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Everything posted by Vendettus

  1. A few of the older models of lightsabers are rotated in a way that would be non ergonomic, or uncomfortable for the character to hold. The biggest offender is the model used for Kallig's lightsaber where instead of holding it like a regular curved hilt lightsaber such as the later model Expatriate's lightsaber where the curve of the hilt fits neatly into the palm, the model used for lightsabers like Kallig's turn the pommel inward, abandoning ergonomics and aesthetics, making it look terribly uncomfortable for the character to hold. To a lesser extent, but one painful for me since I really like the model, is the hilts like the Flamegem lightsaber, a craftable weapon. If you look carefully, you can see that the character model essentially holds it backwards, the yellow metal protrusion from the emitter and the pommel ring should point away from the character, that line of the grip fitting into the fingers instead of the palm. My suggestion is that you go through some of these older hilt styles and create a reforged version of them with the design, size and especially orientation reworked to either sell from the cosmetic items vendor on the fleet, or even as part of a set on the Cartel Market. A lot of these have fun designs, but for some people they will never be used for reasons such as looking unbearably uncomfortable for the characters' grip. Fellow players, what other models of lightsabers do you notice that look uncomfortable the way they are held? Thanks for reading, and may the force be with you.
  2. What they should do is create 'enhanced' versions for each species, or at least the ones that have these types of bugs. That way existing characters wouldn't be touched but people could choose to either create an enhanced version or a classic version. Enhanced versions would function the way they should, have all the colours and variations, and breathe air into species that are so exciting but are essentially ruined by their limitations. Toggies, Nautolans and Twi'leks are the primary offenders, but if they enhanced other species as well just think of all the options that are locked out that could suddenly be available.
  3. Here I am still hoping for Arn's complete cybernetic armour for my droid toons
  4. You know the martial pilgrim head gear? The sweet neck piece that comes along with it goes with a lot of armour sets, especially those that could use a high collar but only have one when connected to a helmet. I implore you to make neck armour just like it, or similar, but without anything else that attaches to the head. Just neck armour. The ones that come with the headsets are pretty good too, but they headsets ruin the look of the neck armour if that is what someone is going for. Pretty please?
  5. Make it a legacy unlock, a tiered system to reducing fall damage.
  6. This seems like its either a bug or an oversight. I know they aren't expensive, but still.
  7. New playable races: Falleen, Zeltron, Devaronian, Chagrian, Weequay and Pantoran would all be relatively easy to do. Six new races would be amazing but we've gotten nothing in years. New Faction: A 'neutral' faction could be amazing and allow for new starting worlds. Imagine if a new faction allowed for Pirates and Witches, their starting worlds being Florrum and Dathomir-- this would allow for force users and non-force users. The need to use voice actors and tie in with the greater story would likely prohibit this, but honestly clever writings probably could have made things work. Instead nothing. Non Force User melee builds: Why in the world would you put swords and spears in the game, have npcs that wield them who are non-force users, and then deny that same option to players? Baffling. Ponchos: We get one, and it has imperial rank bars and a backpack. Da kriff? This would be like printing money. Broadsword, give us ponchos! Unrestricted options in character creation: There are tattoos, scars, hair styles, jewelry, all kinds of things that would be a blast to mix and match. Want to make a jedi knight who bears the markings of when he was still a slave? awesome! Want a rattataki who got some sith style jewelry? Rad. Oh wait, no, we can't have that for some reason. Why? Tattoos and body scars: Again it's like you're allergic to money. Let me get my twi'lek some amazing gold body tattoos, let me scar up my pureblood like Tenabrae. But nothing, just radio silence. Additional colours for Twi'leks, Togrutas and Nautolans: What is the hold up on this? Purples, blacks, whites and different colour tattoos. C'mon devs, who in the world are you taking advice from if they aren't pointing out low-hanging fruit like this? Armour sets that are in the game but we just can't have? Why?! Arn's lightsaber is available, but kriff me if I want his cybernetic armour set. Darth Baras has an awesome helmet? How about the same thing but with a Pope hat. I mean COME ON. This almost feels like targeted harassment by not opening up some of these options. Armour and weapons we have to 'earn' but aren't unlocked in collections: I recently got pvp weapons. Cost me countless hours and a bunch of pvp tokens. And guess what? I have to use up more valuable space in my legacy inventory because I already have it full of other armour sets, dyes, weapons and other misc. I can't just spend some CC to unlock it for my characters forever. Why? Why not let us unlock these precious things? GSF is still a nightmare: If a game mode ever was in desperate need of an overhaul, it would be this. No single player options for it, and no updates to it in years. Imagine if it were good? Heck it doesn't even count toward pvp season stuff! Okay, my rant is over. There are other things in the game I would love but honestly, if you just went down this list and made an effort to include those that are doable, I would be most grateful. Thanks devs, I know the work is usually thankless. I appreciate you keeping the game alive. Best wishes
  8. For the achievement associated with getting legendary in the Top Secret Army (or whatever it's called) I am missing two (2) points. I gained legendary status and cannot therefore redeem anymore of the reputation that I have for the season.
  9. Species would need to be 'near human' to be even considered. Falleen, Chagrian, Zeltron, Devaronian, Pantoran-- these would be relatively easy and have a much better chance of becoming playable races than those who can't easily be put into situations where they would need to talk or kiss with existing animations. So devs, how about these ones? Pretty please?
  10. As we sell items, of course there are times when the items don't sell on the galactic trade market. It would be convenient for players if (instead of having to take everything out of the mail, go back to the gtn and relist everything) unless they needed to change the sell price or duration, they could just press a button in the email returning the item directly back to the gtn with the same price and duration settings as it was listed previously. Many thanks.
  11. Let us live out our samurai fantasy with the freelance hunter hat without the mask please
  12. I really enjoy the hoverchair variant mounts, but I would love one that doesn't involve spinning datacrons over my characters' heads. Just a simple hover chair would be amazing. Pretty please?
  13. Forced dismount, unless caused by combat, takes several seconds for it to even occur. If a player is truly just moving from point a to point b and using the very center of the fleet to do it, then the timer there could accommodate that. But then, I almost never see people in that center space unless they are RPers or trying to grief them-- hardly what I would call the single most populated area in the game.
  14. And it isn't even people are saying to remove mounts from fleet, just the smaller bar area where RPers like to congregate. Telling RPers to leave or deal with it because "rp can be disruptive too" is incredibly disingenuous and so intellectually dishonest that it is patently absurd-- with a simple click or two any all all chat can be cleaned up, to the point of never even seeing what another players says ever again if desired. No such thing exists for the rp community who have to 'deal with' people coming and sexually harassing them by putting their rancor **** directly on them and then following them around.
  15. Life day is almost upon us. A long time ago there was a 75% off sale for items in collection. I would like to respectfully request that you bring that back as we get closer to Christmas. Cheers!
  16. This is a topic that needs to be addressed. There are things that disrupt what other players are doing, particularly parking enormous mounts on others when they are rping, or using emotes that strip other players of their agency and forcing them to dance. For the former, the center of the circle on fleet, starting at the staircase, should auto dismount players. For the latter, get rid of the emotes that force other players to do anything at all.
  17. There is one place on Makeb where I agree with you: in the middle of one of the islands there is a very tranquil area filled with waterfalls and is a gorgeous area. It would be a great place to meditate and RP. The mobs there ruin it. Devs, if you wanted to remove the mobs from that one spot I would be most grateful.
  18. Bonus points if it doesn't also remove my Miraluka's mask. Barring this, perhaps a toggle for the hood as there is for the headslot entirely? Pretty please?
  19. This would involve a rework of the Togruta species and of helmets/masks. Which they should absolutely do to make this work since they should have done it right, not fast, to begin with.
  20. Kai Zykken armours are egregious with this. Now that we can get an entire set at a time, let us use them on any character please!
  21. Just imagine being able to remove buttcapes and enormous shoulderpads at will. Nice
  22. There are emotes in the game that allow a character to take a measure of control of others, typically making them dance like an idiot. This is incredibly annoying and further, really really gross. Give everyone the ability to disable that feature so that others can't make us participate in any that makes us move in any way.
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