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Everything posted by Blighboy

  1. Yeah, it essentially allows them to make the game more varied without adding an entire new class, by making two classes with a very different feel in terms of story and aesthetics. Same reason there are no Republic Agents or Bounty Hunters, or Imperial Smugglers.
  2. This confused me for a while too. It would have been nice if the game gave some sort of explanation for them, like a tooltip that says "requires slicing" (or whatever).
  3. And the alternative is "punishing" players who only do one by making them underlevelled.
  4. I'm on my first character, a Trooper, and this was something I noticed when switching from Act 1 to Act 2. The entire focus of the story just shifts awkwardly and there isn't so much as a reference to the previous half of the game.
  5. I'm fairly sure this is the reason. I seem to remember a few books mentioning (might have been Labyrinth of Evil? Not sure) how as the Clone Wars went on a lot of anti-alien sentiments started to surface, as it was mostly the human loyalists versus the alien separatists, from what the average person could tell. This was likely deliberate on Palpatine's part, and he took advantage of it to help his rise to power. There's no reason to believe he personally hated aliens, at least no more than he hated any one else, he did have a zabrak apprentice after all. Dooku is stated in the RotS novelization to have anti alien sentiments but I don't think that's reflective of Palpatine, especially as Palpatine was already planning to kill Dooku by that point.
  6. Togruta and maybe Chagrian will probably be playable eventually. There are some easy species like Falleen and Zeltron they could add. Nautolan would be nice to see, and may make it due to popularity. If they really want to go above and beyond I'd like to see species like Devaronian, Weequay, Duros and Rodian get added but I'm not counting on it.
  7. I'm fairly sure they no longer care about this, given sith and chiss jedi. Anyway, in terms of races that fit Bioware's "criteria"...Falleen I guess.
  8. A non jedi melee class. There are plenty of vibroweapon wielding NPCs in the game so I don't see why not. Something like maybe a Republic Senate guard and a gladiator. Or alternatively an Imperial Royal Guard and a Republic Guerilla.
  9. And having Jedi fight each other to the death in a huttball arena isn't lorebreaking at all.
  10. Obviously, but that's inconvenient, much like any other workaround. It seems like it would be a simple enough feature to add if they can already do it with crew conversations.
  11. I think it would be nice to have the option to toggle the headslot for cutscenes only, similar to how it disappears when speaking with a member of your crew. While I like my helmet and enjoy seeing my character wearing it, I'd also like to see his face when he talks.
  12. Considering how much damage it does, I assume the gun is discharging some kind of enemy at the enemy when you hit them.
  13. The one thing I got out of this is that OP needs to be more creative with toon names. Other than that, congrats I guess. I'm just levelling my first guy, started playing last week.
  14. Given how many copies were sold and how many subs they then lost, I'd say advertising is the least of their problems. They need to learn how to keep players, not attract them.
  15. While I'm not terribly experienced with MMOs, depending on how they handle F2P it could be a good thing. LotRO supposedly became a huge success upon switching to a free to play model. Though as I heard one person comment, "LotRO was a much better game".
  16. I liked Star Fox as well, but from what I've played of TOR's space missions, they don't really compare. The mechanics used in Star Fox don't really translate well to a Star Wars setting, so we really only get the bare bones of it. If it was similar in nature to say, Rogue Squadron, I'd definitely play it. I loved the hell out of those games.
  17. It's taking ages for me just to log in now, which is an issue if my game crashes in the middle of prepping for a world boss. Which it just did.
  18. I can't be the only one who imagined a caterpillar in trooper armour.
  19. I don't really see why races should have unique hair. Though it would certainly be nice to have more hair. I just want to see bearded aliens.
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