole "you can play 2 games". Everyone knows that hell you can play 2000 games at once.

    The point is there is a group of players who subbed to swtor to pvp, a large part of those people have or will try gw2 for pvp. Once they pvp in gw2 there will be no reason at all to sub to a game that has so little to offer in comparison.


    That is something people have to start realizing. I could honestly list 20 things easily about the pvp that is far and superior. It's just a fact. Why would someone pay a sub to actually have less things to do and options of playstyle etc when they can not pay a monthly sub and get 10x the value


    I originally thought it was only going to impact pvp players and they announced there is no "end game" pve but their dynamic (adjusts to your level) dungeon system for 5 member parties is actually more content then SWTOR raiding offers.


    And people who are going to go play in panda land is a very very miniscle %, gw2 otoh is very bad new for swtor

  3. Although I am sure you will get a wide array of answers on this the fact remains that the dream team is very similar to pt, pt, tankasin, op healer, op healer, mara, mara, jugg

    You can easily interchange another mara for pt or jugg for mara imo, but that is the most efficient team


    A sniper brings one thing to a table over a dps op and that their aoe skill is a great stop capping ability and has a good length of time. I could never see if my only choice is sniper or dps op that I would ever choose the op.

    If I had my choice between a sniper, dps op or anything else, I wouldnt take the sniper or the dps op


    Just looking at the majority of rated scoreboards and you will see outside of 4 archtypes the other are few and far between

    It is one of the major issues with pvp now and especially rateds

  4. They are in fact different markets you are absolutely correct on that. However people can't see that.

    People see swtor as an mmo with pve and pvp. Alot of subs are pvp people. PvP for alot of people is horrid in this game, as it is a secondary concern from BW (which they themselves admitted) and pvp players will go to gw2 to pvp and will not even look again at swtor because they want to pvp not get a new companion and gain 5 more levels


    You are not only going to see alot of pvp players leave but you will also see alot of pvp guilds leave.


    There's just too much they offer a pvp player.


    And to the person who said warriors and necros lol at necros. It is probably going to be the 2nd least class played slightly ahead of engineer

    Last beta we saw 2 button warriors and unkillable elementalists but thats still beta


    Its one thing to have classes crazy in a prereleased state. It is another thing to purposely make classes out of balance, know they are out of balance, just leave them the way they are for months, and just ignore the majority of the community

  5. People I think will be very shocked after gw2 comes out

    So much just simply incorrect info through these pages it is just astonding. I mean from simple stuff like its the same thing with elves and dwarves. have fun with that. Well there are no elves or dwarfs in the game at all

    To it takes less skill to play gw2 then swtor, and i know cause im in beta. Well you arent in beta, or maybe you played a warrior in the last beta and did the 2 button knockdown hb combo over and over lol


    But instead of making a post about all the differences. It simply comes down to this. SWTOR has the best levelling ever in a game, Granted the first time through on each side but nonetheless I do not think any game will ever surpass it.

    But for variety of class, customization, pvp modes and maps swtor can't touch gw2


    I being a huge star wars nerd am extremely upset at how this game turned out. Seeing what they are coming out with for additional "content" is just disgraceful to me. Another companion, another world so you can go level up another 5 levels. I just don't understand. So many issues ignored. Raising level cap. these guys are just lost imo


    Games unfortunately need a strong following from 3 factions. PVE (raiding), PVP, and Casual. This game definelty has casual base. Had a pvp base but that is mostly gone. And had a pve base (which is also mostly gone because of the level of difficulty (lack thereof) of what they call raiding


    I wanted the best for this game, but it just didnt happen


    GW2 is certainly no god of a game, but the variety and availability of pvp is huge.


    This game is going to take a huge pvp hit from gw2. The casuals will stay, what's left of the pve raiders will stay because nothing on the horizon for raiders but I know pvp will be getting a ton worse for this game

  6. I do not see how valor rank can be used at all. You can pass down legendary gear augmented

    And although I would say alot of epople do not do this because of cost if they did a valor based system more and more people would do it, because most people have to have an advantage


    I honestly do not see how they can normalize pvp at all. Cause it takes way too many steps, take alot of segregation, and would cause increased queue times across the board


    But hey they said they are working on it in the last interview which means we could possibly see it in a year or so

  7. I dont get the post.


    First off you have dumb posters who say that sent/maraders are OP cause they do too much DPS

    Second off you have smart posters who say sent/mara are op cause of their defenses


    And we are talking about pvp, so there is no tanking, so it doesnt matter that they cant tank


    Mara/sent dps is absolutely 100% fine. They need no adjustment whatsoever on their damage.

    Pyro is the damage nerf class

    mara/sent need defenses adjusted period. If the defensives get adjusted, the mara comes into line

    If they want to keep their defenses as they are now, then their dps needs to come way down period

    You cannot have a high dps class with those defensives. People always talk about their offense cause that is what kills people but their op defensives allow them to dps people down


    Much easier to change 3 skills, then lower dps on all their skills


    And you make the same mistake everyone else makes. if a sniper vs a mara the sniper will win everytime.


    This is not about 1v1, why people can't get that through their head.

    Yes a sniper with all their cooldowns up should be able to kill a sent/mara all the time. However that is never ever ever reality

    If a sniper is trying to prevent someone from capping a node or focusing a healer down and they get attacked by a mara/sent they die everytime


    I can handle mara/sent np. I can also handle PT/vanguards just fine, but that doesnt mean that they do not need adjustments

  8. Dot, LoS, heal, repeat, dead sniper.




    Such a pointless discussion. Most sorc have no clue what they are doing because they used to be able to just stand in the middle and dot spam lightning or rocks if they got attacked they could just double dip heal themselves.


    And ever since they got brought down to reality, people who complain about them haven't changed their style to be affective they still stand in the middle and spam lightning and are now getting killed and itstead of doing something about it. IE los dot, los heal etc they cry

  9. This isnt even pvp in swtor

    maps are bleh have no creativity

    They themselves said they were surprised as how popular pvp was.


    The pvp in this game is horribly unbalanced (as most games are in one way or another), no world pvp option, which ofc we havent heard a peep since they shut it down, and most of all it is uninspired. Introduction of Denova which is just a rehash of alderran, huttball which favors pullers and leapers, VS which is probably the worst pvp creation of all time.

    Really isnt much to say

    This is a single player mmo first and foremost, when the reroll and stories are over for people, the game is basically at an end

    400k at first and we are about to see a new wave at the end of the month. 3rd quarter will be even worse then 2nd


    Kill it no, this game will be around awhile, but what it should have been and couldve been will never happen now


    GW2 has its own issues, as a beta tester this last weekend was by far the worst weekend. wvwvw was down most of the time and queues were entirely too long. They took down tournament mode 3 times over the weekend for long periods of time.

    They arent even close to release and they took a giant leap backwards in this beta, quite the opposite of what should have been

  10. I am one of those people who pretty much plays every game in the genre I can get my hands on. And I pretty much give a game a 6 month window. I feel after 6 months; you have given the game ample ttime to see if it captures you, and you can see where the game is going. You can also see the frequency of updates, how a company communicates with the community etc. I don't think you can reasonable do that in less time then 6 months. Now being in its 7th month. I guess the question per the title is what has gotten better and where is this game going.


    To stick to my points

    1.has the game captured you- I would say yes I do like the story I do like the diversity of characters and ofc I like the theme

    2.where is the game going?-honestly I have no idea we get told about new raids, new wzs, monthly updates etc. And we have seen really lackluster and sparse additions to this game. In addition we have seen no concrete information on what is happening in the near future, nor a time table

    3. communication-well yea we see input questions and some answers but mostly we get nothing and again "we are working on it" isn't an answer


    What has gotten better?

    server merge was the best improvement hands down I think. The game has certainly been revitalized for a lot of people

    Honestly though I think that is really it on the major side of things. Sure graphics got a little more finely tuned for people with lower end systems and a few things here and there


    What has gotten worse?

    pvp-honestly I'm to the point where i wish they never changed any class. imo is is so much worse now then it was. The new wz denova "the new and exciting" denova is alderran with cliffs. World pvp shut down and never addressed again

    Ranked wz are sparse playing same teams over and over. Ranked also effects time of wz pops for regular


    Just kind of curious what people opinions on those subjects as I really believe these to be some of the vital points of subscribing to an mmo

  11. I agree with you.


    What happend to the promised monthly updates the dev's talked about ?


    This is a gigantic issue. I remember the interview where he talked about monthly updates and content and features, yes he said monthly. 7 months one content update? A few feature updates that shouldve been in at release


    Patience only goes so far

  12. First and foremost there is no grinding in this game


    The term grind is so misused now it is just ridiculous. Second gen gamers thing anything that takes more then 30min is a grind lol


    The last game that had any kind of grind that I played was probably lineage 2 and that was years ago


    Grinding is more or less killing the same group or area of mobs over and over again in order to level. Basically older games you didnt have these go here kill 10 things and you get 10k exp. You grinded out your levels.


    Sometimes you grinded out factions, even wow had this although it wasnt that time consuming in wow as earlier games


    People think war hero gear is a grind. It isnt. You pvp and gear is just an added bonus. If you are pvping just to get gear well no idea what to say about that. Same with Rading you raid to raid, your not grinding black hole gear you are raiding cause you like to raid and gear is a bonus.


    People that use grind nowaday have absolutely no concept as to what real grinding is

  13. I always wondered what the average MMO population was because everyone seemed to say "Tor is dying because it only has 1.3 million subs." Surprisingly I found that TOR is one of the few MMOs that has over a million subs.






    It is interesting to note that TOR and Aion are the only most recent MMOs to break 1 mil subs and not be F2P.


    Edit: I did not know Aion was F2P so TOR is the only recent MMO to break 1 mil and not be F2P.


    Just be sure to look at the sub totals come 2 weeks. Alot of that 1.3 was fluff subs and you will see a close to accurate number this quarter and next quarter especially.

    No question this game was the biggest opening I saw in a game, but you will find the comparisons to much older and anequated games will be alot more in line with the next 2 sub totals posted

  14. Well any new game is attractive cause it is shiny and new.


    The main differences is too many to list tbh.

    It looks completely different, some people hate one art or the other its all a matter of taste.


    -Variety of characters-not every race is a different colored human with 4 badies to chose from etc. Their character customization may be the best I have ever seen

    -lack of pve raiding believe it or not swtor has more raiding then gw2 which is sad but at the same point in time they really dont have any real endgame pvp


    -The biggest different to me is the pvp.

    You have a tournament mode, you have community and private sponsered pvp events, and ofc the biggest different is RvR. You can instantly bolster your character to max level and go. I have seen very large wars going on, granted I have seen the same area empty as well, but I think it has more option then swtor and fits more playstyles

    -pvp balance pretty much the same right now as of last beta ranged is clearly superior to melee, which is quite the opposite of this game, but it is in beta atm.

    -alot of features that people consider "standard" are all in this game for the most part, swtor still doesnt have most


    There is quite alot of differences

    It is worth a try, I truly believe every game is worth a try. We will see how it is in 6months


    The biggest thing is just make your own opinion, don't listen to hype, don't listen to what other people say. And just see how you like the game.

    There are tons of people who will like swtor over gw2 and vice versa. Doesn't mean either is wrong. It's just taste


    I feel that 7 month+ I will have played this game is simply enough as this is nothing to warrent continuing and ofc bw never talks about anything so..

  15. You mentioned any scrub can hit 100 valor, well these scrubs have come along way to grind 100 and 99% of them are good players, since most scrubs can't get past 80, never mind 70 before throwing in the towel.


    Really? lol

    Good and valor rank have no correlation whatsoever. I am a prime example, although not 100 yet I am currently 97 but I am an average player who pvped alot

    And that is basically what it is you pvped alot


    Most scrubs cant get past 80? why is there something that stops their valor gain


    and per your original post a person in their early 70s can be in fully modded wh gear. Hell with the legacy gear it a joke.

    Gear does not equate to good, valor rank does not equate to good it only equates to time


    In addition this games pvp is going to be taking a big hit soon, some people think otherwise but they're wrong.

    PvPers will leave when there is another alternative, and it is rapidly approaching

    And please there is alot more to pvp in gw2 then zerg world, at least try it or maybe read one paragraph before you post as if you know

  16. I heard the same thing and I am doing the same on my op

    My healing is abysmal though mostly because I suck at healing but I do the best I can


    I just really want to see the potential of the dps op geared for myself as it is the last archtype for me to finsh up

  17. I love the people who use rock, paper, scissors, but I'll play


    If dps op is rock who is scissors (prolly sniper but really 1?)

    if merc/commado dps is rock who is scissors

    if a dps sorc is rock who is scissors


    if pt is rock why are there so many scissors why so few paper

    if a mara is rock why is there so many scissors why so few paper


    Sure it would work in a 3 class system but it doesn't work in a system with so many classes

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