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Everything posted by Monchon

  1. Yeah this seems like a cruel joke. We'll go from being 4 on fleet to 10 on fleet. The swiftsure would have made more sense for a west coast pvp server. I mean the other 3 destination servers were the top 3 servers in NA. Yet we got the Bastion seriously ***.
  2. Okay so the first 4 destination servers were The Fatman, Jedi Covenant, The harbinger and The Bastion. Why is The Bastion a destination server it's as dead if not worse than RMP. I mean we have 4-5 on fleet at prime time so now will be on a server with 10. The swiftsure would have been clear choice for west coast pvp, but they chose The bastion. I really don't know what to say other than *** is bioware trying to do.
  3. Hello fellow vanguards, Was just wondering what you think would be best has I hit 50, I will have 3500 ranked comms and 2000 warzone comms. Would it be best to pick War hero weapon or change ranked comms back to warzone comms and get 3 main set pieces with the BM rifle. Any thoughs would be welcomed. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello Taugrim, First of all thank you for the work and guides to the PT AC. Now quick question and I know you have somewhat answered this before, but just so that I can some piece I like to ask and hopefully get an answer from you. Would going with the supercommando set for pvp tank really up my survibality alot, and if so would my dmg output go done alot? I ask because I'm guilds main Ops tank and since their is no dual spec I have been doing warzones as full shieldteck with a 32/7/2 build. Currently I have full champion dps with supercommando MH and OH. Now I have 19k health stimmed and 52% mitigation and I feel pretty tanky sometimes with proper heals of course. With my current set its not uncommon for me to get 280k dmg sometimes I break 300k but I also usually get around 100k protection points. Now I just hit BM and wanted to know if I should stick to my setup of dps gear in a tank spec or start picking up supercommando pieces. Anyways thank you, just wanted some advise from you.
  5. Hello everyone, First time poster in forums I wanted some advice from fellow PTs on wether its viable to pvp tank in Champion Combat tech gear and eliminator off pieces. I was a full pyro but got tired of beign in fleet unable to do flashpoints cause people would rather have other dps that can CC, eventhough pyro dps is ridicuolus. Anyways I did some games tonight in my pvp dps gear as a standard ST spec and was getting around 230k dmg and 80k protection. If I have a healer I can last a real long time and about to get battlemaster in 3 lvls and was wondering should I go for supercommando set or get dps pieces? Any advice would be help I like to do dmg and feel like the dps is fine, but am I gimping myself. Thanks in advance.
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