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Everything posted by Martyrofsand

  1. ...I think I would prefer to keep my dark side points limited to in game:p
  2. Sadly I share a computer and anytime I try something like that someone tends to shut it off even when I ask/tell them not to >.<
  3. I do want to preface this by saying I still believe the actual game is great, the story/characters/etc etc are all really well done. My issue though isn't with anything actually in the game, it's getting to play it. I'm very casual, might get to play 1-2 times a week due to med school, but I have a problem. Anytime I try to play the game I constantly get "The Launcher is being updated. Please Wait" after waiting for that to finish I then have to wait for a number of patches to be applied. I'm not complaining about patches being implemented, I realized they are needed, the issue I have is just how frequent they are, and maybe it's just because of the limited time I have to play, but it feels like I can never log in due to the amount of time I have to spend simply updating the game. Is this really just me or has anyone else had this kind of issue, IE don't play the game every week and then have to spend the time you would normally get to play updating everything. Any suggestions? As I said this is really turning this game from being something I enjoyed to being a frustrating chore.
  4. While I subscribe to the "your critics are the ones letting you know they care" ideology there is a difference in... "Hey there are some bugs issues, and here is the proof" "There might be a problem with a feeling of being boxed in, because" "This doesn't have an open world MMO field and here's why" and "OMG this is the worst MMO launch ever beta was useless there are so many bugs" "*** this isn't an MMO it's KOTOR with a subscription" "Come on bioware I run through story point to story point this isn't an MMO" The people doing the top are few and far between while the bottom is what dominates this forum. Important note the bottom is completely worthless and will result in nothing getting done. As far as the thread I am loving this game and most everything about it. I've had a few bugs pop up that annoyed me and the combat delay is still rather irritating but it's nothing that I'm not willing to give bioware time to deal with as the story is very compelling, and gives me a reason to roll alts aside from wanting a different playstyle.
  5. Is there a list or some place with a general guide as to what has been filtered out?
  6. Wouldn't I get an error saying it's taken then instead of invalid?
  7. What are they? So far everything I have tried has come up invalid and as I see no guide lines for what is considered valid I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction, the pop up is getting annoying.
  8. I would just settle for not getting a "invalid legacy name" response when I actually use the last name of my character, picked a historical family for the names of my characters, and would love to have the last name of them for each of them but continue to get that stupid error because apparently it's not suppose to be a last name but instead some nick name like "hired gun" or whatever.
  9. Thought you might need a reminder of why you got those keys. It had nothing to do with a war effort, you where getting them to help a goblin feed his greed. Damn don't you feel like the most BA person ever being hired to be a goblins personal poop sifter.
  10. So you are recovering life saving medical supplies vs digging through hell hound poop... Life saving medical supplies vs hell hound poop Medical Supplies vs poop I know you trolls like to grasp at straws but that takes it to a whole new level.
  11. So been hearing a lot about how SWTOR is terrible and seeing people say it doesn't have the wide open feel of a game like WoW which will be the doom of it. Putting aside how much I disagree with that statement I do want to point out the very big thing SWTOR does that I have yet to see any MMO, and definitely not WoW, actually do. It makes you actually feel like an epic hero who's action and decision have impact and value. Ask yourself this. When was the last time you actually looked at your character in WoW and said "damn I feel like a beast." Be honest considering this is the same game that would have your character slayer of Ragnaros, destroyer of C'Thun be less than a level into BC digging through felhound crap. That screams "I am the savior of Azeroth and a hero that shall be remembered for all time" doesn't it. Even if raids where you are suppose to feel like a beast who took down the worst there is to offer you often take a back set to the like of Maive/Tirion/Dragon aspects/etc. This is where SWTOR shines. You're not a random no body cog in the wheel trying to ride the coat tails of the lore characters. You are the one making the decisions that effect peoples lives, you are the one who decides the out come and you are the person people respect and fear/love. You can say what you want about this game, realistically there will be things everyone will love and hate about it. This is what I love about it and this is why I'm here for the long haul.
  12. To quote one of the devs.... "Two words massive cannon, I have it you don't."
  13. Yeah I remember 10 man scholo/black rock/strat/etc. I also remember rep mattering especially if you wanted tanks to give you a honest look considering a good 1-2 deaths and the gold they lost of repairs was out weighing the benefits the run could offer.
  14. The community argument is very valid, just because you don't accept it doesn't change that fact. BTW it's not the spamming in chat that builds the community, and no one is arguing that. It's the reality that as you run the various flash points day in and day out when kept to a single server that you are playing on you are very likely to get the same people a various moments. You learn who is good and who wants to be carried, people learn that you do or don't know what you are doing. If you do know what you are doing people seek to group with you, after all they can since you are on the same server. If you are bad people avoid you leaving you to piss and moan or get better. None of this exists when people are randomly pulled from various servers with damn near no chance to see each other again and it does in fact cripple the community.
  15. Really you never saw anyone develop a reputation from running dungeons or raids? You must be captain oblivious. Hell I remember back during BC posting up a "Retrix and Martyrofsand LFG 3 AoE XX dungeon" and getting very quick responses. You can make the argument that it was because we where both tank and healer and while there is some validity to that there is also validity to the reputation. We both got tells through-out the day asking if we where going to be running anything, we both had our lists of DPS we liked who knew what they where doing and made life easier, we also had **** lists of DPS who didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting into one of our runs again. While not everyone will get a server wide reputation they will still develop when groups are kept on a server only basis and it makes for a much better community when people are appreciated, respected and remembered when they excel and shunned and ostracized when they are *******es or simply refused to learn what they are doing.
  16. Yeah I still plan to be here. While there are some bugs there is nothing deal breaking enough that I am not willing to deal with for a while to give the devs/programmers time to fix it, namely the combat delays.
  17. Replace "eventually" with "SoonTM" and you get WoW...I hear it was able to "cut it" rather well in a competitive market. After all they only had... Rapture Bug last from Ulduar through WoTLK Vanish failing and vanish immuning last from Vanilla to Cata Charge/intercept jumping lasting from the start of the game until a very recent patch Blink still continue to have patching issue pet pathing is still an issue Not sure they ever fixed the pet bugs on Ogrimmar arena Hunter traps and Entrapment, magic effects, effecting rogues with Cloak of Shadows Pets/Guardians following and breaking rogues out of vanish I could go on but really I don't need to. Games don't have to be perfect upon release, and frankly, expecting a company to release and update a game in real time with perfect game play and zero bugs is rather silly. Hell I can still find bugs in big name console games, see Gears of War shield glitching, and they are no where near as complex or involved as this one. As long as they are willing to admit there are issues and work to fix them then I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt. If they, like WoW devs, decide to abuse that though and beat around the bush instead of fixing the issue then no I won't be near as patient as I was with WoW.
  18. Thinking that a single forum thread worth of people is going to accurately represent the +million people playing the game is rather silly. For the record I've been experiencing this as well on both my sniper and my Sorcerer, not sure how noticeable it is for melee but it's been rather aggravating and for a while I thought it was lag, this thread has confirmed for me it isn't.
  19. Only issue I have is there seems to be a constant of me pressing a button watching the cast bar go and then the ability actually triggers 1-2 seconds after the cast bar completes, mean while I can watch everyone elses combat and everything seems to be going smoothly so idk maybe just me.
  20. Eh December here as well. Should be fun getting the invite on the 19 considering I work till 10pm that night
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