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Everything posted by PennyAnn

  1. Um not to sound rude but let’s just say that they did offer this content again but without all the other stuff like the hk cosmetic stuff early access to the chapters that was being released and 3 yrs to play it all you want so all that y’all received during that time wouldn’t that make it an exclusive reward for y’all. So why do you feel entitled to another reward? But your right they should never ever release story content like this again. And all the long time subs need to also understand that it’s not just y’all anymore there are new players, returning players etc... that deserve a chance to play every story that is in this game. It’s not hurting anyone to let others enjoy something that y’all enjoyed. It will not effect your game in anyway. ======================================================================= I think you misunderstand me. I don't mean to say that I'm "entitled to another reward" so much as when you "reward subscribers" with something for being a subscriber, you should reward ALL OF YOUR SUBSCRIBERS. And some of those people already have this reward, so it would be giving them nothing in the way of thanks. Don't promote a "subscriber reward" if you aren't rewarding everybody. It's kinda doubly crummy when they do this because it punishes the people who were subscribed then AND now just because they already earned this reward. See what I mean? I have absolutely zero issue with giving others a way to earn access to this stuff. I just don't like it when they call it a "subscriber reward" but only reward the subscribers who don't have this yet, leaving the long time subscribers (who they should REALLY be thanking for staying through some of the worst content drought in an MMO) without anything for STILL being a subscriber. What I'm suggesting is that they think of ALL subscribers. Give access to those that don't have these rewards, just make sure you give rewards to loyal customers who were already given these for subscribing earlier, too. Then EVERYBODY wins. .
  2. This whole post is +1 for me, but the part that is most important is that last sentence. Bioware: You are never going to make everyone happy. You just aren't. Not only in this regard, but in any regard. But you know this. As a constant subscriber from launch to about the middle of last year, I have received ALL subscriber rewards. I have not missed a single one. I do not in any way begrudge someone else the ability to earn rewards that were offered in the past. I've had them and enjoyed them for ages, and it is absolutely no problem to share that same enjoyment with people who were not playing the game at the time. Options as I see it: 1. Never EVER offer subscriber rewards a second time ever again. Yes, you've already done that previously, but set a hard line rule: Once it's offered, you won't ever be able to earn it again no matter what. Publish this rule, make posts about the decision here, on Reddit, on Twitter, in Discord channels, wherever you can to put the word out and then stick to it. There will always be people who ask, but at least there will be a policy in place that will hopefully keep the kvetching to a minimum because it would be clear: Sub rewards and exclusive offers will never return, and if you missed it, then we're sorry but we cannot go back on this policy. 2. Offer the same promotion during a similar window of "down time" while players are waiting for new content. If you had done that with HK and this chapter and figured out a way to offer that to people to enjoy over the summer while they are waiting for the new expansion, it would have been GREAT! It's too late for that now, but that doesn't mean there won't be similar large gaps in content development that could be filled/relieved at least a little by adding this story chapter for people to play through. Just change the dates on the original requirements, and let people do the same thing we did back in the day to get it. As mentioned in other posts though, this should include ALL of the sub rewards we earned for staying subbed that long (HK gear, weapons, etc). 3. Offer the chapter for sale on the cartel market or earned by some other method, but the story content does not award the companions or other rewards that came with it. Instead, you play through the story and end it in the same state as you started it (no extra companions). 4. Make it possible for anyone to reclaim HK from the terminal on Odessen. No matter what you do with the rest of this, I think this should just be the case. You can reclaim other companions that were killed in the story from the terminal, HK should be no exception (I also feel that Darth Marr and any other companions that you lose after their death in the story should be able to be claimed from the terminal as well). We have enough companions that one more will make literally no difference, so why not? Offering access to the chapter and then separately making HK reclaimable on the Odessen terminal to any/all who have played through those chapters of KotFE should really just be a thing, in my opinion. Anyone who cries over things being "exclusive" and other people having access to it "ruining it" for them is being selfish. I believe that finding a way to offer this chapter/companions/etc. will make FAR MORE players happy than it will make long term subscribers mad. Even so, offering those who have already earned HK some type of compensation/recognition would be nice. Bottom line: I don't care if you reward current subs with previous sub rewards, but you only reward NEW subs if you don't offer something to your long time subscribers that already earned these rewards. Don't ignore your LONG TERM CUSTOMERS to reward newcomers. It's not a good look. .
  3. Removing your payment details so that you cannot be billed for the next month will work to cancel your subscription as well. .
  4. The problem with this is that for every single voice line, they now have to record it twice, once if someone is the "Commander" and once for someone who does not want to be called "Commander" (even though they are still the Commander of the Alliance). Double the work for something that isn't incorrect anywhere but in your head cannon. I can appreciate what you are saying, but just seriously doubt they will double their voice over work load in order to split hairs like this. Can't hurt to ask, I suppose... but just seems like something that would require time and money that might be better spent elsewhere (like bug fixing!). .
  5. This is a valid point, legacy bank space is at a premium. You cannot keep your crafting mats AND your legacy gear in there for example because there is not room for both. And if you have one or the other of either (mats or legacy gear), then you have very little else there and it's a shame! I would suggest NOT adding tabs to the legacy bank itself, as it is already SUPER SLOW to open/load. What I would suggest is an Armor Set storage that is separate. It can be a part of collections, once you have unlocked a set bonus item you can reclaim it on any of your characters for instance. Or it can be a place of physical storage, an "Armor Locker" that works just like the legacy bank does. Either way, I think the storage issue will definitely need to be something you all consider in the mix, please and thank you! .
  6. Oh, come on. They are asking for feedback. If they designed the system without asking, you'd be on them about never listening to the players. Hopefully this post was tongue in cheek, not serious, and you were just joking? .
  7. I've had that playable race in my head cannon since 2011! I also had really high hopes that the disguise decorations that allow you to become a Hutt might include a little something (not lightsabers or mounts, obviously... but let me do a little something at least!). Oh well. It will always be an awesome part of the head cannon I have for this game. And I do understand that everyone's tastes will mean that people want something they prefer and it will always clash with what OTHER people prefer and then clash again with whatever is actually put into the game. This is human nature. However, if you want to be a truly happy person and be content with your life, lesson #1 is: Be happy with what you have instead of unhappy with what you don't have. .
  8. I would love to suggest that since they are not releasing the expansion until September that they could focus all patches between now and then on bug fixes and have their cake and eat it, too. Problem is, I do not think there are enough people with enough knowledge of the code to do this. I think that they seriously struggle with the spaghetti that is the game's code such that the amount of content and the amount of bugs new content introduces will likely always go hand in hand. Keith pretty much said so at Cantina. It's just how it is, unfortunately. It's a mess that they can't clean up entirely, so we will have to just accept that there are some bugs that will remain forever. Hopefully they will be able to fix the companion bugs and things that greatly affect the game play, and the players will be able to accept that they won't be getting a perfectly bug-free game (which you won't get anyplace else, either). There are several posts by Kryptonomic, mainly in the thread started by Ylliarus about the petition to revitalize SWTOR (found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=959696) that I think explain very well why we are in the position we are in with SWTOR and the developers. I've come to accept his logic as the most likely scenario over there: They don't have enough staff to do what they need to do, and even when they do the 7+ year old code base will cause problems/bugs. So bottom line, to answer your question "But what about all the bugs?"... Answer = learn to live with them, report them, hope that they will be fixed, but have no expectations in that regard. .
  9. Play the game. Enjoy the game. If you wish to improve your gear and you are below item level 248, then the Command system will help you improve what you have. It won't be the best in the game, but it will be better than what you currently have and might help you with some of the more difficult content for you, even if it isn't the most difficult content in the game. If your characters are already full 248 geared, then the command system is just a way for you to gather unassembled components to exchange 252/258 gear for improvements. No matter what you do about gear, it is ALL USELESS at some point, when they change the system or upgrade the gear tiers, or progress the game by adding new content and new gear in any way. This has always been the case though, it's how an MMO works. You work hard to get a set of gear and it becomes obsolete in the next expansion. This is not new. There is nothing to panic over, this is how it works. Legacy gear is always useful because you can use it on more than one character. That won't change. And they announced at Cantina that the new gear system will be legacy friendly as well. Bottom line: Play the game. Enjoy the game. 100% of the gear you have now will become outdated when new gear tiers and systems are added, but this has always been the case. Unless you are doing the hardest content in the game (Master Mode) or are doing ranked PvP then the gear level doesn't matter as much... but either way it will eventually be replaced by new gear because that's just how it works. .
  10. "Nautolans? Cool. But here's a list of a thousand other races that would be impossible to make work with animations and armor sets that I want..." Even the title of the thread is asking for something else. How about you all be a little grateful that we have a new race coming at all before you start issuing your demands for what you want next. Geez. .
  11. I have to agree with Dewlmenow - the story in SWTOR being fully voiced WAS the thing that set it apart from others, but they have been putting in so little of even that lately that Final Fantasy and WoW have both run circles around SWTOR in recent years. There is more story in a small content patch at WoW than there has been in SWTOR for the last two years... and not only that but lots of threads of story everywhere in the main storyline, the war campaign, etc. Final Fantasy also has great story, even if it isn't all voice acted the way SWTOR is. I love SWTOR also - but they just plain have not put enough effort into the game and have not produced enough NEW CONTENT in the last few years to be anything special. Reworking gearing systems for the billionth time is not content. When you have to play through 6 and 7 year old content to get that new gear, or are limited to the ONE new planet and have to stick to repeating the same dailies and world boss kills for months as the only way to get gear... it's nothing to brag about. Many games have been doing all of this much better than SWTOR. I hope Onslaught will prove to be the return of decent sized content releases, AT LEAST once per year. That's really kind of the minimum for me to pay $180 in subscription fees and feel like I'm getting my money's worth. The little updates are fine and all, but are absolutely NOT a replacement for a good, old-fashioned, meaty expansion that takes more than 20 minutes to play through completely. I think those that are making specific lists of what you want in the game are dreaming. You must realize that they are likely not capable of going beyond the scope of what they have announced. Giving feedback about those items specifically is probably a good idea, but proposing a whole slew of other stuff they need to do in 6.0 is just setting yourself up to be disappointed, honestly. However, new open world/non-instanced planets (Onderon, Mek-sha), a Flashpoint on Corellia, an Operation in another new location (I suspect Dxun will be instanced to operation-only) and a storyline for Imp and Republic that is separate for factions/saboteurs, PLUS a new playable character species is more than I thought we'd see from SWTOR this year and I'll be glad to be pleasantly surprised if we get even more than that in little updates here and there in between. All of this sounds good, but I will not be holding out any hope until after it is in the game, didn't break 80% of the rest of the game upon implementation, and isn't over in the blink of an eye leaving us all to wait another year (or three) for more to come. I also kinda hope there won't be nothing new added to the game between now and then, because adding all of that to the smidgen of content we've gotten this year so far adds up to be a little... lacking. As I've said before, I'm from Missouri: The Show Me State. Show me, and I will believe. I will sing your praises, even. The increase in communication around here has been good. Let's see if it stays that way while they "ask for feedback" on yet ANOTHER major overhaul to the gearing system. But I'll at least give them a chance to get it right before I say anything else about it. Show me, Bioware! .
  12. Thanks, Lhance! I'm only a forum lurker at this point. I came back around to check out Ossus and the new storyline, but I'm not willing to risk wading into companion bugs and other issues. I suppose I will check them out at some point, likely when I get finished playing through the new content that recently went in for WoW. I have been quite happily leveling characters there from all the new races they have put in the game since I started playing there (6 brand new races, to be exact - and that's fun!). For SWTOR, I guess I will be wandering off again until 6.0 quite likely, but I still keep an eye on these forums and hope for improvements to a game I've loved for a long time. Mainly bug fixes so I'm not concerned about losing companions I worked hard to gain influence with, etc. just for starting the new story and skipping KotFE/ET (which I have zero desire to slog through ever again). The skip mechanic was a very good idea, but like lots of things here, it was not implemented well and resulted in bugs that have outweighed the excitement of new story. I am very happy for the players of this game to see so many gold posts, especially from new faces that I think will help really change the tide of communication. No one has built up any anger for Daniel or Mike yet, so I feel like there is less push back from the jump at what they have to say, just because we haven't been shaking our fists at them (specifically) to talk to us and quit being silent on important issues here on the OFFICIAL FORUMS. I don't know if this game will ever return to its heyday, but seeing some signs that it isn't circling the drain quite as rapidly as we all feared bodes well. Hope you are well! Thanks for the shout out. =) .
  13. This is 100% assumption on your part. It's not a far fetched assumption really, but it is still an assumption. There IS a need for clarification on this, and I'm far from the only one asking for it. It is a major change to the gearing system and just as you are sure that there is only one purpose to it, I'm pretty sure there are more reasons than just "pump the metrics and make ourselves look good". Besides, it only works to bump player activity when people don't quit the game due to how difficult it is to gear the multitude of characters we've always been encouraged to make and create and play within the legacy system of this game. When you make a change that throws the legacy system out the window, and changes the gearing system so drastically after it being more or less the same for 7 years of the game's life... it should probably come with at least a few words of explanation from the developers (beyond "this was intended"). Also, Musco said we would be talking about gearing. So... let's do that. Starting with an explanation of how this tier of gear fits into the scheme of things going forward. They spent over an entire calendar year "fixing" the Galactic Command system and got it to a decent place in terms of gearing alts and tamping down the RNG just to turn around and make all of it a moot point. They talked about how they couldn't put out much content during that time because fixing that system was their priority. We've been withering on the vine while they fix a system that they then obliterated? That doesn't make any sense, and absolutely DOES beg the question: "Why?". So with all due respect, you may think you have it figured out... but I would rather not assume. They are the planners and the game makers, and I would prefer to hear from them regarding the facts vs. the assumptions of the peanut gallery. If you don't mind, please don't tell them that they don't have to explain it to us because you've got it all figured out. Because I'm not sure you do (until I hear them say: "He's 100% right, this is the only reason this was changed so drastically compared to the previous 7 years of game play). All the same, I'd rather hear it from them. Thanks. .
  14. This is part of what you need to keep doing to really, truly change the "lack of communication" problem that has been part of this game since near the start. So, for that THANK YOU, ERIC! It really does go a long way when you show that yes indeed, you are still active in threads you started asking for Feedback. Still not quite enough to overcome some of the inclination for long-time feedbackers to trust that things are different, but keep it up. Showing instead of telling will win the day, here... and this is a sign you understand that. One more hint: As Dasty and others have pointed out, there are still some MAJOR topics, particularly around gearing, that are not being talked about and we need to know why. Why won't you tell us the reason behind making such a major change to gearing like locking mods/enhancements down so tightly? I can't even use a barrel from my Operative's offhand in my Scoundrel's offhand because they are different weapon types. This is a roadblock in using legacy gear, it makes gearing and playing alts more time consuming and we the players do not understand why you would do this to your game. Why won't you address the future of the Galactic Command system as a whole? You ask about UCs, but then say nothing about the fact that 5.10 pretty much made GC a non-entity in gearing up. Will we go back to GC at some point? Is this tier of gear just some one-off system? Gearing in your game is a pretty big deal. You should be talking about these things alongside the discussions about PvP and win-trading (important!), and the other topics that you, and especially Daniel and Mike have been responding to here. Dasty's post pretty much says the same thing, and probably better than I can here. Bottom line: Improved communication from you guys is very appreciated, and we request that you just expand that now to more discussion topics that matter, like gearing and the gearing system. Thanks for reading, listening, and responding! .
  15. This quote could be applied to so many people who post here wanting the game to be exactly what they want, play exactly how they want, and for everyone (including the developers) to make the game 100% about them. I got a good chuckle out of it, Kodrac! Thanks. And no, you should NOT force change anyone's name with special characters in it. That ship has sailed. Learn to cut and paste like everyone else does with names with special characters. .
  16. While what you say is true, I would just point out that all anyone CAN do is speculate, because Bioware are silent on the future of the game. They mention an "elusive 6.0" expansion, but then say nothing else about anything else that's coming up if it isn't in the very next patch. No road map. No idea of when anything will come other than the in-game "events" that have been happening every other week for years. I would suggest to them that if they'd even HINT about what else was being worked on, it would make it seem a lot less like nothing much is. The increased communication is great. Absolutely. Just pair that with some real information + some actual reaction to the feedback from us that they keep asking for, and it might be a lot less cringey and whiney around here among the disgruntled (barring the few that will never be happy no matter what). .
  17. The Good: Happy to see anything new added to SWTOR. Hope that the things they add don't break 10 other things, for the sake of those that are still trying to play and enjoy this game. Happy to see increased communication from developers, and even Eric is posting more often! I hope they will continue with the improved communication around here, it is more than a little overdue. The Bad: The reason so many people are complaining here about every little thing is that SWTOR has a fairly sizable community of dissatisfied players. Some of us who were here from launch, vocal on the forums, and community members became dissatisfied enough to leave SWTOR. So far, very little about the way SWTOR is being developed is encouraging people to come back. Yes, the addition of guild heraldry is a nice little addition that I'm sure those who run guilds or participate in guilds will enjoy. But I have to agree that nearly 7 1/2 years into development to be adding these things for guilds seems like an almost afterthought. I'm sure the 30 guilds that are big enough to enjoy guild leveling and the guild perks are doing so, but the world of SWTOR has been designed to be their oyster. Not a big mega-guild? Then I'm sorry to say that here is just another "update" that will be a blip on the radar for you as you wait, and wait, and wait for something significant to be added that will take more than a half hour to complete before you're "out of new content" again. Adding 15 minutes of new content and story is great and all, but you have to do it more often than twice a year if you're going to do the "small batches of content" method and ask people to pay monthly for this game. This fall it will have been THREE YEARS since there was a sizable expansion. Sorry, but for most people in the gaming sphere, that's just too long. Especially when you are asking them to pay money every month for the privilege of waiting for something to do in your game. No one telling people here to "calm down" can deny that this game's content release rate is abysmal. I'm sorry, but compared to just about every other subscription based game out there, IT IS CONTENT STARVED. And not just one type of content... ALL TYPES. Nothing that they are doing (yet) is alleviating that feeling for people that still play, attracting old players to return, or keeping long-time players here and playing. That is the reason nothing is good enough for a lot of people, and the reason the game continues to shrink and decline. And don't even get me started on the fact that much of what gets added to the game here is a change to an existing system, not something truly new. That doesn't help either. Add to this that things like new gear grinds without enough new content to grind on results in burn-out city, and you have where we are right now. Ossus is great, I'm told. But it isn't enough to support the very lengthy gear grind they have laid out to busy people until "the elusive 6.0" (as Musco himself called it) arrives. Too much grind, too little new stuff. This is a balance they used to get right back in the days of 2.0, and 3.0 in particular, but have forgotten how to manage. So while it seems a little "nit-picky" to bash this update and argue over whether or not it is "enough to be considered an update", I totally get why the nits are being picked. The bottom line is that very little in the development cycle of this game for the last few years has been even satisfactory for any group of SWTOR players... such that when they proudly trot out a little teeny bit of quality of life that, while nice, probably should have been added years ago and pat themselves on the back for it... most people feel like: "Is this all?" We've been asking "Is this all?" for too long. It's time for a change, Developers. More frequent "updates" of this size (small) - like every other month frequency at least! Or, roll up your sleeves and put out an actual expansion. Quit taking so much time to add little bits and pieces. More speed or more substance are required from you now. Just as more communication on the forums are required from you now. Too many years have passed without the bare minimum for too many people. In fact, the last time I was "excited" about upcoming SWTOR content was when discussion of returning to the old model of open world planet based daily areas (Iokath, at the time) was happening. In a live-stream from the developers. That used to take place frequently! Back when the last real surge of subscription-paying players happened. Do something to change the trajectory of player retention, and something that will entice long-time supporters to come back and play your game again. There won't be anybody more loudly singing your praises if you do, I can promise you that. Until then, nice job on the Guild Heraldry system. I think a lot of us would be happier about it if we hadn't spent the last few years watching the guilds we built fade into nothingness as guild members left SWTOR for other games due to lack of significant content updates. .
  18. Here is some feedback from a player who can't find a reason to come back and play this game right now (but would really like to!): 1. Fix the bugs. More clearly state what is intended and why, and what is a bug (we can no longer use patch notes as a qualifier because the patch notes are typically not complete down to every detail). 2. I realize this thread is only about UCs and how we want them to work in 6.0, but the fix the bugs thing is so important for you to do that I am going to repeat it. Bug Fixes should be both your #1 and #2 priority right now. Discussions should be happening around what you are going to do to get the game into better shape BEFORE 6.0. 3. Unassembled Components work great, they just need to be a legacy currency on the currency tab so that they do not have to be stored or moved around from character to character and could be used like other legacy-wide currencies on the currency tab. 4. Get rid of all other currencies with relation to gear and only keep UCs. Make UCs the thing you pretty much buy everything with (AFTER moving it to the currency tab and keeping them legacy-wide). 5. Do not force people to play certain areas of content, and only those areas to aquire the latest gear. It invalidates too much of the content of your game, and as you guys are not into producing new CONTENT very frequently, you really cannot afford to do it this way (like Ossus). It needs to be earned in a more game-wide fashion both in content and in play style (PvE, PvP, Group, Solo, etc.). 6. Do not keep mods and enhancements locked to slots or specific pieces of gear. Your game was built around flexibility with alts and legacies and so much of what you've done over the last year or two has ruined the spirit of that. Go back to being able to customize MORE about your game, not less. Gear, Companions, Companion role in your story (let us choose! We have a cast of literally thousands!). Make it easier to gear alts and you'll have people in the game for longer, enjoying it more, and spending more money. Who doesn't want more money? Give me a reason to give you my money. There used to be lots of reasons, and I did it every month plus cartel purchases for YEARS. But you've changed too much about what I liked about the game in ways that make me not really care about playing anymore. I have provided the above feedback because you have done what we have asked: been here on the forums and having discussions with us about what's going on. As long as this continues, I will take your promises to improve communication seriously and try to do my part to say helpful things to you guys from the vantage point of a long time player who subbed since launch right up until about a year ago. I want the game to improve enough and be attractive enough to return to play there. There are things that I sorely miss, but too many of the changes (conquest, gearing, legacy building, crafting and in particular conquest crafting) took away things I used to love about this game, and things that used to make it unique to other MMOs. Go back to your strengths and revert some of the changes back to the way things used to work, please. Those were good times and would be something I'd return to the game to play again and again. Thank you for (hopefully) reading and considering this feedback. There's lots more where this came from, but it's been awhile since there was true discussion on these topics (two ways), so I don't want to inundate you with everything I think about the game, when all you asked about were UCs. We have a lot to talk about though, because it's been awhile. Thanks for keeping your word and lighting up the dev tracker with yellow posts. It's been too quiet around here for too long, and the change is noticeable and refreshing. .
  19. For me, I don't expect anything negative before it happens, I'm just basing my expectations on their previous behavior with regard to this topic, which has been a problem from near the very beginning. See, the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior, and just basing my expectations on their past behavior means that I think this is just talk. Now, your point stands. We are asking for more talk and it's rude to bash him when he gives us something that we are asking for... I agree. But what will make this time different is when they actually FOLLOW UP on their promises of what they WANT to do vs. what they WILL do. This is fixable. But not by us. We've been trying that for too long. It's up to them now. ACT, don't just talk. Be present on the forums, in the discussions, here with those of us who still bother to read this stuff once in awhile. Most of us are very long-term players with a passionate interest in the game succeeding and continuing. Engage with us. Talk to us more than to just promise how things are going to be instead of how they ARE right now. Answer simple, repeated concerns and questions about the game's development. Don't make us feel like second class citizens because we don't stream or blog about your game. None of this can be done by us. We've done what we can. It's Bioware's turn to stop talking about it and make it so. That we do not expect this to happen isn't negativity: it's experience. .
  20. There is a ton of great feedback about feedback in this thread. There are lots of familiar names here who have genuinely been posting for the good of this game for YEARS. It breaks my heart to see such reasonable feedback, about feedback that I know will be ignored. The post on Friday on the way out the door and let the thread get too long for you to want to respond over the weekend tactic is tired. Seen it too many times. Fooled me once, shame on you. I've quit believing that you actually mean any of this "we'll do better" because you keep saying it, and never actually DO IT. We can name exactly ONE TIME among those years that the developers interacted with people's suggestions on the PTS and made changes to the Rishi Stronghold. I was glad to see the developers actually listen to the forums in this instance, but was disappointed that it meant that the whole reason you made the stronghold in the first place (the PvP focus) remained buggy and non-working so that an apartment could be added to appease decorators. But that ship has sailed. It is still the one and only time we can point to in seven years that feedback was heard, responded to, and acted upon. Once. I wanted to come back to this game and play through 5.10, but I refuse to do so until you fix the bugs that continue to plague the patch. I am not willing to sacrifice companions that I spent vast amounts of time, money, and energy raising influence with due to the bugs you cannot seem to fix (or even acknowledge half the time). Why did I spend so much time raising the influence of so many companions? For crafting. Now you've obliterated that entire system. Particularly when it comes to Conquest crafting. But I've already given you tons of feedback on that system that you've asked for and ignored, and I'm not going to repeat that fruitless effort. I'm from Missouri. The "Show Me State". And I'm sorry to say that I just don't believe the words you've written here because I've heard them before and it changed nothing. You're gonna have to SHOW ME. Do your job. Manage the Community. At least interact with the community more than once every couple of weeks with short, drive-by posts made on a Friday afternoon as you exit the building. Time to prove it. In the meantime, I will be playing other games and hoping you all do better for the remaining players than you have previously. I will be watching for actual "discussion" here, and signs of feedback being at least heard if not acted upon. You've gotten lots of simple, effective ways to solve this problem suggested to you in this thread already. Ball is in your court now. Give me a reason to return to this game. Give the players who are hanging on by a thread here a reason to stay. Act like it matters. You would be surprised how far a little interaction with the forums would go. It's not that hard to do, you just have to want to do it (instead of just talking about doing it). .
  21. Dulfy was never a part of the influencer program. That is why it is a joke to me and always will be. .
  22. The SWTOR influencer program is a complete joke for one reason: Dulfy isn't an influencer. Dulfy is probably the person who has provided the MOST information about the game for the longest period of time of anyone on the planet. As long as Dulfy isn't an influencer, the whole SWTOR program is a sham, IMHO. But it's really awesome to know that they have access to the developers that the rest of us don't. Perhaps that is where all of the "increased communication" that Keith and others keep promising and failing to deliver is happening about this game, because it sure the heck isn't on the forums that the player base can read/access. Communication here has always been bad, but since Keith's arrival it is down right abysmal. I am not sure that SWTOR actually DOES deserve a revival so much as it deserves a decent burial so that those who keep getting their hearts broken over this game can finally move on and quit setting themselves up for the perpetual disappointment that caring about this game delivers. .
  23. Just to note: Bioware did NOT say they would fix the issues with set bonuses not matching with older sets. They said only that it was not intended. There has been absolutely no promise to fix any of this mess, and if you will notice, almost zero discussion of the problems even. They are being quiet as a crypt about the disaster of bugs that was 5.10. The main reason I believe is because they cannot figure out how to fix it. The game's code contains so much spaghetti of overlapping bits combined with a skeleton developer team working on it that this will likely remain the case. Perhaps they will figure it out, but I'm not going to hold my breath and suggest that no one else do that either. There are lots of things Bioware didn't intend to happen or change, and more and more of those things will likely remain in the game, as fixing them tends to break 10 other unrelated things, causing all those interns on loan from Anthem too many headaches to bother. .
  24. This game is likely to continue on in it's current state until one of three things happens: 1. The contract giving them the rights to produce Star Wars content ends (I think, the most likely scenario), which is a few years down the road. EA will, I'm sure, be quite happy to quit paying royalties for an IP they have done tragically little with and instead focus on their own properties, like Anthem. OR 2. There are not enough people willing to pay real money on the Cartel Market for the latest shiny things (the only steady stream of "content" this game will get over the rest of it's lifetime). Once it quits being profitable enough, EA will absolutely 100% shut it down. The dollars coming in vs. the dollars being spent are the only reason this MMO still exists. Sadly, there are a bare bones minimum amount of dollars being invested in the game, so the amount of Cartel Market sales required to make it profitable are not a high bar to clear, and there are no end of people who are willing to fork out $50 real life dollars for a single lightsaber or mount. But when that ends, so will this game. Guaranteed. OR 3. EA gets the rug pulled out from under them by Disney, who are definitely not happy about the way they have handled the IP. I think this is pretty unlikely, due to the red tape that would be associated with forcing them to shut down the games they have running, and development of other games in the works... but it isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility. It's just the least likely result, if you ask me. So the bottom line is this: Play the game or don't. You might enjoy it for what it is, and you might not. Nothing is guaranteed in this life. Spend $15 and see what you think. If you like it, keep spending $15 and keep playing while the game is around to be played. No one can tell you anything more than that, or make any type of promise or guarantee about it further. It's pretty much on you to decide for yourself. For those that have been here since the beginning, the complete lackluster development and semi-maintenance mode content pace is just not enough. Couple that with bugs upon bugs and many (like myself) have and will move on to other games. The population of the game currently is at it's smallest since it launched. That doesn't mean it's not playable though... just a lot tougher to find people to play it with sometimes, depending on what server you choose. But if you are a brand new player and have not played through the class stories from Vanilla, those are still the best quality content this game has to offer. It's just that they are 7 years old now. But if you are a new player to that content, then when they went into the game doesn't matter. EA will not be making big investments into this game. Those days are gone. They are looking forward, and this game is in sunset mode. They will add bits here and there with the hope that they will continue to profit on this title, but do not expect anything grand at this point in the game's life or I fear you are only setting yourself up to be disappointed. .
  25. This is the best, most reasonable, least toxic response to the OP in the thread, IMHO. It explains in a perfectly rational way exactly why you see so much negativity on the forums. All of this boils down to an utter LACK of communication on the part of the developers, generally speaking... and Eric Musco, specifically speaking. Musco is the "Community Relations" person, yet he is often absent from the forums for a week or more, and will respond to the first 8 or 10 posts in a thread, but once it goes beyond that he is silent. Responses to important questions, like one of the most major changes to gearing in the game's history (locking mods/enhancements) came after the fact, despite lots of reasonable posts on the forums for PTS, with plenty of time to discuss/change before this went live. They were silent. Then the only response we got was "this was intended". Sorry, but the player base here is not self-defeating. This is not a one way street of blame. It is true that people should be mindful to be constructive and not toxic when they post here, but not everybody will play by those rules. Those are not the majority here anyway. Bioware developers get paid whether they like our feedback or not, and hurt feelings resulting in not working on the game is grounds for being fired outright. I'm pretty sure that's not at all what is happening. But I am pretty certain that the deaf ear is turned in many cases when it comes to feedback the developers do not want to hear. Even if they asked for it. .
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