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Everything posted by Enexemander

  1. Interesting. I've never seen it play out that way, personally. Do you have any vids (preferably with commentary / captions) as a guide? I have a 37 op that's tons of fun to play, but I just don't have any designs on competing in the 50 bracket. Anyway, I suppose to talk shop, I don't try to control the operative/scoundrel to that extent. I favor lethality, so I'll break, cover pulse, dots, entrench+20% Shield, and go to town. That gives me more than enough advantage to win a straight up fight, partially because I'm free to use debilitate while I'm entrenched and have the damage reduction. Also, aren't snipers nearly tied with marauders for highest dps of all ACs, and ops are well behind? I feel like a straight up dps race isn't in your favor if you can't interrupt the damage and you don't have a full opener advantage. Obviously all strategies have counters, and it's been interesting to see how you respond to snipers. Most ops don't respond well to that initial break+cc. I can generally get away with break+leg shot+Strafe to cover+entrench and have cover pulse in reserve. There are obviously ways to stop that, but the window is small and I get away it 90% of the time.
  2. Agreed. It's always the 17k health scrub trying to tell everyone how to play at the start of the match, complaining at the end of the match if it's a loss, and last in all relevant criteria on the scoreboard. Generally I put these people on ignore, but some nights I just use chat settings and disable ops chat if I run into too many of them. I wish ignore list was account wide instead of simply character.
  3. It seems to me to be a troll zone for the 12 year olds and the 12 year old at heart. PvP has objectives and a reward for winning. The only reward here is taking joy in being a ***** (usually to your own faction...) So if you're into trolling and being trolled, go do the pvp dailies. If you're not, just skip it. You'll cap out on rep anyway. Plus, you're not going to be able to get the weapons due to the rep cap anyway, so it's not really that big of a deal.
  4. It depends on if you like range or melee, really. A gunslinger fits the bill if you like the class. A shadow can do the same (depending on spec and skill. If you want to beat a marauder on a shadow, you have to play equally as well as your opponent). What you should really do is roll a marauder and/or operative and start pvping with them. Focus on downing sages every chance you get. You'll run into some good ones that will show you how to counter getting attacked by those classes as a sage. Check out Spacebar (also Controlz) videos. They have some great tips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8D_LJigONQ
  5. Eh, not really. With a good sniper you'll only get hidden strike as your opener before they use their break, cover pulse and throw a dot on you. From there you've got the choice to either blow a cooldown and restealth or try walking back up to the sniper. That second option will absolutely get you obliterated so I wouldn't try it. I have a 50 sniper and 50 gunslinger. I respect the few good operatives on Pot5, but I don't fear them. If an op jumps me, I feel like I have more than a fighting chance. Plus I'll mark you so that if you open on anyone else the entire match, I'll swap targets and obliterate you. Since you're an op and *could* be a healer, the rest of the pugs will do the same. The one thing a dps op doesn't want to do is be focused constantly, so it's really a bit of a Pyrrhic Victory even if you do catch me without cooldowns the first time you jump me.
  6. Your link doesn't work. Would you mind fixing it? Thanks.
  7. I remember you from Bondar Crystal. Pretty decent, as I recall. Still got dropped by my sniper on the regular, though
  8. No, because no one would choose to back-fill a warzone.
  9. The ironic thing of course is that the lolsmash spec is a great counter to stun bubbles. Force exhaustion+Blade Storm pops the bubble nearly every time, and occasionally you can pop a bubble with sweep if you're just in the right range (close enough to hit, far enough away to not get stunned). Group wise, it's much better for a smasher to just jump in a clump and burst all the bubbles at once.
  10. First and foremost, you're missing gear. Sharpshooter is all about hitting hard and fast. In recruit gear against war hero+, you're not going to be able to pull that off. Second, Sharpshooter played to its full potential is a control spec. It gets the full duration leg shot and cover pulse. It destroys the accuracy of any melee or ranged attacker for a short duration. For these reasons, it's a very strong team based spec. On the other hand, if you're just solo queuing and want to put up bigger numbers, go dirty fighting until you get the gear to make sharp shooter competitive.
  11. You need to fix whatever that ping noise is that happens every 20 seconds or so.
  12. I watched your latest vid. It's pretty entertaining. I guessed before by the numbers that you were multidotting, and indeed you were. Several instances of not killing someone low and seconds later they get healed to full (including healers). So my critique would be that you're number fluffing but your actual value to a warzone where the other team has healers has to be a bit questionable. I don't mean to be a hater, and I appreciate that you put up these videos. I do like watching them. I just have to ask if this is the most effective way to play a sage?
  13. My sage is level 37. :-p I also think you're confused. I don't have a problem with fighting sorcerers. I have a problem when the entire team is coated with stun bubbles. I'm all for sorcerers having a stun bubble that only works on them.
  14. I tend to set goals for myself for a match, or even for a whole day of matches. As an example, I noticed recently that my fighting ability when caught out of stealth on my operative wasn't quite up to par. I spent the next match never going into stealth and working on my non-stealth rotation. I worked out some kinks and thought of some new tricks, and now my game is that much better. On my mercenary, I made it a point to never be caught out of position- close enough to heal my teammates but also close to a los object. That way I don't get piled on when people realize the guy shooting snot rockets might be a better target than the tank they're wailing on. Sometimes it's more simple things, like making sure an ability gets used on cooldown. You get orbital strike late in the game, so I didn't have much practice with it on my sniper when I first get 50. I noticed I wasn't using it enough, so I devoted a lot of matches to using it absolutely on cooldown. I got a feel then for what is a good and bad place to use it. Right now I have a friend that plays a sage with my gunslinger. We're working on class synergy and I devote a game or two every time we play to just peeling melee off him and don't sweat the numbers. Check out this video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=248Jvx24_1Y . That was my inspiration. I want to get to this level with my friend. Bonus for me was finding out that Controlz plays on my server (POT5). This is how I play Real Time Strategy Games, and it was just kind of natural for me to play PvP this way. I know I'm getting better because I'm specifically working on a skill or very particular set of skills (queue Liam Neeson). My team may not win, and my numbers may not be great, but that's not how I judge success. When I accomplished what I set out to do? That's success, and that's getting better.
  15. I saw someone do this today and then promptly run right off the edge to his death. I was smiling about it, so I guess I wasn't too bothered. Still a bonehead thing to do though.
  16. If only it were *one* stun. It's constant stuns, and it has half the resolve of dirty kick (with I believe the same stun duration?). It's broken. "They think it don't be like it is, but it do."
  17. I already have a max level gunslinger in full War Hero. Bioware wants me to play a ranged class? Okay, I'll play a ranged class. Screw me for trying to diversify and have fun in melee, right?
  18. What does that have to do with sentinels and bubble stuns? o.0
  19. You may be surprised to learn that sentinels don't get the 4 second cc immunity on leap. Shocking, I know!
  20. That was my normal gameplan. Get a hit or two in and then step back and blade storm. Doesn't help when they can just click the bubble off the first time I close and don't have any focus. Or they've already taken a hit on the bubble and it pops as soon as I hit them, or the duration just wears out at an unlucky time. Or a bubble pops on a different target that just happened to be near me. It's just really, really silly.
  21. Which is kind of ironic, since the bubble stun change was mainly put in to counter smashers.
  22. Line of sight my lethality sniper all day long. You'll still be feeling my dots as I swap targets and burn down your teammates. I'd say the same about pyro... but yeah, merc dps
  23. Oh don't worry, I'm letting the hate flow through me. I can see you gents are already gulping down the haterade way ahead of me. Good for you :-p
  24. Well, I'm retiring my sentinel until this gets removed. So I heartily disagree that Bubble Stun doesn't need a nerf. It does, and *badly*.
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