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Posts posted by ReRuined

  1. Funny. Since launch people have been complaining that there wasn't enough fighting in Ilum and asked for changes. Now the changes have happened people are complaining they are getting killed in Ilum.


    Proof that BioWare will NEVER win.


    Spawn/die/spawn/die/spawn/die/spawn/die is not my definition of fighting.

  2. Well, they just need to have the rewards slanted based on faction populations. Outnumbered = higher rewards. Over time the players will even themselves out. :)


    Stop trying to use logic here.

  3. Let me get this right, half the people in this thread claim to be quitting because on the FIRST day of a PvP patch, the bigger faction is overrunning us?


    Common guys, not even half of the Rep Side has hit 50 yet, give it some time


    If they haven't hit 50 by now, they are way to casual to even be considered.


    Not to mention, the same thing could be said for the Empire side, except for twice the amount of the Republc side.

  4. Reroll sith you horrible man


    Yes! Contribute to the faction imbalance more. Screw it, everyone just reroll and make it a 1 faction game.



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