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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by LordJestR

  1. Personally I believe they should dump the idea of "hangars" as an instanced zone and simply have the hangar doors give you access to your ship directly. I really see no need to go from Spaceport/Fleet > Hanger > Ship. Would be nice if it was simply Spaceport/Fleet > Ship.


    I like the current system. Don't listen to him pls.


    @op I kinda agree. However they would need to add cockpit views that shows the hangar.

  2. There is no way to cater to everyone in a game.


    While don't people just understand that and let go?


    I don't go into WoW's forum and demand that they change the game for me because I know what I like will not appeal to others.


    It is a consumer market. What waste time on things you don't like while you could spend time on things you do like.

  3. Lets be frank, this is a game, not real life. So those of you who are trying to compare it to real life, need to get a real life. Games are to be fun and entertain, not require tons of research. I do not have interest in wasting my team reading up to see what they will allow and what they will not. WOW is by far the best MMO ever made. Copy it. Don't try to think you are smarter or your story is better. They make more money than you do. That is like Microsoft trying to do things different from Apple, they make tons of money and dominate, learn from them.


    Those of you that have hours of time on your hands to reroll, go ahead and do that. Those of us that have real life stuff to do, like women, a job, and party, will wait til bioware wakes up and adds that feature.


    Lol why just say you want instant 50 with all legendary gear since you obviously can't be bothered to spend time on the game.

  4. How do you keybind something that isn't on a quickbar? these bars are ENORMOUS at 1080p and they are full @30.


    if you can do that - yes it's cheating and once that's confirmed i will resort to hacking to even the odds.


    I'm thinking he has the abilities on the toolbar and keybind. Then he set up a macro that press the 3 buttons in order, perhaps with some slight delay in between.

  5. What is even more galling is that while the mundane masses are blindly clicking Option 1 for every single conversation choice and racking up Light side points to access items, they aren't even penalised in terms of in-game rewards. Whenever there is a choice to be made for things like "No I don't need the reward! (+100 Light Points)", the very next thing the NPC does is say "Oh but you must take it, I insist". So they get the points, plus the rewards. ***?


    This is Bioware's idea of "Innovative Storytelling"? Sure, if you are comparing to children's books it's about on par. This kind of nonsense no-consequence #1 clicking is ridiculous. They would have been better just forcing people to choose Light/Dark at the start of the game and not confusing the issue by pretending that characters actually have a choice of any kind.




    Your everyday interactions must be extremely fascinating.


    Mum: Be a dear and go buy some milk"


    You: **** you! Why must you force me to be either a good kid for accepting your request or a bad kid for refusing you. I'm just gonna do neither and stand here screaming at you like a deranged kid. And at the end of this rant, you better have some cookies ready.

  6. This is my last post. This person is correct, and the first two people to quote him acted like the earlier robots and flamed him WITHOUT READING the message. That's why it bugs me I'm goaded into another post against folks who aren't reading.


    They HAD my credit info, same as any other MMORPG. Its a good anti-gold spammer tactic.


    But they FORCED me to make a payment choice and blocked my free 30 days until I did so, which NO MMORPG previously has done. I've played several major ones from day 1.


    But, you likely tuned me out and won't bother to make an intelligent argument with facts. Good night.



    Because the system engineers have to design it according to logical thinking?

    I'm sure as the system evolves, they will have more ways to accommodate crazies. But for now, it is perfectly usable.

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