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  1. I may well have malicious software on the computer, but I have run McAfee and found nothing. My email account was hacked and apparently they were able to use that to change the password, remove the authenticator and change the email that the account uses. The reset password links no longer come to my email address. As I say, just ban me and if possible, do bad things to the people profiting from this. I had been considering deleting the software anyways, but liked having it around to possibly resubscribe. I don't see that happening now.
  2. Physical. But they changed the password and removed the authenticator from the account. I can't re-add it and now I am not getting the Reset Password emails, so when this expires, I will be unable to even post that there is a problem with the account. Even when the authenticator was attached to the account, they were able to remove it without having it. They also removed it again after I re-added it to the account. This is a serious security flaw that makes authenticators useless. I had recovered my account and am logged in from that session. The hacker got it back and the reset password emails are no longer coming to me.
  3. And the hacker has changed my password and removed the authenticator again. And since the revert email link has expired, I can't change my email address back and am stuck. I give up. PLEASE BAN MY ACCOUNT.
  4. I haven't played SWTOR for quite a while, and tonight got an email stating that my password had been changed. I quickly changed my email and SWTOR passwords and reconnected my authenticator. But naturally the thief grabbed all the cartel coins that the account had accumulated (there wasn't much of anything to steal beyond that). Where does anyone go to report a hacked account anyways? And why is it so easy to remove an authenticator without having access to it?
  5. The consensus I am seeing is that PvE and PvP numbers should be different, yet Bioware seems to want to make those numbers the same for both PvE and PvP. Blizzard recognized that PvE and PvP are different, if only due to abilities not working on PvE bosses that work on PvP players and vice verse. Blizzard changed the numbers to make PvE and PvP utterly different in order to make both work. PvEers don't necessarily want to PvP (I don't want to deal with griefers and there are more griefers in PvP and on PvP servers). PvPers don't necessarily want to PvE (they want the challenges of unpredictability, reaction, reflex and what they consider a real challenge). Bioware needs to separate PvE and PvP numbers for the satisfaction of both. I don't see that that is happening according to the patch notes. PvE skirmisher DPS need higher numbers than ranged DPS to account for the increased healing they need from AE effects. PvP skirmishers need high DPS to account for CC, slows, and the time it takes them to reach their targets. These numbers are completely different between PvE and PVP. The only exception to this must be healers. Healers' numbers need to be the same for both PvE and PvP. So both PvE numbers and PvP numbers must must must be centered around healers' numbers. Anything else is utter fail for either PvE or PvP.
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