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Everything posted by StarMagus

  1. In the game it seems that most of the NPC Empire side force users are Human and not Sith. Is that on purpose? Are the Sith ((race)) really that few in number?
  2. If you unlock the Sith as a race can you create a "Jedi" Sith on the Republic side to be your proxy for your Empire Side Sith? ((Probably more work then most RPers will want to do, but possible?)) Add on: It is possible.. I made a Jedi Pureblood Sith just to test this.
  3. You got the idea... So replace Wiccans with Druids. The point was that Yoda is biased, he's a master of the light side of the force. Even if the Dark Side was full of Rainbows, Kittens, and Candy Yoda would be a bad source of information about it.
  4. They aren't just a little better, but there is a huge difference between 1 Force User = a Platoon of soldiers and giving them the power to pull star destroyers out of orbit. Why build the Death Star when you just have a Force User in a small merchant ship grab an asteroid and hurl it at a planet to cause a ELO.
  5. It means that Yoda is Master of the Light side of the force, so asking him to have a fair and balanced view of the Dark Side of the force is probably not fair. Sort of like if during the Dark Ages if you asked the Pope for his opinion on Wiccans and Satanists. You probably wouldn't have gotten an unbiased assessment.
  6. Why? It's not like Furries wouldn't exist in the Star Wars universe.
  7. I don't think there is really anything all that interesting about beings that get as crazy powerful as the later EU stuff had Jedi. I mean I remember watching RotJ and seeing the Emp suddenly have the ability to toss lightening around and thinking oh man this guys SUPER POWERFUL... now.. force lightening is dull and boring and not even all that powerful compared to the other crazy stuff they had to do to top. DBZ much like Star Wars didn't get more interesting when every Jedi is now over 9000! on the powerscale... it makes everything less magical because the power levels have gone into insane mode.
  8. Personally I find In-Character Power being tied to In-Game Power more "fair" then In Power levels by fiat. "I'm better then you..." "No, I'm better...." "No, I am...." Yeesh.... At least having your characters game power level matter you have some fair level of power that is determined 100% by the game engine and not just by anybody who wants to be a massively powerful Jedi claiming they are and being so.
  9. The Thrawn Trilogy was my favorite, but it's version of the Clone Wars was so much different ((better)) then what Lucus decided happened in the clone wars, that it makes me sad.
  10. Can you romance her if you are light and she is evil? I mean it's a weird dynamic, but I wonder if that would be possible for people who don't like Vette.
  11. By the end of the EU stuff ((and if Reven and the like are allowed into this then EU Luke Skywalker is)) you have Luke doing crazy stuff right out of Bleech and DBZ. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Luke_Skywalker It's weird, in the original movie series, you have the Jedi as powerful, but not basically gods walking the earth powerful. Even in the prequels Jedi Knights and Masters are good but outnumbered even 5-10 to one by droids they get blown away and drop like flies, like at the end of the 2nd movie where the Jedi are in the pit and they are slowly getting overwhelmed by a greater number of blaster wielding foes. For all of his movie directing sins, Lucus knew that Jedi and the force couldn't be Super Man in a world full of Green Arrows. It's not until you get the fans of lucus works that Jedi and Sith start doing stupidly powerful things like pulling star destroyers out of orbit, or doing the Bleech flash step and 20 + attacks at the same time moves. I think the series is worse for it in that respect.
  12. About the best case scenario would be something like City of Heroes which continued to pump out new power sets once they went free to play. The biggest problem with new classes is making the entire voiced story line as well as modifying the quests that are already there to add in the new class. IE. Say the new class is witch... well you can't have the NPC refer to the player as Jedi, Solider or Smuggler... or Sith, Bounty Hunter or Agent... you have to either get the voice actor back to record a new name or cut the part out and hope people don't notice.
  13. As a side, the question that is the topic of this thread is still something I'm trying to get a good idea about. If you don't like the basic elements of MMOs as they are now. Questing: Kill, Gather, Talk.... Dungeons and Raids: PvP: Because it's all a grind..... What does an MMO with no Grinding look like? The closest I've gotten to an answer from people who claim TOR is grindy is too smush up the number of quests together. But if you consider 5 different quests of the big 3 types grinding.. why wouldn't you consider 1 big long quest that had the same 3 elements... Kill, Gather, Talk.. just as grinding?
  14. Once you rule out... Questing, PvP, Dungeons, and Raids.... What else is there to do in an MMO? It's like saying you love Baseball, but you can't stand pitching, fielding, hitting, and having to come up with a line up. Errr....
  15. Your suggestion though was to basically instead of having 4 different kill/gather/talk quests to mush them up together so instead you have 1 big quest that has 2 kill parts, 1 gather part, and 1 talk part. That's the same thing.
  16. So what would you rather do? I mean you don't want to fight things in a star wars game.. ok.. I get that.. what do you want to do instead? I mean leveling up I've had... Puzzle Quests... ((There was a lightswitch 3 by 3 grid problem on one planet.)) Search an area for an item. Several quests that involved talking to NPC's and branching from there. Escort quests. Gather quests. Kill quests. I mean what you are calling Grinding seems to me to be "playing the game". If you had an basketball game would you call each game a "grind"?
  17. So I hear some people complaining about having to "grind" quests to get to max level in the game. I'm sort of confused as to how questing is compared to grinding. See in older MMO's the term grinding refered to the fact that you had no way to get to max level but to go to a mob respawn point and kill the same mobs over and over for hours on end. Once you leveled you would move on to another group and do the same thing. For example in Dark Age of Camelot, there were a pack of mobs that almost every single max level player ended up grinding out. There were enough for 1 full group, and on most servers that group had it's own chat channel. So you would log in, put your name in that channel and as somebody who did your role quit the group the first people in the channel would get invited. This grinding group was running pretty much 24/7 on all servers for the Hib faction. Grinding also refered to the fact that it would take people months to get their characters max level instead of the MUCH MUCH shorter time span you can max out characters in modern MMOs. Anyway back to my question... is having to do quests really "grinding" to max level? What does an MMO without grinding look like to people who feel doing quests to level counts as grinding? I have to admit when I hear somebody complain that they had to grind quests to level I wonder if they have ever bought a Madden NFL game and complained that they had to grind out 16 regular season games just to get their team of choice into the playoffs and then the only "end game" was more games just called playoffs. How grindy!
  18. Probably has something to do with the old item that killing 1,000,000 people is just a statistic, while killing one person is a tragedy.
  19. When my character was many many many levels lower then 50 I had some 50 following him around for over 10 minutes flagged, jumping on top of me, putting himself inside of every mob that I started to attack, ect. He finally got me to flag because my pet tagged him with an aoe. It's annoying that one person has the power to cut you off from questing and forces you to change your entire play style because they want to grief you.. via PVP... on a PVE server. Rift's solution was so much better then what they have here.
  20. I was actually surprised at how easy he was to defeat. Other then his 1 shot you ability, which is on a timer equal to your ability to disrupt it, he was really easy to defeat. In fact once I figured out the ability that you had to stop ((it's an incredibly long cast time that should be a huge hint that it's not something you want to have go off)) he just didn't really dent me after that. I even used Fess and not my healing companion.
  21. I'm really worried that things like this are going to get worse. One faction on the server tends to outnumber the other by about 4 to 1 which means roughly speaking 4 times the number of people who are going to be bored of huttball at 50 and looking to get their jollies somehow.
  22. Revan Norris doesn't have 1 thread, he has all threads.
  23. So I'm on a PvE server, and just had an experience with a "PvP" player, who at max level managed to make their way over to the other side questing area. They jumped on top of my character, mixed in with every single mob I was fighting, like waited for me to agro a mob then stood inside of the mobs model or the next mob of the group for 10-15 minutes. Right as I flipped mobs they did something to a mob ((damaged it?)) which caused my hit to auto flag me. Of course during this entire time they were being abusive, calling me a coward and the like. A couple of questions.... 1. Does anybody know what I did to get myself autoflagged? Is there some logic that says if you attack a tagged mob you auto flag? Or a CCed mob? 2. Rift had a really nice option in their interface, you clicked on it and it became impossible for you to accidentally flag by tab targetting or the like. Does SWTOR have this function or is the only real defense from bored level 50's in full pvp gear to just flip characters and do something else until they get tired of hunting characters 10+ levels beneath them.
  24. It's exactly the same, the bars just go in different directions so it feels different. If you flipped the direction you'd realize it. They function and limit your use of abilities exactly the same.
  25. However if the ojective was who could pump the most damage into an enemy ship in the least amount of time, the Mantis wins, followed by the Fury, with the Phantom in last place.
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