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Posts posted by LordJestR

  1. I haven't been getting my CCs for security key for about 1 to 2 years...

    Honestly thought it was because I lapsed in my sub that I stopped being granted them, and this was with a security key from the Collector's Edition that was activated the very day I started playing back in December 2011.


    For me, physical key activated with CE, quit 3 mths after launch and only just resubbed. Has been getting 100 cc per month so it was a pleasant surprise.

  2. If group activities would yield at least similar XP/rewards more people might take part in them.

    They already offer better rewards than normal quest and you also get more experience being in a grp. What else more do you want?


    If they give even better rewards, then people would start complaining what is the point of doing normal quests. If you want them to give more xp, then people will start complaining they out level the quests too fast.

  3. I really don't see any problem. Levelling in most MMO's have always been a solo affair with majority of the multiplayer experience at max level with raids and operations.


    If you are arguing against 12XP, are you trying to tell me you enjoy the long and tedious vanilla leveling experience? Not just on your first toon but also on your fourth or fifth alt?

  4. I've been here since launch...I finally finished my 1st character class story after playing for over a year. I was ready to quit last year, because as much as I enjoyed the stories, I absolutely despised the grind. The ONLY reason I bought the SoR expansion was 12xp. The ONLY reason I'm still subbed now 12xp. And as excited as I am about KotFE, I know for a fact I'll spend a lot more time creating alts than I will doing ANY endgame content. I refuse to go back to the vanilla leveling experience, or even anything similar.


    Same thoughts. I quited 3 mths after launch due to lack of content. When the game went F2P, I tried again but levelling took so long I gave up.


    With this 12xp, I resubbed right away and is enjoying the levelling process for several toons. Only sad thing I feel is I came back too late to get the Nico companion. :(

  5. Did you play Age Of Conan? Warhammer Online? The exact same thing; "We're working on it"


    Tell you what, like I said on those games.. You pay your monthly subscription to pay for them to take how-ever long it takes to fix. Give me a holler when it's all fixed, then, I might consider coming back.


    You can pay for it to be fixed. Not me.


    MMOs have always been "work in progress". You can always come back years later and play through the "old" content if you like. Heck you can play any game years later, after it's been patched umpteen times, but try talking about it at the water cooler, see if anyone cares. They would be like "Dude, why are you playing that game. I beat it ages ago."

  6. I can only really agree with the Space battles lacking.


    This is STAR WARS, and a very big part of that is the space battles. Let's go back to the movie that started it all -- can you imagine Ep. IV ANH without the assault on the Death Star? No, of course you can't, because it's a huge part of the movie, it's even a bigger deal than lightsabers (in that movie) when you think about it.


    In every one of the movies, space combat is a small part of the film, the majority is filled with ground combat.


    This is especially true in I-III.

  7. Don't even look on scores on MC if it's not user score. The Old Republic there have around 6.1.

    Dragon Age 2 have there 6 on critics and around 3 of user score.

    Yeah, Warhammer have 8. At least people enjoy it a little more.


    If you already believe that reviews on notable sites can be bought, what is to stop companies from having employees to post user reviews?

  8. No read what I said.


    ". especially after an operative goes into stealth and I have to cast my probe to uncloak them... but then i have to target them again." . after they cloak and you break their stealth (Not stealthed anymore) through some AoE or probe for instance... targetting them again is a pain in the ***.


    And no it wouldn't make it worse in a crowded situation because the targetting system would give precedence to whatever you actually clicked on. So it wouldn't guess at all. in other words if there is just one guy on my screen.. and i left click my screen it should target them. If there are two guys... it should target the one i click closer too. What harm is that? It's not programmatically hard to do and it could even run on the clients side (like through an addon) so as not to put anything on the server side


    My reading is fine. Your explanation is not.


    And I will still ask the same thing, why are you having problems clicking something with your mouse? Do you play fps and ask why it don't have aim assist like console games?

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